from typing import Tuple, Union from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageOps from ..params import Border, Size from .mask_filter import mask_filter_none from .noise_source import noise_source_histogram # very loosely based on def expand_image( source: Image.Image, mask: Image.Image, expand: Border, fill="white", noise_source=noise_source_histogram, mask_filter=mask_filter_none, ): size = Size(*source.size).add_border(expand).round_to_tile() size = tuple(size) origin = (expand.left, full_source ="RGB", size, fill) full_source.paste(source, origin) # new mask pixels need to be filled with white so they will be replaced full_mask = mask_filter(mask, size, origin, fill="white") full_noise = noise_source(source, size, origin, fill=fill) full_noise = ImageChops.multiply(full_noise, full_mask) full_source = Image.composite(full_noise, full_source, full_mask.convert("L")) return (full_source, full_mask, full_noise, size)