import warnings from argparse import ArgumentParser from logging import getLogger from os import makedirs, path from sys import exit from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from urllib.parse import urlparse from huggingface_hub.file_download import hf_hub_download from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate from onnx import load_model, save_model from transformers import CLIPTokenizer from yaml import safe_load from ..constants import ONNX_MODEL, ONNX_WEIGHTS from .correction.gfpgan import convert_correction_gfpgan from .diffusion.diffusers import convert_diffusion_diffusers from .diffusion.lora import blend_loras from .diffusion.original import convert_diffusion_original from .diffusion.textual_inversion import blend_textual_inversions from .upscaling.bsrgan import convert_upscaling_bsrgan from .upscaling.resrgan import convert_upscale_resrgan from .upscaling.swinir import convert_upscaling_swinir from .utils import ( ConversionContext, download_progress, model_formats_original, remove_prefix, source_format, tuple_to_correction, tuple_to_diffusion, tuple_to_source, tuple_to_upscaling, ) # suppress common but harmless warnings, warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*The shape inference of prim::Constant type is missing.*" ) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*Only steps=1 can be constant folded.*") warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect.*", ) Models = Dict[str, List[Any]] logger = getLogger(__name__) model_sources: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] = { "civitai://": ("Civitai", ""), } model_source_huggingface = "huggingface://" # recommended models base_models: Models = { "diffusion": [ # v1.x ( "stable-diffusion-onnx-v1-5", model_source_huggingface + "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", ), ( "stable-diffusion-onnx-v1-inpainting", model_source_huggingface + "runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting", ), # v2.x ( "stable-diffusion-onnx-v2-1", model_source_huggingface + "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1", ), ( "stable-diffusion-onnx-v2-inpainting", model_source_huggingface + "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-inpainting", ), # TODO: should have its own converter ( "upscaling-stable-diffusion-x4", model_source_huggingface + "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler", True, ), ], "correction": [ ( "correction-gfpgan-v1-3", "", 4, ), ( "correction-codeformer", "", 1, ), ], "upscaling": [ ( "upscaling-real-esrgan-x2-plus", "", 2, ), ( "upscaling-real-esrgan-x4-plus", "", 4, ), ( "upscaling-real-esrgan-x4-v3", "", 4, ), { "model": "swinir", "name": "upscaling-swinir-classical-x4", "source": "", "scale": 4, }, { "model": "swinir", "name": "upscaling-swinir-real-x4", "source": "", "scale": 4, }, { "model": "bsrgan", "name": "upscaling-bsrgan-x4", "source": "", "scale": 4, }, { "model": "bsrgan", "name": "upscaling-bsrgan-x2", "source": "", "scale": 2, }, ], # download only "sources": [ ( "detection-resnet50-final", "", ), ( "detection-mobilenet025-final", "", ), ( "detection-yolo-v5-l", "", ), ( "detection-yolo-v5-n", "", ), ( "parsing-bisenet", "", ), ( "parsing-parsenet", "", ), ], } def fetch_model( conversion: ConversionContext, name: str, source: str, dest: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, hf_hub_fetch: bool = False, hf_hub_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: cache_path = dest or conversion.cache_path cache_name = path.join(cache_path, name) # add an extension if possible, some of the conversion code checks for it if format is None: url = urlparse(source) ext = path.basename(url.path) _filename, ext = path.splitext(ext) if ext is not None: cache_name = cache_name + ext else: cache_name = f"{cache_name}.