from logging import getLogger from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from onnx import ModelProto, NodeProto, TensorProto, load, numpy_helper from onnx.external_data_helper import set_external_data from onnxruntime import OrtValue from scipy import interpolate from ...server.context import ServerContext from ..utils import load_tensor logger = getLogger(__name__) def sum_weights(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: logger.trace("summing weights with shapes: %s + %s", a.shape, b.shape) # if they are the same, simply add them if len(a.shape) == len(b.shape): return a + b # get the kernel size from the tensor with the higher rank if len(a.shape) > len(b.shape): kernel = a.shape[-2:] hr = a lr = b else: kernel = b.shape[-2:] hr = b lr = a if kernel == (1, 1): lr = np.expand_dims(lr, axis=(2, 3)) # TODO: generate axis return hr + lr def buffer_external_data_tensors( model: ModelProto, ) -> Tuple[ModelProto, List[Tuple[str, OrtValue]]]: external_data = [] for tensor in model.graph.initializer: name = logger.trace("externalizing tensor: %s", name) if tensor.HasField("raw_data"): npt = numpy_helper.to_array(tensor) orv = OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(npt) external_data.append((name, orv)) # mimic set_external_data set_external_data(tensor, location="foo.bin") = name tensor.ClearField("raw_data") return (model, external_data) def fix_initializer_name(key: str): # lora_unet_up_blocks_3_attentions_2_transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_out_0.lora_down.weight # lora, unet, up_block.3.attentions.2.transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_out.0 return key.replace(".", "_") def fix_node_name(key: str): fixed_name = fix_initializer_name(key.replace("/", "_")) if fixed_name[0] == "_": return fixed_name[1:] else: return fixed_name def fix_xl_names(keys: Dict[str, Any], nodes: List[str]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[str]]: fixed = {} remaining = list(nodes) for key, value in keys.items(): root, *rest = key.split(".") logger.trace("fixing XL node name: %s -> %s", key, root) if root.startswith("input"): block = "down_blocks" elif root.startswith("middle"): block = "mid_block" # not plural elif root.startswith("output"): block = "up_blocks" elif root.startswith("text_model"): block = "text_model" elif root.startswith("down_blocks"): block = "down_blocks" elif root.startswith("mid_block"): block = "mid_block" elif root.startswith("up_blocks"): block = "up_blocks" else: logger.warning("unknown XL key name: %s", key) fixed[key] = value continue suffix = None for s in [ "fc1", "fc2", "ff_net_0_proj", "ff_net_2", "proj", "proj_in", "proj_out", "to_k", "to_out_0", "to_q", "to_v", ]: if root.endswith(s): suffix = s if suffix is None: logger.warning("new XL key type: %s", root) continue logger.trace("searching for XL node: /%s/*/%s", block, suffix) match = None if block == "text_model": match = next( node for node in remaining if node == f"{root}_MatMul" ) else: match = next( node for node in remaining if node.startswith(f"/{block}") and node.endswith( f"{suffix}_MatMul" ) # needs to be fixed because some places use to_out.0 ) if match is None: logger.warning("no matches for XL key: %s", root) continue name = match.rstrip("/MatMul") if name.endswith("proj_o"): # wtf name = f"{name}ut" logger.trace("matching XL key with node: %s -> %s", key, fixed[name] = value remaining.remove(match) return (fixed, remaining) def kernel_slice(x: int, y: int, shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]: return ( min(x, shape[2] - 1), min(y, shape[3] - 1), ) def blend_weights_loha( key: str, lora_prefix: str, lora_model: Dict, dtype ) -> Tuple[str, np.ndarray]: base_key = key[: key.index(".hada_w1_a")].replace(lora_prefix, "") t1_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_t1") t2_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_t2") w1b_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_w1_b") w2a_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_w2_a") w2b_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_w2_b") alpha_key = key[: key.index("hada_w1_a")] + "alpha" logger.trace( "blending weights for LoHA keys: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", key, w1b_key, w2a_key, w2b_key, alpha_key, ) w1a_weight = lora_model[key].to(dtype=dtype) w1b_weight = lora_model[w1b_key].to(dtype=dtype) w2a_weight = lora_model[w2a_key].to(dtype=dtype) w2b_weight = lora_model[w2b_key].to(dtype=dtype) t1_weight = lora_model.get(t1_key, None) t2_weight = lora_model.get(t2_key, None) dim = w1b_weight.size()[0] alpha = lora_model.get(alpha_key, dim).to(dtype).numpy() if t1_weight is not None and t2_weight is not None: t1_weight = t2_weight = logger.trace( "composing weights for LoHA node: (%s, %s, %s) * (%s, %s, %s)", t1_weight.shape, w1a_weight.shape, w1b_weight.shape, t2_weight.shape, w2a_weight.shape, w2b_weight.shape, ) weights_1 = torch.einsum( "i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l", t1_weight, w1b_weight, w1a_weight, ) weights_2 = torch.einsum( "i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l", t2_weight, w2b_weight, w2a_weight, ) weights = weights_1 * weights_2 np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) else: logger.trace( "blending weights for LoHA node: (%s @ %s) * (%s @ %s)", w1a_weight.shape, w1b_weight.shape, w2a_weight.shape, w2b_weight.shape, ) weights = (w1a_weight @ w1b_weight) * (w2a_weight @ w2b_weight) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) return base_key, np_weights def blend_weights_lora( key: str, lora_prefix: str, lora_model: Dict, dtype ) -> Tuple[str, np.ndarray]: base_key = key[: key.index(".lora_down")].replace(lora_prefix, "") mid_key = key.replace("lora_down", "lora_mid") up_key = key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up") alpha_key = key[: key.index("lora_down")] + "alpha" logger.trace("blending weights for LoRA keys: %s, %s, %s", key, up_key, alpha_key) down_weight = lora_model[key].to(dtype=dtype) up_weight = lora_model[up_key].to(dtype=dtype) mid_weight = None if mid_key in lora_model: mid_weight = lora_model[mid_key].to(dtype=dtype) dim = down_weight.size()[0] alpha = lora_model.get(alpha_key, dim) if not isinstance(alpha, int): alpha = kernel = down_weight.shape[-2:] if mid_weight is not None: kernel = mid_weight.shape[-2:] if len(down_weight.size()) == 2: # blend for nn.Linear logger.trace( "blending weights for Linear node: (%s @ %s) * %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = up_weight @ down_weight np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) elif len(down_weight.size()) == 4 and kernel == ( 1, 1, ): # blend for nn.Conv2d 1x1 logger.trace( "blending weights for Conv 1x1 node: %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = ( (up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)) .unsqueeze(2) .unsqueeze(3) ) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) elif len(down_weight.size()) == 4 and kernel == ( 3, 3, ): if mid_weight is not None: # blend for nn.Conv2d 3x3 with CP decomp logger.trace( "composing weights for Conv 3x3 node: %s, %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, mid_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = torch.zeros((up_weight.shape[0], down_weight.shape[1], *kernel)) for w in range(kernel[0]): for h in range(kernel[1]): weights[:, :, w, h] = ( up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ mid_weight[:, :, w, h] ) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) else: # blend for nn.Conv2d 3x3 logger.trace( "blending weights for Conv 3x3 node: %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = torch.zeros((up_weight.shape[0], down_weight.shape[1], *kernel)) for w in range(kernel[0]): for h in range(kernel[1]): down_w, down_h = kernel_slice(w, h, down_weight.shape) up_w, up_h = kernel_slice(w, h, up_weight.shape) weights[:, :, w, h] = ( up_weight[:, :, up_w, up_h] @ down_weight[:, :, down_w, down_h] ) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) else: logger.warning( "unknown LoRA node type at %s: %s", base_key, up_weight.shape[-2:], ) # TODO: should this be None? np_weights = np.zeros((1, 1, 1, 1)) return base_key, np_weights def blend_node_conv_gemm(weight_node, weights) -> TensorProto: # blending onnx_weights = numpy_helper.to_array(weight_node) logger.trace( "found blended weights for conv: %s, %s", onnx_weights.shape, weights.shape, ) if onnx_weights.shape[-2:] == (1, 1): if weights.shape[-2:] == (1, 1): blended = onnx_weights.squeeze((3, 2)) + weights.squeeze((3, 2)) else: blended = onnx_weights.squeeze((3, 2)) + weights blended = np.expand_dims(blended, (2, 3)) else: if onnx_weights.shape != weights.shape: logger.warning( "reshaping weights for mismatched Conv node: %s, %s", onnx_weights.shape, weights.shape, ) # TODO: test if this can be replaced with interpolation, simply reshaping is pretty sus blended = onnx_weights + weights.reshape(onnx_weights.shape) else: blended = onnx_weights + weights logger.trace("blended weight shape: %s", blended.shape) # replace the original initializer return numpy_helper.from_array(blended.astype(onnx_weights.dtype), def blend_node_matmul(matmul_node, weights, matmul_key) -> TensorProto: onnx_weights = numpy_helper.to_array(matmul_node) logger.trace( "found blended weights for matmul: %s, %s", weights.shape, onnx_weights.shape, ) t_weights = weights.transpose() if weights.shape != onnx_weights.shape and t_weights.shape != onnx_weights.shape: logger.warning( "weight shapes do not match for %s: %s vs %s", matmul_key, weights.shape, onnx_weights.shape, ) t_weights = interp_to_match(weights, onnx_weights).transpose() blended = onnx_weights + t_weights logger.trace("blended weight shape: %s, %s", blended.shape, onnx_weights.dtype) # replace the original initializer return numpy_helper.from_array(blended.astype(onnx_weights.dtype), def blend_loras( _conversion: ServerContext, base_name: Union[str, ModelProto], loras: List[Tuple[str, float]], model_type: