from logging import getLogger from typing import List, Optional import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image from ..diffusers.load import load_pipeline from ..diffusers.utils import encode_prompt, parse_prompt from ..params import ImageParams, SizeChart, StageParams from ..server import ServerContext from ..worker import ProgressCallback, WorkerContext from .stage import BaseStage logger = getLogger(__name__) class BlendImg2ImgStage(BaseStage): max_tile = SizeChart.unlimited def run( self, job: WorkerContext, server: ServerContext, _stage: StageParams, params: ImageParams, sources: List[Image.Image], *, strength: float, callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, stage_source: Optional[Image.Image] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[Image.Image]: params = params.with_args(**kwargs) "blending image using img2img, %s steps: %s", params.steps, params.prompt ) prompt_pairs, loras, inversions = parse_prompt(params) pipe_type = params.get_valid_pipeline("img2img") pipe = load_pipeline( server, params, pipe_type, job.get_device(), inversions=inversions, loras=loras, ) pipe_params = {} if pipe_type == "controlnet": pipe_params["controlnet_conditioning_scale"] = strength elif pipe_type == "img2img": pipe_params["strength"] = strength elif pipe_type == "lpw": pipe_params["strength"] = strength elif pipe_type == "panorama": pipe_params["strength"] = strength elif pipe_type == "pix2pix": pipe_params["image_guidance_scale"] = strength outputs = [] for source in sources: if params.lpw(): logger.debug("using LPW pipeline for img2img") rng = torch.manual_seed(params.seed) result = pipe.img2img( source, params.prompt, generator=rng, guidance_scale=params.cfg, negative_prompt=params.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=params.steps, callback=callback, **pipe_params, ) else: # encode and record alternative prompts outside of LPW prompt_embeds = encode_prompt( pipe, prompt_pairs, params.batch, params.do_cfg() ) pipe.unet.set_prompts(prompt_embeds) rng = np.random.RandomState(params.seed) result = pipe( params.prompt, generator=rng, guidance_scale=params.cfg, image=source, negative_prompt=params.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=params.steps, callback=callback, **pipe_params, ) outputs.extend(result.images) return outputs