from logging import getLogger from os import path from typing import List, Optional import numpy as np from PIL import Image from ..models.onnx import OnnxModel from ..params import DeviceParams, ImageParams, Size, StageParams, UpscaleParams from ..server import ModelTypes, ServerContext from ..utils import run_gc from ..worker import WorkerContext from .base import BaseStage from .result import StageResult logger = getLogger(__name__) class UpscaleBSRGANStage(BaseStage): max_tile = 64 def load( self, server: ServerContext, _stage: StageParams, upscale: UpscaleParams, device: DeviceParams, ): # must be within the load function for patch to take effect model_path = path.join(server.model_path, "%s.onnx" % (upscale.upscale_model)) cache_key = (model_path,) cache_pipe = server.cache.get(ModelTypes.upscaling, cache_key) if cache_pipe is not None: logger.debug("reusing existing BSRGAN pipeline") return cache_pipe"loading BSRGAN model from %s", model_path) pipe = OnnxModel( server, model_path, provider=device.ort_provider(), sess_options=device.sess_options(), ) server.cache.set(ModelTypes.upscaling, cache_key, pipe) run_gc([device]) return pipe def run( self, worker: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, stage: StageParams, _params: ImageParams, sources: StageResult, *, upscale: UpscaleParams, stage_source: Optional[Image.Image] = None, **kwargs, ) -> StageResult: upscale = upscale.with_args(**kwargs) if upscale.upscale_model is None: logger.warning("no upscaling model given, skipping") return sources"upscaling with BSRGAN model: %s", upscale.upscale_model) device = worker.get_device() bsrgan = self.load(server, stage, upscale, device) outputs = [] for source in sources.as_numpy(): image = source / 255.0 image = image[:, :, [2, 1, 0]].astype(np.float32).transpose((2, 0, 1)) image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) logger.trace("BSRGAN input shape: %s", image.shape) scale = upscale.outscale dest = np.zeros( ( image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2] * scale, image.shape[3] * scale, ) ) logger.trace("BSRGAN output shape: %s", dest.shape) dest = bsrgan(image) dest = np.clip(np.squeeze(dest, axis=0), 0, 1) dest = dest[[2, 1, 0], :, :].transpose((1, 2, 0)) dest = (dest * 255.0).round().astype(np.uint8) output = Image.fromarray(dest, "RGB") logger.debug("output image size: %s x %s", output.width, output.height) outputs.append(output) return StageResult(images=outputs) def steps( self, params: ImageParams, size: Size, ) -> int: tile = min(params.unet_tile, self.max_tile) return size.width // tile * size.height // tile