from logging import getLogger from os import path from re import compile import torch from torch.onnx import export from ...models.rrdb import RRDBNetFixed, RRDBNetRescale from ...models.srvgg import SRVGGNetCompact from ..utils import ConversionContext, ModelDict logger = getLogger(__name__) TAG_X4_V3 = "real-esrgan-x4-v3" SPECIAL_KEYS = { "model.0.bias": "conv_first.bias", "model.0.weight": "conv_first.weight", "model.1.sub.23.bias": "conv_body.bias", "model.1.sub.23.weight": "conv_body.weight", "model.3.bias": "conv_up1.bias", "model.3.weight": "conv_up1.weight", "model.6.bias": "conv_up2.bias", "model.6.weight": "conv_up2.weight", # 1x model keys "model.2.bias": "conv_hr.bias", "model.2.weight": "conv_hr.weight", "model.4.bias": "conv_last.bias", "model.4.weight": "conv_last.weight", # 2x and 4x model keys "model.8.bias": "conv_hr.bias", "model.8.weight": "conv_hr.weight", "model.10.bias": "conv_last.bias", "model.10.weight": "conv_last.weight", } SUB_NAME = compile(r"^model\.1\.sub\.(\d+)\.RDB(\d)\.conv(\d)\.0\.(bias|weight)$") def fix_resrgan_keys(model): original_keys = list(model.keys()) for key in original_keys: if key in SPECIAL_KEYS: new_key = SPECIAL_KEYS[key] else: # convert RDBN keys matched = SUB_NAME.match(key) if matched is not None: sub_index, rdb_index, conv_index, node_type = matched.groups() new_key = ( f"body.{sub_index}.rdb{rdb_index}.conv{conv_index}.{node_type}" ) else: raise ValueError("unknown key format") if new_key in model: raise ValueError("key collision") model[new_key] = model[key] del model[key] return model @torch.no_grad() def convert_upscale_resrgan( conversion: ConversionContext, model: ModelDict, source: str, ): name = model.get("name") source = source or model.get("source") scale = model.get("scale") dest = path.join(conversion.model_path, name + ".onnx")"converting Real ESRGAN model: %s -> %s", name, dest) if path.isfile(dest):"ONNX model already exists, skipping") return torch_model = torch.load(source, map_location=conversion.map_location) if "params_ema" in torch_model: state_dict = torch_model["params_ema"] elif "params" in torch_model: state_dict = torch_model["params"] else: state_dict = torch_model if any(["RDB" in key for key in state_dict.keys()]): # keys need fixed up to match. capitalized RDB is the best indicator. state_dict = fix_resrgan_keys(state_dict) if TAG_X4_V3 in name: # the x4-v3 model needs a different network model = SRVGGNetCompact( num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_conv=32, upscale=scale, act_type="prelu", ) elif ( "conv_up1.weight" in state_dict.keys() and "conv_up2.weight" in state_dict.keys() ): model = RRDBNetRescale( num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32, scale=scale, ) else: model = RRDBNetFixed( num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32, scale=scale, ) model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) model.eval() rng = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64, device=conversion.map_location) input_names = ["data"] output_names = ["output"] dynamic_axes = { "data": {2: "width", 3: "height"}, "output": {2: "width", 3: "height"}, }"exporting ONNX model to %s", dest) export( model, rng, dest, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, opset_version=conversion.opset, export_params=True, )"real ESRGAN exported to ONNX successfully")