import gc import threading from logging import getLogger from os import environ, path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union import torch from .params import DeviceParams, SizeChart logger = getLogger(__name__) SAFE_CHARS = "._-" def base_join(base: str, tail: str) -> str: tail_path = path.relpath(path.normpath(path.join("/", tail)), "/") return path.join(base, tail_path) def is_debug() -> bool: return get_boolean(environ, "DEBUG", False) def get_boolean(args: Any, key: str, default_value: bool) -> bool: return args.get(key, str(default_value)).lower() in ("1", "t", "true", "y", "yes") def get_and_clamp_float( args: Any, key: str, default_value: float, max_value: float, min_value=0.0 ) -> float: return min(max(float(args.get(key, default_value)), min_value), max_value) def get_and_clamp_int( args: Any, key: str, default_value: int, max_value: int, min_value=1 ) -> int: return min(max(int(args.get(key, default_value)), min_value), max_value) def get_from_list(args: Any, key: str, values: Sequence[Any]) -> Optional[Any]: selected = args.get(key, None) if selected in values: return selected logger.warn("invalid selection: %s", selected) if len(values) > 0: return values[0] return None def get_from_map(args: Any, key: str, values: Dict[str, Any], default: Any) -> Any: selected = args.get(key, default) if selected in values: return values[selected] else: return values[default] def get_not_empty(args: Any, key: str, default: Any) -> Any: val = args.get(key, default) if val is None or len(val) == 0: val = default return val def get_size(val: Union[int, str, None]) -> Union[int, SizeChart]: if val is None: return if type(val) is int: return val if type(val) is str: for size in SizeChart: if val == return size return int(val) raise ValueError("invalid size") def run_gc(devices: Optional[List[DeviceParams]] = None): logger.debug( "running garbage collection with %s active threads", threading.active_count() ) gc.collect() if torch.cuda.is_available() and devices is not None: for device in [d for d in devices if d.device.startswith("cuda")]: logger.debug("running Torch garbage collection for device: %s", device) with torch.cuda.device(device.torch_str()): torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() mem_free, mem_total = torch.cuda.mem_get_info() mem_pct = (1 - (mem_free / mem_total)) * 100 logger.debug( "CUDA VRAM usage: %s of %s (%.2f%%)", (mem_total - mem_free), mem_total, mem_pct, ) def sanitize_name(name): return "".join(x for x in name if (x.isalnum() or x in SAFE_CHARS)) def merge(a, b, path=None): "merges b into a" if path is None: path = [] for key in b: if key in a: if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict): merge(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)]) elif a[key] == b[key]: pass # same leaf value else: raise ValueError("conflict at %s" % ".".join(path + [str(key)])) else: a[key] = b[key] return a