Literal["text_encoder", "unet"], model_index: Optional[int] = None, xl: Optional[bool] = False, ): # always load to CPU for blending device = torch.device("cpu") dtype = torch.float32 base_model = base_name if isinstance(base_name, ModelProto) else load(base_name) lora_models = [load_tensor(name, map_location=device) for name, _weight in loras] if model_type == "text_encoder": if model_index is None: lora_prefix = "lora_te_" else: lora_prefix = f"lora_te{model_index}_" else: lora_prefix = f"lora_{model_type}_" blended: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} for (lora_name, lora_weight), lora_model in zip(loras, lora_models): logger.debug("blending LoRA from %s with weight of %s", lora_name, lora_weight) if lora_model is None: logger.warning("unable to load tensor for LoRA") continue for key in lora_model.keys(): if ".hada_w1_a" in key and lora_prefix in key: # LoHA base_key, np_weights = blend_weights_loha( key, lora_prefix, lora_model, dtype ) np_weights = np_weights * lora_weight if base_key in blended: logger.trace( "summing LoHA weights: %s + %s", blended[base_key].shape, np_weights.shape, ) blended[base_key] = sum_weights(blended[base_key], np_weights) else: logger.trace( "adding LoHA weights: %s", np_weights.shape, ) blended[base_key] = np_weights elif ".lora_down" in key and lora_prefix in key: # LoRA or LoCON base_key, np_weights = blend_weights_lora( key, lora_prefix, lora_model, dtype ) np_weights = np_weights * lora_weight if base_key in blended: logger.trace( "summing LoRA weights: %s + %s", blended[base_key].shape, np_weights.shape, ) blended[base_key] = sum_weights(blended[base_key], np_weights) else: logger.trace( "adding LoRA weights: %s", np_weights.shape, ) blended[base_key] = np_weights # fix node names once fixed_initializer_names = [ fix_initializer_name( for node in base_model.graph.initializer ] fixed_node_names = [fix_node_name( for node in base_model.graph.node] # rewrite node names for XL if xl: blended, remaining = fix_xl_names(blended, fixed_node_names) if len(remaining) > 0: logger.warning("could not match some XL keys: %s", remaining) logger.debug( "updating %s of %s initializers", len(blended.keys()), len(base_model.graph.initializer), ) unmatched_keys = [] for base_key, weights in blended.items(): conv_key = base_key + "_Conv" gemm_key = base_key + "_Gemm" matmul_key = base_key + "_MatMul" logger.trace( "key %s has conv: %s, gemm: %s, matmul: %s", base_key, conv_key in fixed_node_names, gemm_key in fixed_node_names, matmul_key in fixed_node_names, ) if conv_key in fixed_node_names or gemm_key in fixed_node_names: if conv_key in fixed_node_names: conv_idx = fixed_node_names.index(conv_key) conv_node = base_model.graph.node[conv_idx] logger.trace( "found conv node %s using %s",, conv_node.input ) else: conv_idx = fixed_node_names.index(gemm_key) conv_node = base_model.graph.node[conv_idx] logger.trace( "found gemm node %s using %s",, conv_node.input ) # find weight initializer weight_name = [n for n in conv_node.input if ".weight" in n][0] weight_name = fix_initializer_name(weight_name) weight_idx = fixed_initializer_names.index(weight_name) weight_node = base_model.graph.initializer[weight_idx] logger.trace("found weight initializer: %s", # replace the previous node updated_node = blend_node_conv_gemm(weight_node, weights) del base_model.graph.initializer[weight_idx] base_model.graph.initializer.insert(weight_idx, updated_node) elif matmul_key in fixed_node_names: weight_idx = fixed_node_names.index(matmul_key) weight_node = base_model.graph.node[weight_idx] logger.trace( "found matmul node %s using %s",, weight_node.input ) # find the MatMul initializer matmul_name = [n for n in weight_node.input if "MatMul" in n][0] matmul_idx = fixed_initializer_names.index(matmul_name) matmul_node = base_model.graph.initializer[matmul_idx] logger.trace("found matmul initializer: %s", # replace the previous node updated_node = blend_node_matmul(matmul_node, weights, matmul_key) del base_model.graph.initializer[matmul_idx] base_model.graph.initializer.insert(matmul_idx, updated_node) else: unmatched_keys.append(base_key) logger.debug( "node counts: %s -> %s, %s -> %s", len(fixed_initializer_names), len(base_model.graph.initializer), len(fixed_node_names), len(base_model.graph.node), ) if len(unmatched_keys) > 0: logger.warning("could not find nodes for some keys: %s", unmatched_keys) return base_model def interp_to_match(ref: np.ndarray, resize: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: res_x = np.linspace(0, 1, resize.shape[0]) res_y = np.linspace(0, 1, resize.shape[1]) ref_x = np.linspace(0, 1, ref.shape[0]) ref_y = np.linspace(0, 1, ref.shape[1]) logger.debug( "dims: %s, %s, %s, %s", resize.shape[0], resize.shape[1], ref.shape[0], ref.shape[1], ) f = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((ref_x, ref_y), ref, method="linear") xg, yg = np.meshgrid(res_x, res_y) output = f((xg, yg)) logger.debug("weights after interpolation: %s", output.shape) return output