from logging import getLogger from math import ceil from typing import List, Protocol, Tuple import numpy as np from PIL import Image from ..params import TileOrder # from skimage.exposure import match_histograms logger = getLogger(__name__) class TileCallback(Protocol): """ Definition for a tile job function. """ def __call__(self, image: Image.Image, dims: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Image.Image: """ Run this stage against a single tile. """ pass def complete_tile( source: Image.Image, tile: int, ) -> Image.Image: if source.width < tile or source.height < tile: full_source =, (tile, tile)) full_source.paste(source) return full_source return source def get_tile_grads( left: int, top: int, tile: int, width: int, height: int, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: grad_x = [0, 1, 1, 0] grad_y = [0, 1, 1, 0] if left <= 0: grad_x[0] = 1 if top <= 0: grad_y[0] = 1 if (left + tile) >= width: grad_x[3] = 1 if (top + tile) >= height: grad_y[3] = 1 return (grad_x, grad_y) def blend_tiles( tiles: List[Tuple[int, int, Image.Image]], scale: int, width: int, height: int, tile: int, overlap: float, ): adj_tile = int(float(tile) * (1.0 - overlap)) scaled_size = (height * scale, width * scale, 3) count = np.zeros(scaled_size) value = np.zeros(scaled_size) # ref = np.array(tiles[0][2]) for left, top, tile_image in tiles: # histogram equalization equalized = np.array(tile_image).astype(np.float32) # equalized = match_histograms(equalized, ref, channel_axis=-1) # gradient blending points = [0, adj_tile * scale, (tile - adj_tile) * scale, (tile * scale) - 1] grad_x, grad_y = get_tile_grads(left, top, adj_tile, width, height) mult_x = [np.interp(i, points, grad_x) for i in range(tile * scale)] mult_y = [np.interp(i, points, grad_y) for i in range(tile * scale)] mask = np.ones_like(equalized[:, :, 0]) * mult_x mask = (mask.T * mult_y).T for c in range(3): equalized[:, :, c] = equalized[:, :, c] * mask scaled_top = top * scale scaled_left = left * scale # equalized size may be wrong/too much scaled_bottom = min(scaled_top + equalized.shape[0], scaled_size[0]) scaled_right = min(scaled_left + equalized.shape[1], scaled_size[1]) # accumulation value[scaled_top:scaled_bottom, scaled_left:scaled_right, :] += equalized[ 0 : scaled_bottom - scaled_top, 0 : scaled_right - scaled_left, : ] count[scaled_top:scaled_bottom, scaled_left:scaled_right, :] += np.repeat( mask[ 0 : scaled_bottom - scaled_top, 0 : scaled_right - scaled_left, np.newaxis, ], 3, axis=2, ) pixels = np.where(count > 0, value / count, value) return Image.fromarray(np.uint8(pixels)) def process_tile_grid( source: Image.Image, tile: int, scale: int, filters: List[TileCallback], overlap: float = 0.5, **kwargs, ) -> Image.Image: width, height = source.size adj_tile = int(float(tile) * (1.0 - overlap)) tiles_x = ceil(width / adj_tile) tiles_y = ceil(height / adj_tile) total = tiles_x * tiles_y tiles: List[Tuple[int, int, Image.Image]] = [] for y in range(tiles_y): for x in range(tiles_x): idx = (y * tiles_x) + x left = x * adj_tile top = y * adj_tile logger.debug("processing tile %s of %s, %s.%s", idx + 1, total, y, x) tile_image = source.crop((left, top, left + tile, top + tile)) tile_image = complete_tile(tile_image, tile) for filter in filters: tile_image = filter(tile_image, (left, top, tile)) tiles.append((left, top, tile_image)) return blend_tiles(tiles, scale, width, height, tile, overlap) def process_tile_spiral( source: Image.Image, tile: int, scale: int, filters: List[TileCallback], overlap: float = 0.5, **kwargs, ) -> Image.Image: if scale != 1: raise ValueError("unsupported scale") width, height = source.size # spiral uses the previous run and needs a scratch texture for 3x memory image ="RGB", (width * scale, height * scale)) image.paste(source, (0, 0, width, height)) tiles: List[Tuple[int, int, Image.Image]] = [] tiles.append((0, 0, source)) # tile tuples is source, multiply by scale for dest counter = 0 tile_coords = generate_tile_spiral(width, height, tile, overlap=overlap) for left, top in tile_coords: counter += 1 logger.debug( "processing tile %s of %s, %sx%s", counter, len(tile_coords), left, top ) tile_image = image.crop((left, top, left + tile, top + tile)) tile_image = complete_tile(tile_image, tile) for filter in filters: tile_image = filter(tile_image, (left, top, tile)) image.paste(tile_image, (left * scale, top * scale)) tiles.append((left, top, tile_image)) return blend_tiles(tiles, scale, width, height, tile, overlap) def process_tile_order( order: TileOrder, source: Image.Image, tile: int, scale: int, filters: List[TileCallback], **kwargs, ) -> Image.Image: if order == TileOrder.grid: logger.debug("using grid tile order with tile size: %s", tile) return process_tile_grid(source, tile, scale, filters, **kwargs) elif order == TileOrder.kernel: logger.debug("using kernel tile order with tile size: %s", tile) raise NotImplementedError() elif order == TileOrder.spiral: logger.debug("using spiral tile order with tile size: %s", tile) return process_tile_spiral(source, tile, scale, filters, **kwargs) else: logger.warn("unknown tile order: %s", order) raise ValueError() def generate_tile_spiral( width: int, height: int, tile: int, overlap: float = 0.0, ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: spacing = 1.0 - overlap # round dims up to nearest tiles tile_width = ceil(width / tile) tile_height = ceil(height / tile) # start walking from the north-west corner, heading east dir_height = 0 dir_width = 1 walk_height = tile_height walk_width = tile_width accum_height = 0 accum_width = 0 tile_top = 0 tile_left = 0 tile_coords = [] while walk_width > 0 and walk_height > 0: # exhaust the current direction, then turn while accum_width < walk_width and accum_height < walk_height: # add a tile logger.trace( "adding tile at %s:%s, %s:%s, %s:%s, %s", tile_left, tile_top, accum_width, accum_height, walk_width, walk_height, spacing, ) tile_coords.append((int(tile_left), int(tile_top))) # move to the next tile_top += dir_height * spacing * tile tile_left += dir_width * spacing * tile accum_height += abs(dir_height * spacing) accum_width += abs(dir_width * spacing) # reset for the next direction accum_height = 0 accum_width = 0 # why tho tile_top -= dir_height tile_left -= dir_width # turn right if dir_width == 1 and dir_height == 0: dir_width = 0 dir_height = 1 elif dir_width == 0 and dir_height == 1: dir_width = -1 dir_height = 0 elif dir_width == -1 and dir_height == 0: dir_width = 0 dir_height = -1 elif dir_width == 0 and dir_height == -1: dir_width = 1 dir_height = 0 # step to the next tile as part of the turn tile_top += dir_height tile_left += dir_width # shrink the last direction walk_height -= abs(dir_height) walk_width -= abs(dir_width) return tile_coords