from numpy import random from PIL import Image, ImageFilter from typing import Tuple import numpy as np def blend_mult(a): return float(a) / 256 def blend_imult(a): return 1.0 - blend_mult(a) def blend_mask_source(source: Tuple[int, int, int], mask: Tuple[int, int, int], noise: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: ''' Blend operation, linear interpolation from noise to source based on mask: `(s * (1 - m)) + (n * m)` Black = noise White = source ''' return ( int((source[0] * blend_mult(mask[0])) + (noise[0] * blend_imult(mask[0]))), int((source[1] * blend_mult(mask[1])) + (noise[1] * blend_imult(mask[1]))), int((source[2] * blend_mult(mask[2])) + (noise[2] * blend_imult(mask[2]))), ) def blend_source_mask(source: Tuple[int, int, int], mask: Tuple[int, int, int], noise: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: ''' Blend operation, linear interpolation from source to noise based on mask: `(s * (1 - m)) + (n * m)` Black = source White = noise ''' return ( int((source[0] * blend_imult(mask[0])) + (noise[0] * blend_mult(mask[0]))), int((source[1] * blend_imult(mask[1])) + (noise[1] * blend_mult(mask[1]))), int((source[2] * blend_imult(mask[2])) + (noise[2] * blend_mult(mask[2]))), ) def noise_source_fill(source_image: Image, dims: Tuple[int, int], origin: Tuple[int, int], fill='white') -> Tuple[float, float, float]: ''' Identity transform, source image centered on white canvas. ''' width, height = dims noise ='RGB', (width, height), fill) noise.paste(source_image, origin) return noise def noise_source_gaussian(source_image: Image, dims: Tuple[int, int], origin: Tuple[int, int], rounds=3) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: ''' Gaussian blur, source image centered on white canvas. ''' width, height = dims noise ='RGB', (width, height), 'white') noise.paste(source_image, origin) for i in range(rounds): noise.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(5)) return noise def noise_source_uniform(source_image: Image, dims: Tuple[int, int], origin: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: width, height = dims size = width * height noise_r = random.uniform(0, 256, size=size) noise_g = random.uniform(0, 256, size=size) noise_b = random.uniform(0, 256, size=size) noise ='RGB', (width, height)) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): i = x * y noise.putpixel((x, y), ( int(noise_r[i]), int(noise_g[i]), int(noise_b[i]) )) return noise def noise_source_normal(source_image: Image, dims: Tuple[int, int], origin: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: width, height = dims size = width * height noise_r = random.normal(128, 32, size=size) noise_g = random.normal(128, 32, size=size) noise_b = random.normal(128, 32, size=size) noise ='RGB', (width, height)) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): i = x * y noise.putpixel((x, y), ( int(noise_r[i]), int(noise_g[i]), int(noise_b[i]) )) return noise def noise_source_histogram(source_image: Image, dims: Tuple[int, int], origin: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: r, g, b = source_image.split() width, height = dims size = width * height hist_r = r.histogram() hist_g = g.histogram() hist_b = b.histogram() noise_r = random.choice(256, p=np.divide( np.copy(hist_r), np.sum(hist_r)), size=size) noise_g = random.choice(256, p=np.divide( np.copy(hist_g), np.sum(hist_g)), size=size) noise_b = random.choice(256, p=np.divide( np.copy(hist_b), np.sum(hist_b)), size=size) noise ='RGB', (width, height)) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): i = x * y noise.putpixel((x, y), ( noise_r[i], noise_g[i], noise_b[i] )) return noise # based on def expand_image( source_image: Image, mask_image: Image, expand_by: Tuple[int, int, int, int], fill='white', noise_source=noise_source_histogram, blend_op=blend_source_mask ): left, right, top, bottom = expand_by full_width = left + source_image.width + right full_height = top + source_image.height + bottom full_source ='RGB', (full_width, full_height), fill) full_source.paste(source_image, (left, top)) full_mask ='RGB', (full_width, full_height), fill) full_mask.paste(mask_image, (left, top)) full_noise = noise_source(source_image, (full_width, full_height), (top, left)) for x in range(full_source.width): for y in range(full_source.height): mask_color = full_mask.getpixel((x, y)) noise_color = full_noise.getpixel((x, y)) source_color = full_source.getpixel((x, y)) if mask_color[0] > 0: full_source.putpixel((x, y), blend_op( source_color, mask_color, noise_color)) return (full_source, full_mask, full_noise, (full_width, full_height))