from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet from diffusers import ( AutoencoderKL, DDPMScheduler, StableDiffusionUpscalePipeline, ) from gfpgan import GFPGANer from os import path from PIL import Image from realesrgan import RealESRGANer from typing import Literal, Union import numpy as np from .image import ( process_tiles ) from .onnx import ( ONNXNet, OnnxStableDiffusionUpscalePipeline, ) from .utils import ( ServerContext, Size, ) # TODO: these should all be params or config pre_pad = 0 tile_pad = 10 class UpscaleParams(): def __init__( self, upscale_model: str, provider: str, correction_model: Union[str, None] = None, denoise: float = 0.5, faces=True, face_strength: float = 0.5, format: Literal['onnx', 'pth'] = 'onnx', half=False, outscale: int = 1, scale: int = 4, ) -> None: self.upscale_model = upscale_model self.provider = provider self.correction_model = correction_model self.denoise = denoise self.faces = faces self.face_strength = face_strength self.format = format self.half = half self.outscale = outscale self.scale = scale def resize(self, size: Size) -> Size: return Size(size.width * self.outscale, size.height * self.outscale) def make_resrgan(ctx: ServerContext, params: UpscaleParams, tile=0): model_file = '%s.%s' % (params.upscale_model, params.format) model_path = path.join(ctx.model_path, model_file) if not path.isfile(model_path): raise Exception('Real ESRGAN model not found at %s' % model_path) # use ONNX acceleration, if available if params.format == 'onnx': model = ONNXNet(ctx, model_file, provider=params.provider) elif params.format == 'pth': model = RRDBNet(num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32, scale=params.scale) else: raise Exception('unknown platform %s' % params.format) dni_weight = None if params.upscale_model == 'realesr-general-x4v3' and params.denoise != 1: wdn_model_path = model_path.replace( 'realesr-general-x4v3', 'realesr-general-wdn-x4v3') model_path = [model_path, wdn_model_path] dni_weight = [params.denoise, 1 - params.denoise] # TODO: shouldn't need the PTH file upsampler = RealESRGANer( scale=params.scale, model_path=path.join(ctx.model_path, '%s.pth' % params.upscale_model), dni_weight=dni_weight, model=model, tile=tile, tile_pad=tile_pad, pre_pad=pre_pad, half=params.half) return upsampler def upscale_resrgan(ctx: ServerContext, params: UpscaleParams, source_image: Image) -> Image: print('upscaling image with Real ESRGAN', params.scale) output = np.array(source_image) upsampler = make_resrgan(ctx, params, tile=512) output, _ = upsampler.enhance(output, outscale=params.outscale) output = Image.fromarray(output, 'RGB') print('final output image size', output.size) return output def upscale_gfpgan(ctx: ServerContext, params: UpscaleParams, image, upsampler=None) -> Image: print('correcting faces with GFPGAN model: %s' % params.correction_model) if params.correction_model is None: print('no face model given, skipping') return image if upsampler is None: upsampler = make_resrgan(ctx, params) face_path = path.join(ctx.model_path, '%s.pth' % (params.correction_model)) # TODO: doesn't have a model param, not sure how to pass ONNX model face_enhancer = GFPGANer( model_path=face_path, upscale=params.outscale, arch='clean', channel_multiplier=2, bg_upsampler=upsampler) _, _, output = face_enhancer.enhance( image, has_aligned=False, only_center_face=False, paste_back=True, weight=params.face_strength) return output def upscale_stable_diffusion(ctx: ServerContext, params: UpscaleParams, image: Image) -> Image: print('upscaling with Stable Diffusion') model_path = '../models/%s' % params.upscale_model # ValueError: Pipeline # expected {'vae', 'unet', 'text_encoder', 'tokenizer', 'scheduler', 'low_res_scheduler'}, # but only {'scheduler', 'tokenizer', 'text_encoder', 'unet'} were passed. # pipeline = OnnxStableDiffusionUpscalePipeline.from_pretrained( # model_path, # vae=AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(model_path, subfolder='vae_encoder'), # low_res_scheduler=DDPMScheduler.from_pretrained(model_path, subfolder='scheduler'), # ) # result = pipeline('', image=image) pipeline = StableDiffusionUpscalePipeline.from_pretrained('stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaling') upscale = lambda i: pipeline('an astronaut eating a hamburger', image=i).images[0] result = process_tiles(image, 64, 4, [upscale]) return result def run_upscale_correction(ctx: ServerContext, params: UpscaleParams, image: Image) -> Image: print('running upscale pipeline') if params.scale > 1: if 'esrgan' in params.upscale_model: image = upscale_resrgan(ctx, params, image) elif 'stable-diffusion' in params.upscale_model: image = upscale_stable_diffusion(ctx, params, image) if params.faces: image = upscale_gfpgan(ctx, params, image) return image