from logging import getLogger from math import ceil from typing import Any, List, Optional from PIL import Image, ImageOps from onnx_web.chain.highres import stage_highres from ..chain import ( BlendImg2ImgStage, BlendMaskStage, ChainPipeline, SourceTxt2ImgStage, UpscaleOutpaintStage, ) from ..chain.upscale import split_upscale, stage_upscale_correction from ..image import expand_image from ..output import save_image from ..params import ( Border, HighresParams, ImageParams, Size, StageParams, UpscaleParams, ) from ..server import ServerContext from ..server.load import get_source_filters from ..utils import is_debug, run_gc, show_system_toast from ..worker import WorkerContext from .utils import get_latents_from_seed, parse_prompt logger = getLogger(__name__) def run_txt2img_pipeline( job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, size: Size, outputs: List[str], upscale: UpscaleParams, highres: HighresParams, ) -> None: # prepare the chain pipeline and first stage chain = ChainPipeline() stage = StageParams( tile_size=params.tiles, ) chain.stage( SourceTxt2ImgStage(), stage, size=size, overlap=params.overlap, ) # apply upscaling and correction, before highres first_upscale, after_upscale = split_upscale(upscale) if first_upscale: stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=first_upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply highres stage_highres( stage, params, highres, upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply upscaling and correction, after highres stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=after_upscale, chain=chain, ) # run and save latents = get_latents_from_seed(params.seed, size, batch=params.batch) progress = job.get_progress_callback() images =, server, params, [], callback=progress, latents=latents) _pairs, loras, inversions, _rest = parse_prompt(params) for image, output in zip(images, outputs): dest = save_image( server, output, image, params, size, upscale=upscale, highres=highres, inversions=inversions, loras=loras, ) # clean up run_gc([job.get_device()]) # notify the user show_system_toast(f"finished txt2img job: {dest}")"finished txt2img job: %s", dest) def run_img2img_pipeline( job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, outputs: List[str], upscale: UpscaleParams, highres: HighresParams, source: Image.Image, strength: float, source_filter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: # run filter on the source image if source_filter is not None: f = get_source_filters().get(source_filter, None) if f is not None: logger.debug("running source filter: %s", f.__name__) source = f(server, source) # prepare the chain pipeline and first stage chain = ChainPipeline() stage = StageParams( tile_size=params.tiles, ) chain.stage( BlendImg2ImgStage(), stage, strength=strength, overlap=params.overlap, ) # apply upscaling and correction, before highres first_upscale, after_upscale = split_upscale(upscale) if first_upscale: stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=first_upscale, chain=chain, ) # loopback through multiple img2img iterations for _i in range(params.loopback): chain.stage( BlendImg2ImgStage(), stage, strength=strength, ) # highres, if selected stage_highres( stage, params, highres, upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply upscaling and correction, after highres stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=after_upscale, chain=chain, ) # run and append the filtered source progress = job.get_progress_callback() images = chain(job, server, params, [source], callback=progress) if source_filter is not None and source_filter != "none": images.append(source) # save with metadata _pairs, loras, inversions, _rest = parse_prompt(params) size = Size(*source.size) for image, output in zip(images, outputs): dest = save_image( server, output, image, params, size, upscale=upscale, highres=highres, inversions=inversions, loras=loras, ) # clean up run_gc([job.get_device()]) # notify the user show_system_toast(f"finished img2img job: {dest}")"finished img2img job: %s", dest) def run_inpaint_pipeline( job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, size: Size, outputs: List[str], upscale: UpscaleParams, highres: HighresParams, source: Image.Image, mask: Image.Image, border: Border, noise_source: Any, mask_filter: Any, fill_color: str, tile_order: str, ) -> None: logger.debug("building inpaint pipeline") tile_size = params.tiles full_res_inpaint = False if mask is None: # if no mask was provided, keep the full source image mask ="L", source.size, 0) # masks start as 512x512, resize to cover the source, then trim the extra mask_max = max(source.width, source.height) mask = ImageOps.contain(mask, (mask_max, mask_max)) mask = mask.crop((0, 0, source.width, source.height)) source, mask, noise, full_size = expand_image( source, mask, border, fill=fill_color, noise_source=noise_source, mask_filter=mask_filter, ) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "full-source.png", source) save_image(server, "full-mask.png", mask) save_image(server, "full-noise.png", noise) # check if we can do full-res inpainting if no outpainting is done logger.debug("border zero: %s", border.isZero()) if border.isZero(): mask_left, mask_top, mask_right, mask_bottom = mask.getbbox() logger.debug("mask bbox: %s", mask.getbbox()) mask_width = mask_right - mask_left