from collections import defaultdict from functools import cmp_to_key from glob import glob from logging import getLogger from os import path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union import torch from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate from ..image import ( # mask filters; noise sources mask_filter_gaussian_multiply, mask_filter_gaussian_screen, mask_filter_none, noise_source_fill_edge, noise_source_fill_mask, noise_source_gaussian, noise_source_histogram, noise_source_normal, noise_source_uniform, source_filter_canny, source_filter_depth, source_filter_face, source_filter_gaussian, source_filter_hed, source_filter_mlsd, source_filter_noise, source_filter_none, source_filter_normal, source_filter_openpose, source_filter_scribble, source_filter_segment, ) from ..models.meta import NetworkModel from ..params import DeviceParams from ..torch_before_ort import get_available_providers from ..utils import load_config, merge from .context import ServerContext logger = getLogger(__name__) # config caching config_params: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, int, str]]] = {} # pipeline params highres_methods = [ "bilinear", "lanczos", "upscale", ] mask_filters = { "none": mask_filter_none, "gaussian-multiply": mask_filter_gaussian_multiply, "gaussian-screen": mask_filter_gaussian_screen, } noise_sources = { "fill-edge": noise_source_fill_edge, "fill-mask": noise_source_fill_mask, "gaussian": noise_source_gaussian, "histogram": noise_source_histogram, "normal": noise_source_normal, "uniform": noise_source_uniform, } platform_providers = { "cpu": "CPUExecutionProvider", "cuda": "CUDAExecutionProvider", "directml": "DmlExecutionProvider", "rocm": "ROCMExecutionProvider", "tensorrt": "TensorRTExecutionProvider", } source_filters = { "canny": source_filter_canny, "depth": source_filter_depth, "face": source_filter_face, "gaussian": source_filter_gaussian, "hed": source_filter_hed, "mlsd": source_filter_mlsd, "noise": source_filter_noise, "none": source_filter_none, "normal": source_filter_normal, "openpose": source_filter_openpose, "segment": source_filter_segment, "scribble": source_filter_scribble, } # Available ORT providers available_platforms: List[DeviceParams] = [] # loaded from model_path correction_models: List[str] = [] diffusion_models: List[str] = [] network_models: List[NetworkModel] = [] upscaling_models: List[str] = [] wildcard_data: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list) # Loaded from extra_models extra_hashes: Dict[str, str] = {} extra_strings: Dict[str, Any] = {} extra_tokens: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} def get_config_params(): return config_params def get_available_platforms(): return available_platforms def get_correction_models(): return correction_models def get_diffusion_models(): return diffusion_models def get_network_models(): return network_models def get_upscaling_models(): return upscaling_models def get_wildcard_data(): return wildcard_data def get_extra_strings(): return extra_strings def get_extra_hashes(): return extra_hashes def get_highres_methods(): return highres_methods def get_mask_filters(): return mask_filters def get_noise_sources(): return noise_sources def get_source_filters(): return source_filters def get_config_value(key: str, subkey: str = "default", default=None): return config_params.get(key, {}).get(subkey, default) def load_extras(server: ServerContext): """ Load the extras file(s) and collect the relevant parts for the server: labels and strings """ global extra_hashes global extra_strings global extra_tokens labels: Dict[str, str] = {} strings: Dict[str, Any] = {} extra_schema = load_config("./schemas/extras.yaml") for file in server.extra_models: if file is not None and file != "":"loading extra models from %s", file) try: data = load_config(file) logger.debug("validating extras file %s", data) try: validate(data, extra_schema) except ValidationError: logger.exception("invalid data in extras file") continue if "strings" in data: logger.debug("collecting strings from %s", file) merge(strings, data["strings"]) for model_type in ["diffusion", "correction", "upscaling", "networks"]: if model_type in data: for model in data[model_type]: model_name = model["name"] if "hash" in model: logger.debug( "collecting hash for model %s from %s", model_name, file, ) extra_hashes[model_name] = model["hash"] if "label" in model: logger.debug( "collecting label for model %s from %s", model_name, file, ) if "type" in model: labels[f'{model["type"]}.{model_name}'] = model[ "label" ] else: labels[model_name] = model["label"] if "tokens" in model: logger.debug( "collecting tokens for model %s from %s", model_name, file, ) extra_tokens[model_name] = model["tokens"] if "inversions" in model: for inversion in model["inversions"]: if "label" in inversion: inversion_name = inversion["name"] logger.debug( "collecting label for Textual Inversion %s from %s", inversion_name, model_name, ) labels[ f"inversion.{inversion_name}" ] = inversion["label"] if "loras" in model: for lora in model["loras"]: if "label" in lora: lora_name = lora["name"] logger.debug( "collecting label for LoRA %s from %s", lora_name, model_name, ) labels[f"lora.