from diffusers import ( DiffusionPipeline, # onnx OnnxStableDiffusionPipeline, OnnxStableDiffusionImg2ImgPipeline, OnnxStableDiffusionInpaintPipeline, ) from PIL import Image, ImageChops from typing import Any, Union import gc import numpy as np import torch from .image import ( expand_image, ) from .upscale import ( upscale_resrgan, UpscaleParams, ) from .utils import ( is_debug, safer_join, BaseParams, Border, ServerContext, Size, ) last_pipeline_instance = None last_pipeline_options = (None, None, None) last_pipeline_scheduler = None def get_latents_from_seed(seed: int, size: Size) -> np.ndarray: ''' From ''' # 1 is batch size latents_shape = (1, 4, size.height // 8, size.width // 8) # Gotta use numpy instead of torch, because torch's randn() doesn't support DML rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) image_latents = rng.standard_normal(latents_shape).astype(np.float32) return image_latents def load_pipeline(pipeline: DiffusionPipeline, model: str, provider: str, scheduler: Any, device: Union[str, None] = None): global last_pipeline_instance global last_pipeline_scheduler global last_pipeline_options options = (pipeline, model, provider) if last_pipeline_instance != None and last_pipeline_options == options: print('reusing existing pipeline') pipe = last_pipeline_instance else: print('unloading previous pipeline') last_pipeline_instance = None last_pipeline_scheduler = None gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() print('loading different pipeline') pipe = pipeline.from_pretrained( model, provider=provider, safety_checker=None, scheduler=scheduler.from_pretrained(model, subfolder='scheduler') ) if device is not None: pipe = last_pipeline_instance = pipe last_pipeline_options = options last_pipeline_scheduler = scheduler if last_pipeline_scheduler != scheduler: print('changing pipeline scheduler') scheduler = scheduler.from_pretrained( model, subfolder='scheduler') if device is not None: scheduler = pipe.scheduler = scheduler last_pipeline_scheduler = scheduler print('running garbage collection during pipeline change') gc.collect() return pipe def run_txt2img_pipeline( ctx: ServerContext, params: BaseParams, size: Size, output: str, upscale: UpscaleParams ): pipe = load_pipeline(OnnxStableDiffusionPipeline, params.model, params.provider, params.scheduler) latents = get_latents_from_seed(params.seed, size) rng = np.random.RandomState(params.seed) result = pipe( params.prompt, height=size.height, width=size.width, generator=rng, guidance_scale=params.cfg, latents=latents, negative_prompt=params.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=params.steps, ) image = result.images[0] if upscale.faces or upscale.scale > 1: image = upscale_resrgan(ctx, upscale, image) dest = safer_join(ctx.output_path, output) del image del result print('saved txt2img output: %s' % (dest)) def run_img2img_pipeline( ctx: ServerContext, params: BaseParams, output: str, upscale: UpscaleParams, source_image: Image, strength: float, ): pipe = load_pipeline(OnnxStableDiffusionImg2ImgPipeline, params.model, params.provider, params.scheduler) rng = np.random.RandomState(params.seed) result = pipe( params.prompt, generator=rng, guidance_scale=params.cfg, image=source_image, negative_prompt=params.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=params.steps, strength=strength, ) image = result.images[0] if upscale.faces or upscale.scale > 1: image = upscale_resrgan(ctx, upscale, image) dest = safer_join(ctx.output_path, output) del image del result print('saved img2img output: %s' % (dest)) def run_inpaint_pipeline( ctx: ServerContext, params: BaseParams, size: Size, output: str, upscale: UpscaleParams, source_image: Image, mask_image: Image, expand: Border, noise_source: Any, mask_filter: Any, strength: float, fill_color: str, ): pipe = load_pipeline(OnnxStableDiffusionInpaintPipeline, params.model, params.provider, params.scheduler) latents = get_latents_from_seed(params.seed, size) rng = np.random.RandomState(params.seed) print('applying mask filter and generating noise source') source_image, mask_image, noise_image, _full_dims = expand_image( source_image, mask_image, expand, fill=fill_color, noise_source=noise_source, mask_filter=mask_filter) if is_debug():, 'last-source.png')), 'last-mask.png')), 'last-noise.png')) result = pipe( params.prompt, generator=rng, guidance_scale=params.cfg, height=size.height, image=source_image, latents=latents, mask_image=mask_image, negative_prompt=params.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=params.steps, width=size.width, ) image = result.images[0] if image.size == source_image.size: image = ImageChops.blend(source_image, image, strength) else: print('output image size does not match source, skipping post-blend') if upscale.faces or upscale.scale > 1: image = upscale_resrgan(ctx, upscale, image) dest = safer_join(ctx.output_path, output) del image del result print('saved inpaint output: %s' % (dest)) def run_upscale_pipeline( ctx: ServerContext, _params: BaseParams, _size: Size, output: str, upscale: UpscaleParams, source_image: Image ): image = upscale_resrgan(ctx, upscale, source_image) dest = safer_join(ctx.output_path, output) del image print('saved img2img output: %s' % (dest))