import { InvalidArgumentError } from '@apextoaster/js-utils'; import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { BaseOptions, Container, NullLogger } from 'noicejs'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import { RemoteModule } from '../../src/module/RemoteModule'; import { GithubRemote } from '../../src/remote/github'; describe('github remote', () => { it('should create an octokit client with token auth', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = stub(); module.bind(Octokit).toFactory(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'foo', type: 'token', }, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); expect(client).to.have.been.calledWithMatch({ auth: 'foo', }); }); it('should throw on invalid auth methods', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = stub(); module.bind(Octokit).toFactory(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { type: 'test', }, logger, type: '', }); return expect(remote.connect()); }); it('should not provide a write client for dry run remotes', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = stub(); module.bind(Octokit).toFactory(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { type: 'test', }, dryrun: true, logger, type: '', }); expect(remote.writeCapable).to.equal(false); expect(() => remote.writeClient).to.throw(InvalidArgumentError); }); describe('create label endpoint', () => { it('should create labels when dryrun=false', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = new Octokit(); stub(client.issues, 'createLabel'); module.bind(Octokit).toInstance(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'test', type: 'token', }, dryrun: false, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); const data = { color: '', desc: '', name: 'foo', project: '', }; const result = await remote.createLabel(data); expect(result).to.include(data); expect(client.issues.createLabel).to.have.callCount(1).and.been.calledWithMatch({ name:, }); }); it('should not create labels when dryrun=true', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = new Octokit(); stub(client.issues, 'createLabel'); module.bind(Octokit).toInstance(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'test', type: 'token', }, dryrun: true, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); const data = { color: '', desc: '', name: 'foo', project: '', }; const result = await remote.createLabel(data); expect(result).to.include(data); expect(client.issues.createLabel).to.have.callCount(0); }); }); describe('delete label endpoint', () => { it('should delete labels when dryrun=false', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = new Octokit(); stub(client.issues, 'deleteLabel'); module.bind(Octokit).toInstance(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'test', type: 'token', }, dryrun: false, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); const data = { color: '', desc: '', name: 'foo', project: '', }; const result = await remote.deleteLabel(data); expect(result).to.include(data); expect(client.issues.deleteLabel).to.have.callCount(1).and.been.calledWithMatch({ name:, }); }); it('should not delete labels when dryrun=true', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = new Octokit(); stub(client.issues, 'deleteLabel'); module.bind(Octokit).toInstance(client); const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'test', type: 'token', }, dryrun: true, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); const data = { color: '', desc: '', name: 'foo', project: '', }; const result = await remote.deleteLabel(data); expect(result).to.include(data); expect(client.issues.deleteLabel).to.have.callCount(0); }); }); describe('list issues endpoint', () => { it('should list issues when dryrun=*', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = new Octokit(); const listStub = stub(client.issues, 'listForRepo').returns(Promise.resolve({ data: [], headers: {}, status: 0, url: '', })); module.bind(Octokit).toInstance(client); for (const dryrun of [true, false]) { const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'test', type: 'token', }, dryrun, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); const data = { project: '', }; const result = await remote.listIssues(data); expect(result).to.deep.equal([]); expect(client.issues.listForRepo).to.have.callCount(1); listStub.resetHistory(); } }); }); describe('list labels endpoint', () => { it('should list labels when dryrun=*', async () => { const logger =; const module = new RemoteModule(); const container = Container.from(module); await container.configure(); const client = new Octokit(); const listStub = stub(client.issues, 'listLabelsForRepo').returns(Promise.resolve({ data: [], headers: {}, status: 0, url: '', })); module.bind(Octokit).toInstance(client); for (const dryrun of [true, false]) { const remote = await container.create(GithubRemote, { data: { token: 'test', type: 'token', }, dryrun, logger, type: '', }); const status = await remote.connect(); expect(status).to.equal(true); const data = { project: '', }; const result = await remote.listLabels(data); expect(result).to.deep.equal([]); expect(client.issues.listLabelsForRepo).to.have.callCount(1); listStub.resetHistory(); } }); }); });