{lora_name}"] = lora["label"] except Exception: logger.exception("error loading extras file") logger.debug("adding labels to strings: %s", labels) merge( strings, { "en": { "translation": { "model": labels, } } }, ) extra_strings = strings IGNORE_EXTENSIONS = [".crdownload", ".lock", ".tmp"] def list_model_globs( server: ServerContext, globs: List[str], base_path: Optional[str] = None, recursive=False, filename_only=True, ) -> List[str]: if base_path is None: base_path = server.model_path models = [] for pattern in globs: pattern_path = path.join(base_path, pattern) logger.debug("loading models from %s", pattern_path) for name in glob(pattern_path, recursive=recursive): base = path.basename(name) (file, ext) = path.splitext(base) if ext not in IGNORE_EXTENSIONS: models.append(file if filename_only else path.relpath(name, base_path)) unique_models = list(set(models)) unique_models.sort() return unique_models def load_models(server: ServerContext) -> None: global correction_models global diffusion_models global network_models global upscaling_models # main categories diffusion_models = list_model_globs( server, [ "diffusion-*", "stable-diffusion-*", ], ) diffusion_models.extend( list_model_globs( server, ["*"], base_path=path.join(server.model_path, "diffusion"), ) ) logger.debug("loaded diffusion models from disk: %s", diffusion_models) correction_models = list_model_globs( server, [ "correction-*", ], ) correction_models.extend( list_model_globs( server, ["*"], base_path=path.join(server.model_path, "correction"), ) ) logger.debug("loaded correction models from disk: %s", correction_models) upscaling_models = list_model_globs( server, [ "upscaling-*", ], ) upscaling_models.extend( list_model_globs( server, ["*"], base_path=path.join(server.model_path, "upscaling"), ) ) logger.debug("loaded upscaling models from disk: %s", upscaling_models) # additional networks control_models = list_model_globs( server, [ "*", ], base_path=path.join(server.model_path, "control"), ) logger.debug("loaded ControlNet models from disk: %s", control_models) network_models.extend([NetworkModel(model, "control") for model in control_models]) inversion_models = list_model_globs( server, [ "*", ], base_path=path.join(server.model_path, "inversion"), ) logger.debug("loaded Textual Inversion models from disk: %s", inversion_models) network_models.extend( [ NetworkModel(model, "inversion", tokens=extra_tokens.get(model, [])) for model in inversion_models ] ) lora_models = list_model_globs( server, [ "*", ], base_path=path.join(server.model_path, "lora"), ) logger.debug("loaded LoRA models from disk: %s", lora_models) network_models.extend( [ NetworkModel(model, "lora", tokens=extra_tokens.get(model, [])) for model in lora_models ] ) def load_params(server: ServerContext) -> None: global config_params params_file = path.join(server.params_path, "params.json") logger.debug("loading server parameters from file: %s", params_file) config_params = load_config(params_file) if "platform" in config_params and server.default_platform is not None: "overriding default platform from environment: %s", server.default_platform, ) config_platform = config_params.get("platform", {}) config_platform["default"] = server.default_platform def load_platforms(server: ServerContext) -> None: global available_platforms providers = list(get_available_providers()) logger.debug("loading available platforms from providers: %s", providers) for potential in platform_providers: if ( platform_providers[potential] in providers and potential not in server.block_platforms ): if potential == "cuda" or potential == "rocm": for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()): options: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = { "device_id": i, } if potential == "cuda" and server.memory_limit is not None: options["arena_extend_strategy"] = "kSameAsRequested" options["gpu_mem_limit"] = server.memory_limit available_platforms.append( DeviceParams( potential, platform_providers[potential], options, server.optimizations, ) ) else: available_platforms.append( DeviceParams( potential, platform_providers[potential], None, server.optimizations, ) ) if server.any_platform: # the platform should be ignored when the job is scheduled, but set to CPU just in case available_platforms.append( DeviceParams( "any", platform_providers["cpu"], None, server.optimizations, ) ) # make sure CPU is last on the list def any_first_cpu_last(a: DeviceParams, b: DeviceParams): if a.device == b.device: return 0 # any should be first, if it's available if a.device == "any": return -1 # cpu should be last, if it's available if a.device == "cpu": return 1 return -1 available_platforms = sorted( available_platforms, key=cmp_to_key(any_first_cpu_last) ) "available acceleration platforms: %s", ", ".join([str(p) for p in available_platforms]), ) def load_wildcards(server: ServerContext) -> None: global wildcard_data wildcard_path = path.join(server.model_path, "wildcard") # simple wildcards wildcard_files = list_model_globs( server, ["**/*.txt"], base_path=wildcard_path, filename_only=False, recursive=True, ) for file in wildcard_files: with open( path.join(server.model_path, "wildcard", file), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as f: lines = lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if not line.startswith("#")] lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) > 0] logger.debug("loading wildcards from %s: %s", file, lines) wildcard_data[path.splitext(file)[0]].extend(lines) structured_files = list_model_globs( server, ["**/*.json", "**/*.yaml"], base_path=wildcard_path, filename_only=False, recursive=True, ) for file in structured_files: data = load_config(path.join(wildcard_path, file)) logger.debug("loading structured wildcards from %s: %s", file, data) for key, values in data.items(): if isinstance(values, list): wildcard_data[key].extend(values)