mask_height = mask_bottom - mask_top # ensure we have some padding around the mask when we do the inpaint (and that the region size is even) adj_mask_size = ceil(max(mask_width, mask_height) * 1.2 / 2) * 2 mask_center_x = int(round((mask_right + mask_left) / 2)) mask_center_y = int(round((mask_bottom + mask_top) / 2)) adj_mask_border = ( int(mask_center_x - adj_mask_size / 2), int(mask_center_y - adj_mask_size / 2), int(mask_center_x + adj_mask_size / 2), int(mask_center_y + adj_mask_size / 2), ) # we would like to subtract the excess width (subtract a positive) and add the deficient width (subtract a negative) x_adj = -max(adj_mask_border[2] - source.width, 0) - min(adj_mask_border[0], 0) # we would like to subtract the excess height (subtract a negative) and add the deficient height (subtract a negative) y_adj = -max(adj_mask_border[3] - source.height, 0) - min(adj_mask_border[1], 0) adj_mask_border = ( adj_mask_border[0] + x_adj, adj_mask_border[1] + y_adj, adj_mask_border[2] + x_adj, adj_mask_border[3] + y_adj, ) border_integrity = all( ( adj_mask_border[0] >= 0, adj_mask_border[1] >= 0, adj_mask_border[2] <= source.width, adj_mask_border[3] <= source.height, ) ) logger.debug( "adjusted mask size %s, mask bounding box: %s", adj_mask_size, adj_mask_border, ) if border_integrity and adj_mask_size <= tile_size: full_res_inpaint = True original_source = source source = source.crop(adj_mask_border) source = ImageOps.contain(source, (tile_size, tile_size)) mask = mask.crop(adj_mask_border) mask = ImageOps.contain(mask, (tile_size, tile_size)) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "adjusted-mask.png", mask) save_image(server, "adjusted-source.png", source) # set up the chain pipeline and base stage chain = ChainPipeline() stage = StageParams(tile_order=tile_order, tile_size=tile_size) chain.stage( UpscaleOutpaintStage(), stage, border=border, mask=mask, fill_color=fill_color, mask_filter=mask_filter, noise_source=noise_source, overlap=params.overlap, ) # apply upscaling and correction, before highres first_upscale, after_upscale = split_upscale(upscale) if first_upscale: stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=first_upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply highres stage_highres( stage, params, highres, upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply upscaling and correction stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=after_upscale, chain=chain, ) # run and save latents = get_latents_from_seed(params.seed, size, batch=params.batch) progress = job.get_progress_callback() images = chain(job, server, params, [source], callback=progress, latents=latents) _pairs, loras, inversions, _rest = parse_prompt(params) for image, output in zip(images, outputs): if full_res_inpaint: if is_debug(): save_image(server, "adjusted-output.png", image) mini_image = ImageOps.contain(image, (adj_mask_size, adj_mask_size)) image = original_source image.paste(mini_image, box=adj_mask_border) dest = save_image( server, output, image, params, size, upscale=upscale, border=border, inversions=inversions, loras=loras, ) # clean up del image run_gc([job.get_device()]) # notify the user show_system_toast(f"finished inpaint job: {dest}")"finished inpaint job: %s", dest) def run_upscale_pipeline( job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, size: Size, outputs: List[str], upscale: UpscaleParams, highres: HighresParams, source: Image.Image, ) -> None: # set up the chain pipeline, no base stage for upscaling chain = ChainPipeline() stage = StageParams(tile_size=params.tiles) # apply upscaling and correction, before highres first_upscale, after_upscale = split_upscale(upscale) if first_upscale: stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=first_upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply highres stage_highres( stage, params, highres, upscale, chain=chain, ) # apply upscaling and correction, after highres stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=after_upscale, chain=chain, ) # run and save progress = job.get_progress_callback() images = chain(job, server, params, [source], callback=progress) _pairs, loras, inversions, _rest = parse_prompt(params) for image, output in zip(images, outputs): dest = save_image( server, output, image, params, size, upscale=upscale, inversions=inversions, loras=loras, ) # clean up del image run_gc([job.get_device()]) # notify the user show_system_toast(f"finished upscale job: {dest}")"finished upscale job: %s", dest) def run_blend_pipeline( job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, size: Size, outputs: List[str], upscale: UpscaleParams, # highres: HighresParams, sources: List[Image.Image], mask: Image.Image, ) -> None: # set up the chain pipeline and base stage chain = ChainPipeline() stage = StageParams() chain.stage(BlendMaskStage(), stage, stage_source=sources[1], stage_mask=mask) # apply upscaling and correction stage_upscale_correction( stage, params, upscale=upscale, chain=chain, ) # run and save progress = job.get_progress_callback() images = chain(job, server, params, sources, callback=progress) for image, output in zip(images, outputs): dest = save_image(server, output, image, params, size, upscale=upscale) # clean up del image run_gc([job.get_device()]) # notify the user show_system_toast(f"finished blend job: {dest}")"finished blend job: %s", dest)