# Development and Testing ## Contents - [Development and Testing](#development-and-testing) - [Contents](#contents) - [API Development](#api-development) - [Debugging](#debugging) - [Models and Pipelines](#models-and-pipelines) - [Memory Profiling](#memory-profiling) - [Style](#style) - [Log Levels](#log-levels) - [GUI Development](#gui-development) - [Updating Github Pages](#updating-github-pages) - [Watch mode](#watch-mode) - [Testing](#testing) - [Pre-Release Test Plan](#pre-release-test-plan) - [Known Issues](#known-issues) ## API Development Run `make ci` to run lint and the tests. ### Debugging Launching the API with `debugpy` and `DEBUG=TRUE` may fail, because Flask creates a second process to watch for code changes and they both try to bind the debug port: https://github.com/Microsoft/ptvsd/issues/1131 - https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/debugging#_debugging-by-attaching-over-a-network-connection - https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy#debugging-a-script-file ### Models and Pipelines Loading models and pipelines can be expensive. They should be converted and exported once, then cached per-process whenever reasonably possible. Most pipeline stages will have a corresponding load function somewhere, like `upscale_stable_diffusion` and `load_stable_diffusion`. The load function should compare its parameters and reuse the existing pipeline when that is possible without causing memory access errors. Most logging from the load function should be `debug` level. ### Memory Profiling To track memory usage and leaks, run the API under `fil`: ```shell > fil-profile run -m flask --app=onnx_web.serve run --host= > fil-profile run -m waitress --listen= onnx_web.serve:app ``` Using `memray` will break the CUDA bridge or driver somehow, and prevents hardware acceleration from working. That makes it extremely time consuming to test any kind of memory leak. ### Style - all logs must use `logger` from top of file - every file should have a `logger = getLogger(__name__)` or equivalent before any real code #### Log Levels `onnx-web` uses the Python `logging` library and five base log levels, with an additional `TRACE` log level. - `trace` - values needed to debug errors with a specific model - tensor shapes, list sizes, dict keys - only level that should log _expected_ values, especially empty values - may emit logs at idle, can produce MB/s under load - `debug` - detailed debugging messages - `info` - standard informative logs - `warning` - error-ish messages that the code was able to handle without failing - `error` - error messages that caused a request to fail, the app to crash, etc - `exception` - not really a level, logs an error with a stacktrace, which can be helpful When choosing log levels, consider what you will need to debug an issue from a remote server using the default settings (`info`). The `trace` ## GUI Development Run `make ci` to run lint, the tests, and build the bundle. ### Updating Github Pages Checkout the `gh-pages` branch and run the `copy-bundle.sh` script, assuming you have the project checked out to a directory named `onnx-web`. You can also clone the GH pages branch into its own directory to avoid switching between them. ### Watch mode Run `make watch` or `WATCH=TRUE node esbuild.js` to run esbuild in watch mode with a development server. ## Testing ### Pre-Release Test Plan This is the test plan for manual pre-release testing and should exercise all of the major features. Issues: - [ ] list issues in this release Merges: - [ ] list PRs in this release Testing: - txt2img - 256x256 with SD v1.5 - [ ] should fail: neon blobs - has automation - 512x512 with SD v1.5 - DEIS Multi - [ ] should work - DPM Multi - [ ] should work - has automation - Euler A - [ ] should work - Heun - [ ] should work - has automation - 512x512 with SD v2.1 - [ ] should work - has automation - 768x768 with SD v2.1 - [ ] should work, given sufficient memory - has automation - extra models - 512x512 with Knollingcase - [ ] should work - has automation - 512x512 with OpenJourney - [ ] should work - has automation - 256x256 with OpenJourney - [ ] should work - img2img - 256x256 input - [ ] should fail: neon blobs - has automation - 512x512 input - [ ] should work - has automation - 1024x768 input - [ ] should work - inpaint - regular inpaint - black mask - [ ] should keep all pixels, same image - has automation - white mask - [ ] should replace all pixels, different image - has automation - outpaint - 0 all sides - [ ] should work, run 1 tile - primarily a client-side test - 256 all sides - [ ] should work, run 8 tiles - has automation - 512 top and bottom, 0 left and right - [ ] should work, run 3 tiles - has automation - 512 left and right, 0 top and bottom - [ ] should work, run 3 tiles - has automation - upscale - Real ESRGAN - x4 with CodeFormer - [ ] should work - x4 with GFPGAN - [ ] should work - x4 without face correction - [ ] should work - has automation - x2 without face correction - [ ] should work - has automation - x2 model and x4 scale - [ ] should sort of work: ignores scale and uses x2 - x4 model and x2 scale - [ ] should fail: tiles - v3 model and x4 scale - [ ] should work - Stable Diffusion - using x2 scale - [ ] should fail: tiles - using x4 scale - [ ] should work - with CodeFormer - [ ] should work - with GFPGAN - [ ] should work - without face correction - [ ] should work - blend - two 512x512 inputs - [ ] should work - two 1024x1024 inputs - [ ] should work - two different size inputs - 256x256 and 512x512 - [ ] should work - 512x512 and 1024x1024 - [ ] should work - interactions - generate a new image - [ ] should request and then load an image from the server - delete a pending image - [ ] should remove a single image and leave the rest - delete a finished image - [ ] should remove a single image and leave the rest - copy an image to img2img - [ ] should switch to the img2img tab - [ ] should populate the image source - [ ] the generate button should be enabled - copy an image to inpaint - [ ] should switch to the inpaint tab - [ ] should populate the image source - [ ] the generate button should be enabled - copy an image to upscale - [ ] should switch to the upscale tab - [ ] should populate the image source - [ ] the generate button should be enabled - copy two images to blend - [ ] should switch to the blend tab - [ ] should populate the image sources - [ ] the generate button should be enabled once both sources have been populated - state should persist on refresh - [ ] loading images - [ ] switching tabs - [ ] images sources do not - schedulers - [ ] DDIM - [ ] DDPM - [ ] DEIS Multi - [ ] DPM Multi - [ ] DPM Single - [ ] Euler A - [ ] Euler - [ ] Heun - [ ] iPNDM - [ ] KDPM2 A - [ ] KDPM2 - [ ] Karras Ve - [ ] LMS - [ ] PNDM Release: - [ ] check and fix lint - [ ] update package versions and stage files - [ ] run `commit-and-tag-version --sign --git-tag-fallback --commit-all --release-as=minor` to make VERSION - [ ] make sure packages and images have been built - [ ] update GH pages bundle and default version - [ ] post release on GH - [ ] make follow up tickets - [ ] close milestone and checklist Repeat with and without LPW enabled. Feature combinations marked `should work` must produce a valid image for the prompt, within a reasonable margin of creative freedom. Feature combinations marked `should fail` are known to produce neon blobs, out of place tiles, and errors. ### Known Issues - images of 256x256 or smaller will produce neon blobs - inpaint does not work with LPW