from logging import getLogger from typing import Callable, Tuple import torch import numpy as np from diffusers import OnnxStableDiffusionInpaintPipeline from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from ..device_pool import JobContext from ..diffusion.load import get_latents_from_seed, get_tile_latents, load_pipeline from ..image import expand_image, mask_filter_none, noise_source_histogram from ..output import save_image from ..params import Border, ImageParams, Size, SizeChart, StageParams from ..utils import ServerContext, is_debug from .utils import process_tile_grid, process_tile_spiral logger = getLogger(__name__) def upscale_outpaint( job: JobContext, server: ServerContext, stage: StageParams, params: ImageParams, source_image: Image.Image, *, border: Border, prompt: str = None, mask_image: Image.Image = None, fill_color: str = "white", mask_filter: Callable = mask_filter_none, noise_source: Callable = noise_source_histogram, **kwargs, ) -> Image.Image: prompt = prompt or params.prompt"upscaling image by expanding borders: %s", border) if mask_image is None: # if no mask was provided, keep the full source image mask_image ="RGB", source_image.size, "black") source_image, mask_image, noise_image, full_dims = expand_image( source_image, mask_image, border, fill=fill_color, noise_source=noise_source, mask_filter=mask_filter, ) draw_mask = ImageDraw.Draw(mask_image) full_size = Size(*full_dims) full_latents = get_latents_from_seed(params.seed, full_size) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "last-source.png", source_image) save_image(server, "last-mask.png", mask_image) save_image(server, "last-noise.png", noise_image) def outpaint(image: Image.Image, dims: Tuple[int, int, int]): left, top, tile = dims size = Size(*image.size) mask = mask_image.crop((left, top, left + tile, top + tile)) if is_debug(): save_image(server, "tile-source.png", image) save_image(server, "tile-mask.png", mask) pipe = load_pipeline( OnnxStableDiffusionInpaintPipeline, params.model, params.scheduler, job.get_device(), ) if params.lpw: pipe = pipe.inpaint rng = torch.manual_seed(params.seed) else: rng = np.random.RandomState(params.seed) latents = get_tile_latents(full_latents, dims) result = pipe( image, mask, prompt, generator=rng, guidance_scale=params.cfg, height=size.height, latents=latents, negative_prompt=params.negative_prompt, num_inference_steps=params.steps, width=size.width, ) # once part of the image has been drawn, keep it draw_mask.rectangle((left, top, left + tile, top + tile), fill="black") return result.images[0] margin_x = float(max(border.left, border.right)) margin_y = float(max(, border.bottom)) overlap = min(margin_x / source_image.width, margin_y / source_image.height) if border.left == border.right and == border.bottom: logger.debug("outpainting with an even border, using spiral tiling") output = process_tile_spiral(source_image,, 1, [outpaint], overlap=overlap) else: logger.debug("outpainting with an uneven border, using grid tiling") output = process_tile_grid(source_image,, 1, [outpaint])"final output image size: %sx%s", output.width, output.height) return output