from datetime import timedelta from logging import getLogger from time import monotonic from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple from PIL import Image from ..errors import RetryException from ..output import save_image from ..params import ImageParams, Size, StageParams from ..server import ServerContext from ..utils import is_debug, run_gc from ..worker import ProgressCallback, WorkerContext from .stage import BaseStage from .tile import needs_tile, process_tile_order logger = getLogger(__name__) PipelineStage = Tuple[BaseStage, StageParams, Optional[dict]] class ChainProgress: def __init__(self, parent: ProgressCallback, start=0) -> None: self.parent = parent self.step = start = 0 def __call__(self, step: int, timestep: int, latents: Any) -> None: if step < self.step: # accumulate on resets += self.step self.step = step self.parent(self.get_total(), timestep, latents) def get_total(self) -> int: return self.step + @classmethod def from_progress(cls, parent: ProgressCallback): start = parent.step if hasattr(parent, "step") else 0 return ChainProgress(parent, start=start) class ChainPipeline: """ Run many stages in series, passing the image results from each to the next, and processing tiles as needed. """ def __init__( self, stages: Optional[List[PipelineStage]] = None, ): """ Create a new pipeline that will run the given stages. """ self.stages = list(stages or []) def append(self, stage: Optional[PipelineStage]): """ Append an additional stage to this pipeline. This requires an already-assembled `PipelineStage`. Use `ChainPipeline.stage` if you want the pipeline to assemble the stage from loose arguments. """ if stage is not None: self.stages.append(stage) def run( self, worker: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, sources: List[Image.Image], callback: Optional[ProgressCallback], **kwargs ) -> List[Image.Image]: return self( worker, server, params, sources=sources, callback=callback, **kwargs ) def stage(self, callback: BaseStage, params: StageParams, **kwargs): self.stages.append((callback, params, kwargs)) return self def steps(self, params: ImageParams, size: Size): steps = 0 for callback, _params, _kwargs in self.stages: steps += callback.steps(params, size) return steps def __call__( self, worker: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, sources: List[Image.Image], callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, **pipeline_kwargs ) -> List[Image.Image]: """ DEPRECATED: use `run` instead """ if callback is not None: callback = ChainProgress.from_progress(callback) start = monotonic() if len(sources) > 0: "running pipeline on %s source images", len(sources), ) else:"running pipeline without source images") stage_sources = sources for stage_pipe, stage_params, stage_kwargs in self.stages: name = or stage_pipe.__class__.__name__ kwargs = stage_kwargs or {} kwargs = {**pipeline_kwargs, **kwargs} logger.debug( "running stage %s with %s source images, parameters: %s", name, len(stage_sources) - stage_sources.count(None), kwargs.keys(), ) per_stage_params = params if "params" in kwargs: per_stage_params = kwargs["params"] kwargs.pop("params") # the stage must be split and tiled if any image is larger than the selected/max tile size must_tile = any( [ needs_tile( stage_pipe.max_tile, stage_params.tile_size, size=kwargs.get("size", None), source=source, ) for source in stage_sources ] ) tile = stage_params.tile_size if stage_pipe.max_tile > 0: tile = min(stage_pipe.max_tile, stage_params.tile_size) if must_tile: stage_outputs = [] for source in stage_sources: "image larger than tile size of %s, tiling stage", tile, ) extra_tiles = [] def stage_tile( source_tile: Image.Image, tile_mask: Image.Image, dims: Tuple[int, int, int], ) -> Image.Image: for i in range(worker.retries): try: output_tile = worker, server, stage_params, per_stage_params, [source_tile], tile_mask=tile_mask, callback=callback, dims=dims, **kwargs, ) if len(output_tile) > 1: while len(extra_tiles) < len(output_tile): extra_tiles.append([]) for tile, layer in zip(output_tile, extra_tiles): layer.append((tile, dims)) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "last-tile.png", output_tile[0]) return output_tile[0] except Exception: logger.exception( "error while running stage pipeline for tile, retry %s of 3", i, ) server.cache.clear() run_gc([worker.get_device()]) worker.retries = worker.retries - (i + 1) raise RetryException("exhausted retries on tile") output = process_tile_order( stage_params.tile_order, source, tile, stage_params.outscale, [stage_tile], **kwargs, ) stage_outputs.append(output) if len(extra_tiles) > 1: for layer in extra_tiles: layer_output ="RGB", output.size) for layer_tile, dims in layer: layer_output.paste(layer_tile, (dims[0], dims[1])) stage_outputs.append(layer_output) stage_sources = stage_outputs else: logger.debug("image within tile size of %s, running stage", tile) for i in range(worker.retries): try: stage_outputs = worker, server, stage_params, per_stage_params, stage_sources, callback=callback, dims=(0, 0, tile), **kwargs, ) # doing this on the same line as can leave sources as None, which the pipeline # does not like, so it throws stage_sources = stage_outputs break except Exception: logger.exception( "error while running stage pipeline, retry %s of 3", i ) server.cache.clear() run_gc([worker.get_device()]) worker.retries = worker.retries - (i + 1) if worker.retries <= 0: raise RetryException("exhausted retries on stage") logger.debug( "finished stage %s with %s results", name, len(stage_sources), ) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "last-stage.png", stage_sources[0]) end = monotonic() duration = timedelta(seconds=(end - start)) "finished pipeline in %s with %s results", duration, len(stage_sources), ) return stage_sources