import { isMap, isObject, isString } from 'lodash'; import { doesExist, isNil, mergeList, mustExist, Optional } from '.'; import { NotFoundError } from '../error/NotFoundError'; export interface Dict { [key: string]: TVal; } /** * A `Map` or dictionary object with string keys and `TVal` values. */ export type MapLike = Map | Dict; /** * Get an element from a Map and guard against nil values. */ export function mustGet(map: Map, key: TKey): TVal { const val = map.get(key); return mustExist(val); } export function getOrDefault(map: Map, key: TKey, defaultValue: TVal): TVal { if (map.has(key)) { const data = map.get(key); if (doesExist(data)) { return data; } } return defaultValue; } export function getHead(map: Map>, key: TKey): TVal { const value = map.get(key); if (isNil(value) || value.length === 0) { throw new NotFoundError(); } return value[0]; } export function getHeadOrDefault(map: Map>>, key: TKey, defaultValue: TVal): TVal { if (!map.has(key)) { return defaultValue; } const data = map.get(key); if (isNil(data)) { return defaultValue; } const [head] = data; if (isNil(head)) { return defaultValue; } return head; } /** * Set a map key to a new array or push to the existing value. * @param map The destination map and source of existing values. * @param key The key to get and set. * @param val The value to add. */ export function setOrPush(map: Map>, key: TKey, val: TVal | Array) { const prev = map.get(key); if (doesExist(prev)) { map.set(key, mergeList(prev, val)); } else { if (Array.isArray(val)) { map.set(key, val); } else { map.set(key, [val]); } } } export function mergeMap(target: Map, source: Map | Array<[TKey, TVal]>) { for (const [k, v] of source) { target.set(k, v); } return target; } export function pushMergeMap(...args: Array>>): Map> { const out = new Map(); for (const arg of args) { for (const [key, val] of arg) { setOrPush(out, key, val); } } return out; } /** * Clone a map or map-like object into a new map. */ export function makeMap(val: Optional>): Map { // nil: empty map if (isNil(val)) { return new Map(); } // already a map: make a copy if (isMap(val)) { return new Map(val.entries()); } // otherwise: dict return new Map(Object.entries(val)); } /** * Turns a map or dict into a dict */ export function makeDict(map: Optional>): Dict { if (isNil(map)) { return {}; } if (isMap(map)) { const result: Dict = {}; for (const [key, val] of map) { result[key] = val; } return result; } return map; } export interface NameValuePair { name: string; value: TVal; } export function pairsToMap(pairs: Array>): Map { const map = new Map(); for (const p of pairs) { map.set(, p.value); } return map; } export function dictValuesToArrays(map: MapLike): Dict> { const data: Dict> = {}; for (const [key, value] of makeMap(map)) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { data[key] = value; } else { data[key] = [value]; } } return data; } export function normalizeMap(map: MapLike): Dict> { const data: Dict> = {}; for (const [key, value] of makeMap(map)) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { data[key] = value; } else if (isString(value)) { data[key] = [value]; } else if (isObject(value)) { data[key] = [value.toString()]; } } return data; } export function entriesOf(map: Optional>): Array<[string, TVal]> { if (map instanceof Map) { return Array.from(map.entries()); } if (map instanceof Object) { return Object.entries(map); } return []; }