{format}" if path.exists(cache_name): logger.debug("model already exists in cache, skipping fetch") return cache_name for proto in model_sources: api_name, api_root = model_sources.get(proto) if source.startswith(proto): api_source = api_root % (remove_prefix(source, proto)) "downloading model from %s: %s -> %s", api_name, api_source, cache_name ) return download_progress([(api_source, cache_name)]) if source.startswith(model_source_huggingface): hub_source = remove_prefix(source, model_source_huggingface)"downloading model from Huggingface Hub: %s", hub_source) # from_pretrained has a bunch of useful logic that snapshot_download by itself down not if hf_hub_fetch: return hf_hub_download( repo_id=hub_source, filename=hf_hub_filename, cache_dir=cache_path, force_filename=f"{name}.bin", ) else: return hub_source elif source.startswith("https://"):"downloading model from: %s", source) return download_progress([(source, cache_name)]) elif source.startswith("http://"): logger.warning("downloading model from insecure source: %s", source) return download_progress([(source, cache_name)]) elif source.startswith(path.sep) or source.startswith("."):"using local model: %s", source) return source else:"unknown model location, using path as provided: %s", source) return source def convert_models(conversion: ConversionContext, args, models: Models): if args.sources and "sources" in models: for model in models.get("sources"): model = tuple_to_source(model) name = model.get("name") if name in args.skip:"skipping source: %s", name) else: model_format = source_format(model) source = model["source"] try: dest = fetch_model(conversion, name, source, format=model_format)"finished downloading source: %s -> %s", source, dest) except Exception: logger.exception("error fetching source %s", name) if args.networks and "networks" in models: for network in models.get("networks"): name = network["name"] if name in args.skip:"skipping network: %s", name) else: network_format = source_format(network) network_model = network.get("model", None) network_type = network["type"] source = network["source"] try: if network_type == "inversion" and network_model == "concept": dest = fetch_model( conversion, name, source, dest=path.join(conversion.model_path, network_type), format=network_format, hf_hub_fetch=True, hf_hub_filename="learned_embeds.bin", ) else: dest = fetch_model( conversion, name, source, dest=path.join(conversion.model_path, network_type), format=network_format, )"finished downloading network: %s -> %s", source, dest) except Exception: logger.exception("error fetching network %s", name) if args.diffusion and "diffusion" in models: for model in models.get("diffusion"): model = tuple_to_diffusion(model) name = model.get("name") if name in args.skip:"skipping model: %s", name) else: model_format = source_format(model) try: source = fetch_model( conversion, name, model["source"], format=model_format ) converted = False if model_format in model_formats_original: converted, dest = convert_diffusion_original( conversion, model, source, ) else: converted, dest = convert_diffusion_diffusers( conversion, model, source, ) # make sure blending only happens once, not every run if converted: # keep track of which models have been blended blend_models = {} inversion_dest = path.join(conversion.model_path, "inversion") lora_dest = path.join(conversion.model_path, "lora") for inversion in model.get("inversions", []): if "text_encoder" not in blend_models: blend_models["text_encoder"] = load_model( path.join( dest, "text_encoder", ONNX_MODEL, ) ) if "tokenizer" not in blend_models: blend_models[ "tokenizer" ] = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained( dest, subfolder="tokenizer", ) inversion_name = inversion["name"] inversion_source = inversion["source"] inversion_format = inversion.get("format", None) inversion_source = fetch_model( conversion, inversion_name, inversion_source, dest=inversion_dest, ) inversion_token = inversion.get("token", inversion_name) inversion_weight = inversion.get("weight", 1.0) blend_textual_inversions( conversion, blend_models["text_encoder"], blend_models["tokenizer"], [ ( inversion_source, inversion_weight, inversion_token, inversion_format, ) ], ) for lora in model.get("loras", []): if "text_encoder" not in blend_models: blend_models["text_encoder"] = load_model( path.join( dest, "text_encoder", ONNX_MODEL, ) ) if "unet" not in blend_models: blend_models["unet"] = load_model( path.join(dest, "unet", ONNX_MODEL) ) # load models if not loaded yet lora_name = lora["name"] lora_source = lora["source"] lora_source = fetch_model( conversion, f"{name}-lora-{lora_name}", lora_source, dest=lora_dest, ) lora_weight = lora.get("weight", 1.0) blend_loras( conversion, blend_models["text_encoder"], [(lora_source, lora_weight)], "text_encoder", ) blend_loras( conversion, blend_models["unet"], [(lora_source, lora_weight)], "unet", ) if "tokenizer" in blend_models: dest_path = path.join(dest, "tokenizer") logger.debug("saving blended tokenizer to %s", dest_path) blend_models["tokenizer"].save_pretrained(dest_path) for name in ["text_encoder", "unet"]: if name in blend_models: dest_path = path.join(dest, name, ONNX_MODEL) logger.debug( "saving blended %s model to %s", name, dest_path ) save_model( blend_models[name], dest_path, save_as_external_data=True, all_tensors_to_one_file=True, location=ONNX_WEIGHTS, ) except Exception: logger.exception( "error converting diffusion model %s", name, ) if args.upscaling and "upscaling" in models: for model in models.get("upscaling"): model = tuple_to_upscaling(model) name = model.get("name") if name in args.skip:"skipping model: %s", name) else: model_format = source_format(model) try: source = fetch_model( conversion, name, model["source"], format=model_format ) model_type = model.get("model", "resrgan") if model_type == "bsrgan": convert_upscaling_bsrgan(conversion, model, source) elif model_type == "resrgan": convert_upscale_resrgan(conversion, model, source) elif model_type == "swinir": convert_upscaling_swinir(conversion, model, source) else: logger.error( "unknown upscaling model type %s for %s", model_type, name ) except Exception: logger.exception( "error converting upscaling model %s", name, ) if args.correction and "correction" in models: for model in models.get("correction"): model = tuple_to_correction(model) name = model.get("name") if name in args.skip:"skipping model: %s", name) else: model_format = source_format(model) try: source = fetch_model( conversion, name, model["source"], format=model_format ) model_type = model.get("model", "gfpgan") if model_type == "gfpgan": convert_correction_gfpgan(conversion, model, source) else: logger.error( "unknown correction model type %s for %s", model_type, name ) except Exception: logger.exception( "error converting correction model %s", name, ) def main() -> int: parser = ArgumentParser( prog="onnx-web model converter", description="convert checkpoint models to ONNX" ) # model groups parser.add_argument("--networks", action="store_true", default=True) parser.add_argument("--sources", action="store_true", default=True) parser.add_argument("--correction", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--diffusion", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--upscaling", action="store_true", default=False) # extra models parser.add_argument("--extras", nargs="*", type=str, default=[]) parser.add_argument("--prune", nargs="*", type=str, default=[]) parser.add_argument("--skip", nargs="*", type=str, default=[]) # export options parser.add_argument( "--half", action="store_true", default=False, help="Export models for half precision, smaller and faster on most GPUs.", ) parser.add_argument( "--opset", default=14, type=int, help="The version of the ONNX operator set to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--token", type=str, help="HuggingFace token with read permissions for downloading models.", ) args = parser.parse_args()"CLI arguments: %s", args) server = ConversionContext.from_environ() server.half = args.half or "onnx-fp16" in server.optimizations server.opset = args.opset server.token = args.token "converting models in %s using %s", server.model_path, server.training_device ) if not path.exists(server.model_path):"model path does not existing, creating: %s", server.model_path) makedirs(server.model_path)"converting base models") convert_models(server, args, base_models) extras = [] extras.extend(server.extra_models) extras.extend(args.extras) extras = list(set(extras)) extras.sort() logger.debug("loading extra files: %s", extras) with open("./schemas/extras.yaml", "r") as f: extra_schema = safe_load( for file in extras: if file is not None and file != "":"loading extra models from %s", file) try: with open(file, "r") as f: data = safe_load( logger.debug("validating extras file %s", data) try: validate(data, extra_schema)"converting extra models") convert_models(server, args, data) except ValidationError: logger.exception("invalid data in extras file") except Exception: logger.exception("error converting extra models") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())