import sys import traceback from io import BytesIO from logging import getLogger from logging.config import dictConfig from os import environ, path from time import sleep from typing import Optional from collections import Counter import cv2 import numpy as np import requests from PIL import Image from yaml import safe_load class TestCase: def __init__( self, name: str, query: str, max_attempts: int = 20, mse_threshold: float = 0.0001, ) -> None: = name self.query = query self.max_attempts = max_attempts self.mse_threshold = mse_threshold TEST_DATA = [ TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v1-5-256-muffin", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=ddim&width=256&height=256", ), TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v1-5-512-muffin", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=ddim", ), TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v1-5-512-muffin-deis", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=deis", ), TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v1-5-512-muffin-dpm", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=dpm-multi", ), TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v1-5-512-muffin-heun", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=heun", ), TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v2-1-512-muffin", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=ddim&model=stable-diffusion-onnx-v2-1", ), TestCase( "txt2img-sd-v2-1-768-muffin", "txt2img?prompt=a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=ddim&model=stable-diffusion-onnx-v2-1&width=768&height=768", ), TestCase( "txt2img-openjourney-512-muffin", "txt2img?prompt=mdjrny-v4+style+a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=ddim&model=diffusion-openjourney", ), TestCase( "txt2img-knollingcase-512-muffin", "txt2img?prompt=knollingcase+display+case+with+a+giant+muffin&seed=0&scheduler=ddim&model=diffusion-knollingcase", ), ] logging_path = environ.get("ONNX_WEB_LOGGING_PATH", "./logging.yaml") try: if path.exists(logging_path): with open(logging_path, "r") as f: config_logging = safe_load(f) dictConfig(config_logging) except Exception as err: print("error loading logging config: %s" % (err)) logger = getLogger(__name__) def test_root() -> str: if len(sys.argv) > 1: return sys.argv[1] else: return "" def test_path(relpath: str) -> str: return path.join(path.dirname(__file__), relpath) def generate_image(root: str, params: str) -> Optional[str]: resp ="{root}/api/{params}") if resp.status_code == 200: json = resp.json() return json.get("output") else: logger.warning("request failed: %s", resp.status_code) return None def check_ready(root: str, key: str) -> bool: resp = requests.get(f"{root}/api/ready?output={key}") if resp.status_code == 200: json = resp.json() return json.get("ready", False) else: logger.warning("request failed: %s", resp.status_code) return False def download_image(root: str, key: str) -> Image.Image: resp = requests.get(f"{root}/output/{key}") if resp.status_code == 200: return else: logger.warning("request failed: %s", resp.status_code) return None def find_mse(result: Image.Image, ref: Image.Image) -> float: if result.mode != ref.mode: logger.warning("image mode does not match: %s vs %s", result.mode, ref.mode) return float("inf") if result.size != ref.size: logger.warning("image size does not match: %s vs %s", result.size, ref.size) return float("inf") nd_result = np.array(result) nd_ref = np.array(ref) diff = cv2.subtract(nd_ref, nd_result) diff = np.sum(diff**2) return diff / (float(ref.height * ref.width)) / 255.0 def run_test( root: str, test: TestCase, ref: Image.Image, ) -> bool: """ Generate an image, wait for it to be ready, and calculate the MSE from the reference. """"running test: %s", test.query) key = generate_image(root, test.query) if key is None: raise ValueError("could not generate") attempts = 0 while attempts < test.max_attempts and not check_ready(root, key): logger.debug("waiting for image to be ready") sleep(6) if attempts == test.max_attempts: raise ValueError("image was not ready in time") result = download_image(root, key)"test-results", f"{}.png"))) mse = find_mse(result, ref) if mse < test.mse_threshold: logger.debug("MSE within threshold: %.4f < %.4f", mse, test.mse_threshold) return True else: logger.warning("MSE above threshold: %.4f > %.4f", mse, test.mse_threshold) return False def main(): root = test_root()"running release tests against API: %s", root) results = Counter({ True: 0, False: 0, }) for test in TEST_DATA: try: ref_name = test_path(path.join("test-refs", f"{}.png")) ref = if path.exists(ref_name) else None if run_test(root, test, ref):"test passed: %s", results[True] += 1 else: logger.warning("test failed: %s", results[False] += 1 except Exception as e: traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) logger.error("error running test for %s: %s",, e) results[False] += 1"%s of %s tests passed", results[True], results[True] + results[False]) if results[False] > 0: logger.error("%s tests had errors", results[False]) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()