from datetime import timedelta from logging import getLogger from time import monotonic from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple from PIL import Image from ..output import save_image from ..params import ImageParams, StageParams from ..server import ServerContext from ..utils import is_debug from ..worker import ProgressCallback, WorkerContext from .stage import BaseStage from .tile import needs_tile, process_tile_order logger = getLogger(__name__) PipelineStage = Tuple[BaseStage, StageParams, Optional[dict]] class ChainProgress: def __init__(self, parent: ProgressCallback, start=0) -> None: self.parent = parent self.step = start = 0 def __call__(self, step: int, timestep: int, latents: Any) -> None: if step < self.step: # accumulate on resets += self.step self.step = step self.parent(self.get_total(), timestep, latents) def get_total(self) -> int: return self.step + @classmethod def from_progress(cls, parent: ProgressCallback): start = parent.step if hasattr(parent, "step") else 0 return ChainProgress(parent, start=start) class ChainPipeline: """ Run many stages in series, passing the image results from each to the next, and processing tiles as needed. """ def __init__( self, stages: Optional[List[PipelineStage]] = None, ): """ Create a new pipeline that will run the given stages. """ self.stages = list(stages or []) def append(self, stage: Optional[PipelineStage]): """ Append an additional stage to this pipeline. This requires an already-assembled `PipelineStage`. Use `ChainPipeline.stage` if you want the pipeline to assemble the stage from loose arguments. """ if stage is not None: self.stages.append(stage) def run( self, job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, sources: List[Image.Image], callback: Optional[ProgressCallback], **kwargs ) -> List[Image.Image]: return self(job, server, params, sources=sources, callback=callback, **kwargs) def stage(self, callback: BaseStage, params: StageParams, **kwargs): self.stages.append((callback, params, kwargs)) return self def __call__( self, job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, params: ImageParams, sources: List[Image.Image], callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, **pipeline_kwargs ) -> List[Image.Image]: """ DEPRECATED: use `run` instead """ if callback is not None: callback = ChainProgress.from_progress(callback) start = monotonic() if len(sources) > 0: "running pipeline on %s source images", len(sources), ) else: sources = [None]"running pipeline without source images") stage_sources = sources for stage_pipe, stage_params, stage_kwargs in self.stages: name = or stage_pipe.__class__.__name__ kwargs = stage_kwargs or {} kwargs = {**pipeline_kwargs, **kwargs} logger.debug( "running stage %s with %s source images, parameters: %s", name, len(stage_sources) - stage_sources.count(None), kwargs.keys(), ) # the stage must be split and tiled if any image is larger than the selected/max tile size must_tile = any( [ needs_tile( stage_pipe.max_tile, stage_params.tile_size, size=kwargs.get("size", None), source=source, ) for source in stage_sources ] ) tile = stage_params.tile_size if stage_pipe.max_tile > 0: tile = min(stage_pipe.max_tile, stage_params.tile_size) if must_tile: stage_outputs = [] for source in stage_sources: "image larger than tile size of %s, tiling stage", tile, ) def stage_tile( source_tile: Image.Image, tile_mask: Image.Image, dims: Tuple[int, int, int] ) -> Image.Image: output_tile = job, server, stage_params, params, [source_tile], tile_mask=tile_mask, callback=callback, dims=dims, **kwargs, )[0] if is_debug(): save_image(server, "last-tile.png", output_tile) return output_tile output = process_tile_order( stage_params.tile_order, source, tile, stage_params.outscale, [stage_tile], **kwargs, ) stage_outputs.append(output) stage_sources = stage_outputs else: logger.debug("image within tile size of %s, running stage", tile) stage_sources = job, server, stage_params, params, stage_sources, callback=callback, **kwargs, ) logger.debug( "finished stage %s with %s results", name, len(stage_sources), ) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "last-stage.png", stage_sources[0]) end = monotonic() duration = timedelta(seconds=(end - start)) "finished pipeline in %s with %s results", duration, len(stage_sources), ) return stage_sources