from gfpgan import GFPGANer from logging import getLogger from os import path from PIL import Image from realesrgan import RealESRGANer from typing import Optional from ..params import ( ImageParams, StageParams, UpscaleParams, ) from ..utils import ( run_gc, ServerContext, ) from .upscale_resrgan import ( load_resrgan, ) import numpy as np logger = getLogger(__name__) last_pipeline_instance = None last_pipeline_params = None def load_gfpgan(ctx: ServerContext, upscale: UpscaleParams, upsampler: Optional[RealESRGANer] = None): global last_pipeline_instance global last_pipeline_params if upsampler is None: bg_upscale = upscale.rescale(upscale.outscale) upsampler = load_resrgan(ctx, bg_upscale) face_path = path.join(ctx.model_path, '%s.pth' % (upscale.correction_model)) if last_pipeline_instance != None and face_path == last_pipeline_params:'reusing existing GFPGAN pipeline') return last_pipeline_instance logger.debug('loading GFPGAN model from %s', face_path) # TODO: find a way to pass the ONNX model to underlying architectures gfpgan = GFPGANer( model_path=face_path, upscale=upscale.outscale, arch='clean', channel_multiplier=2, bg_upsampler=upsampler) last_pipeline_instance = gfpgan last_pipeline_params = face_path run_gc() return gfpgan def correct_gfpgan( ctx: ServerContext, _stage: StageParams, _params: ImageParams, source_image: Image.Image, *, upscale: UpscaleParams, upsampler: Optional[RealESRGANer] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Image.Image: if upscale.correction_model is None: logger.warn('no face model given, skipping') return source_image'correcting faces with GFPGAN model: %s', upscale.correction_model) gfpgan = load_gfpgan(ctx, upscale, upsampler=upsampler) output = np.array(source_image) _, _, output = gfpgan.enhance( output, has_aligned=False, only_center_face=False, paste_back=True, weight=upscale.face_strength) output = Image.fromarray(output, 'RGB') return output