import { expect } from 'chai'; import { InvalidArgumentError } from '../../src/error/InvalidArgumentError.js'; import { constructorName, getConstructor, getMethods } from '../../src/Reflect.js'; class Test { public foo() { /* noop */ } public bar() { /* noop */ } } describe('reflect utils', () => { describe('get methods helper', () => { it('should collect method functions', async () => { const methods = getMethods(new Test()).values(); /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */ expect(methods).to.include(; expect(methods).to.include(; }); }); describe('get constructor helper', () => { it('should get the constructor from an instance', async () => { const instance = new Test(); expect(getConstructor(instance)).to.equal(Test); }); }); describe('get constructor name helper', () => { it('should get the constructor name from an instance', async () => { const instance = new Test(); expect(constructorName(instance)).to.equal(; }); it('should throw when value has no prototype', async () => { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null */ const protoless = Object.create(null, {}); expect(() => constructorName(protoless)).to.throw(InvalidArgumentError); }); xit('should handle nil values'); }); });