from argparse import ArgumentParser from logging import getLogger from os import path from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from onnx import ModelProto, load, numpy_helper from onnx.checker import check_model from onnx.external_data_helper import ( convert_model_to_external_data, set_external_data, write_external_data_tensors, ) from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, OrtValue, SessionOptions from ...server.context import ServerContext from ..utils import ConversionContext, load_tensor logger = getLogger(__name__) def sum_weights(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: logger.trace("summing weights with shapes: %s + %s", a.shape, b.shape) # if they are the same, simply add them if len(a.shape) == len(b.shape): return a + b # get the kernel size from the tensor with the higher rank if len(a.shape) > len(b.shape): kernel = a.shape[-2:] hr = a lr = b else: kernel = b.shape[-2:] hr = b lr = a if kernel == (1, 1): lr = np.expand_dims(lr, axis=(2, 3)) return hr + lr def buffer_external_data_tensors( model: ModelProto, ) -> Tuple[ModelProto, List[Tuple[str, OrtValue]]]: external_data = [] for tensor in model.graph.initializer: name = logger.trace("externalizing tensor: %s", name) if tensor.HasField("raw_data"): npt = numpy_helper.to_array(tensor) orv = OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(npt) external_data.append((name, orv)) # mimic set_external_data set_external_data(tensor, location="foo.bin") = name tensor.ClearField("raw_data") return (model, external_data) def fix_initializer_name(key: str): # lora_unet_up_blocks_3_attentions_2_transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_out_0.lora_down.weight # lora, unet, up_block.3.attentions.2.transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_out.0 return key.replace(".", "_") def fix_node_name(key: str): fixed_name = fix_initializer_name(key.replace("/", "_")) if fixed_name[0] == "_": return fixed_name[1:] else: return fixed_name def kernel_slice(x: int, y: int, shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]: return ( max(x, shape[2]), max(y, shape[3]), ) def blend_loras( _conversion: ServerContext, base_name: Union[str, ModelProto], loras: List[Tuple[str, float]], model_type: Literal["text_encoder", "unet"], ): # always load to CPU for blending device = torch.device("cpu") dtype = torch.float32 base_model = base_name if isinstance(base_name, ModelProto) else load(base_name) lora_models = [load_tensor(name, map_location=device) for name, _weight in loras] if model_type == "text_encoder": lora_prefix = "lora_te_" else: lora_prefix = f"lora_{model_type}_" blended: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} for (lora_name, lora_weight), lora_model in zip(loras, lora_models): logger.debug("blending LoRA from %s with weight of %s", lora_name, lora_weight) if lora_model is None: logger.warning("unable to load tensor for LoRA") continue for key in lora_model.keys(): if ".hada_w1_a" in key and lora_prefix in key: # LoHA base_key = key[: key.index(".hada_w1_a")].replace(lora_prefix, "") t1_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_t1") t2_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_t2") w1b_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_w1_b") w2a_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_w2_a") w2b_key = key.replace("hada_w1_a", "hada_w2_b") alpha_key = key[: key.index("hada_w1_a")] + "alpha" logger.trace( "blending weights for LoHA keys: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", key, w1b_key, w2a_key, w2b_key, alpha_key, ) w1a_weight = lora_model[key].to(dtype=dtype) w1b_weight = lora_model[w1b_key].to(dtype=dtype) w2a_weight = lora_model[w2a_key].to(dtype=dtype) w2b_weight = lora_model[w2b_key].to(dtype=dtype) t1_weight = lora_model.get(t1_key, None) t2_weight = lora_model.get(t2_key, None) dim = w1b_weight.size()[0] alpha = lora_model.get(alpha_key, dim).to(dtype).numpy() if t1_weight is not None and t2_weight is not None: t1_weight = t2_weight = logger.trace( "composing weights for LoHA node: (%s, %s, %s) * (%s, %s, %s)", t1_weight.shape, w1a_weight.shape, w1b_weight.shape, t2_weight.shape, w2a_weight.shape, w2b_weight.shape, ) weights_1 = torch.einsum( "i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l", t1_weight, w1b_weight, w1a_weight, ) weights_2 = torch.einsum( "i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l", t2_weight, w2b_weight, w2a_weight, ) weights = weights_1 * weights_2 np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) else: logger.trace( "blending weights for LoHA node: (%s @ %s) * (%s @ %s)", w1a_weight.shape, w1b_weight.shape, w2a_weight.shape, w2b_weight.shape, ) weights = (w1a_weight @ w1b_weight) * (w2a_weight @ w2b_weight) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) np_weights *= lora_weight if base_key in blended: logger.trace( "summing LoHA weights: %s + %s", blended[base_key].shape, np_weights.shape, ) blended[base_key] += sum_weights(blended[base_key], np_weights) else: blended[base_key] = np_weights elif ".lora_down" in key and lora_prefix in key: # LoRA or LoCON base_key = key[: key.index(".lora_down")].replace(lora_prefix, "") mid_key = key.replace("lora_down", "lora_mid") up_key = key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up") alpha_key = key[: key.index("lora_down")] + "alpha" logger.trace( "blending weights for LoRA keys: %s, %s, %s", key, up_key, alpha_key ) down_weight = lora_model[key].to(dtype=dtype) up_weight = lora_model[up_key].to(dtype=dtype) mid_weight = None if mid_key in lora_model: mid_weight = lora_model[mid_key].to(dtype=dtype) dim = down_weight.size()[0] alpha = lora_model.get(alpha_key, dim) if not isinstance(alpha, int): alpha = kernel = down_weight.shape[-2:] if mid_weight is not None: kernel = mid_weight.shape[-2:] if len(down_weight.size()) == 2: # blend for nn.Linear logger.trace( "blending weights for Linear node: (%s @ %s) * %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = up_weight @ down_weight np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) elif len(down_weight.size()) == 4 and kernel == ( 1, 1, ): # blend for nn.Conv2d 1x1 logger.trace( "blending weights for Conv 1x1 node: %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = ( ( up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) ) .unsqueeze(2) .unsqueeze(3) ) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) elif len(down_weight.size()) == 4 and kernel == ( 3, 3, ): if mid_weight is not None: # blend for nn.Conv2d 3x3 with CP decomp logger.trace( "composing weights for Conv 3x3 node: %s, %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, mid_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = torch.zeros( (up_weight.shape[0], down_weight.shape[1], *kernel) ) for w in range(kernel[0]): for h in range(kernel[1]): weights[:, :, w, h] = ( up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ mid_weight[:, :, w, h] ) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) else: # blend for nn.Conv2d 3x3 logger.trace( "blending weights for Conv 3x3 node: %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha, ) weights = torch.zeros( (up_weight.shape[0], down_weight.shape[1], *kernel) ) for w in range(kernel[0]): for h in range(kernel[1]): down_w, down_h = kernel_slice(w, h, down_weight.shape) up_w, up_h = kernel_slice(w, h, up_weight.shape) weights[:, :, w, h] = up_weight[ :, :, up_w, up_h ].squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ down_weight[ :, :, down_w, down_h ].squeeze( 3 ).squeeze( 2 ) np_weights = weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim) else: logger.warning( "unknown LoRA node type at %s: %s", base_key, up_weight.shape[-2:], ) continue np_weights *= lora_weight if base_key in blended: logger.trace( "summing weights: %s + %s", blended[base_key].shape, np_weights.shape, ) blended[base_key] = sum_weights(blended[base_key], np_weights) else: blended[base_key] = np_weights logger.trace( "updating %s of %s initializers: %s", len(blended.keys()), len(base_model.graph.initializer), list(blended.keys()), ) fixed_initializer_names = [ fix_initializer_name( for node in base_model.graph.initializer ] logger.trace("fixed initializer names: %s", fixed_initializer_names) fixed_node_names = [fix_node_name( for node in base_model.graph.node] logger.trace("fixed node names: %s", fixed_node_names) unmatched_keys = [] for base_key, weights in blended.items(): conv_key = base_key + "_Conv" gemm_key = base_key + "_Gemm" matmul_key = base_key + "_MatMul" logger.trace( "key %s has conv: %s, matmul: %s", base_key, conv_key in fixed_node_names, matmul_key in fixed_node_names, ) if conv_key in fixed_node_names or gemm_key in fixed_node_names: if conv_key in fixed_node_names: conv_idx = fixed_node_names.index(conv_key) conv_node = base_model.graph.node[conv_idx] logger.trace( "found conv node %s using %s",, conv_node.input ) else: conv_idx = fixed_node_names.index(gemm_key) conv_node = base_model.graph.node[conv_idx] logger.trace( "found gemm node %s using %s",, conv_node.input ) # find weight initializer weight_name = [n for n in conv_node.input if ".weight" in n][0] weight_name = fix_initializer_name(weight_name) weight_idx = fixed_initializer_names.index(weight_name) weight_node = base_model.graph.initializer[weight_idx] logger.trace("found weight initializer: %s", # blending onnx_weights = numpy_helper.to_array(weight_node) logger.trace( "found blended weights for conv: %s, %s", onnx_weights.shape, weights.shape, ) if onnx_weights.shape[-2:] == (1, 1): if weights.shape[-2:] == (1, 1): blended = onnx_weights.squeeze((3, 2)) + weights.squeeze((3, 2)) else: blended = onnx_weights.squeeze((3, 2)) + weights blended = np.expand_dims(blended, (2, 3)) else: if onnx_weights.shape != weights.shape: logger.warning( "reshaping weights for mismatched Conv node: %s, %s", onnx_weights.shape, weights.shape, ) blended = onnx_weights + weights.reshape(onnx_weights.shape) else: blended = onnx_weights + weights logger.trace("blended weight shape: %s", blended.shape) # replace the original initializer updated_node = numpy_helper.from_array( blended.astype(onnx_weights.dtype), ) del base_model.graph.initializer[weight_idx] base_model.graph.initializer.insert(weight_idx, updated_node) elif matmul_key in fixed_node_names: weight_idx = fixed_node_names.index(matmul_key) weight_node = base_model.graph.node[weight_idx] logger.trace( "found matmul node %s using %s",, weight_node.input ) # find the MatMul initializer matmul_name = [n for n in weight_node.input if "MatMul" in n][0] matmul_idx = fixed_initializer_names.index(matmul_name) matmul_node = base_model.graph.initializer[matmul_idx] logger.trace("found matmul initializer: %s", # blending onnx_weights = numpy_helper.to_array(matmul_node) logger.trace( "found blended weights for matmul: %s, %s", weights.shape, onnx_weights.shape, ) blended = onnx_weights + weights.transpose() logger.trace("blended weight shape: %s", blended.shape) # replace the original initializer updated_node = numpy_helper.from_array( blended.astype(onnx_weights.dtype), ) del base_model.graph.initializer[matmul_idx] base_model.graph.initializer.insert(matmul_idx, updated_node) else: unmatched_keys.append(base_key) logger.debug( "node counts: %s -> %s, %s -> %s", len(fixed_initializer_names), len(base_model.graph.initializer), len(fixed_node_names), len(base_model.graph.node), ) if len(unmatched_keys) > 0: logger.warning("could not find nodes for some keys: %s", unmatched_keys) return base_model if __name__ == "__main__": context = ConversionContext.from_environ() parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--base", type=str) parser.add_argument("--dest", type=str) parser.add_argument("--type", type=str, choices=["text_encoder", "unet"]) parser.add_argument("--lora_models", nargs="+", type=str, default=[]) parser.add_argument("--lora_weights", nargs="+", type=float, default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() "merging %s with %s with weights: %s", args.lora_models, args.base, args.lora_weights, ) default_weight = 1.0 / len(args.lora_models) while len(args.lora_weights) < len(args.lora_models): args.lora_weights.append(default_weight) blend_model = blend_loras( context, args.base, list(zip(args.lora_models, args.lora_weights)), args.type, ) if args.dest is None or args.dest == "" or args.dest == ":load": # convert to external data and save to memory (bare_model, external_data) = buffer_external_data_tensors(blend_model)"saved external data for %s nodes", len(external_data)) external_names, external_values = zip(*external_data) opts = SessionOptions() opts.add_external_initializers(list(external_names), list(external_values)) sess = InferenceSession( bare_model.SerializeToString(), sess_options=opts, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"], ) "successfully loaded blended model: %s", [ for i in sess.get_inputs()] ) else: convert_model_to_external_data( blend_model, all_tensors_to_one_file=True, location=f"lora-{args.type}.pb" ) bare_model = write_external_data_tensors(blend_model, args.dest) dest_file = path.join(args.dest, f"lora-{args.type}.onnx") with open(dest_file, "w+b") as model_file: model_file.write(bare_model.SerializeToString())"successfully saved blended model: %s", dest_file) check_model(dest_file)"checked blended model")