import { expect } from 'chai'; import { NotFoundError } from '../../src/error/NotFoundError'; import { entriesOf, getHead, getHeadOrDefault, getOrDefault, makeDict, makeMap, mustGet, pairsToMap, setOrPush, mergeMap, pushMergeMap, normalizeMap, } from '../../src/Map'; import { describeLeaks, itLeaks } from '../helpers/async'; const DEFAULT_VALUE = 'default'; const mapKey = 'key'; const mapValue = 'value'; const singleItem = new Map([[mapKey, mapValue]]); const multiItem = new Map([ [mapKey, [mapValue]], /* eslint-disable */ ['nilKey', null as any], ['nilValue', [null]], /* eslint-enable */ ]); describeLeaks('map utils', async () => { describeLeaks('make dict', async () => { itLeaks('should return an empty dict for nil values', async () => { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null */ expect(makeDict(null)).to.deep.equal({}); expect(makeDict(undefined)).to.deep.equal({}); }); itLeaks('should return an existing dict', async () => { const input = {}; expect(makeDict(input)).to.equal(input); }); }); describeLeaks('make map', async () => { itLeaks('should convert objects to maps', async () => { const data = { bar: '2', foo: '1', }; const map = makeMap(data); expect(Array.from(map.entries())).to.deep.equal(Object.entries(data)); }); }); describeLeaks('must get helper', async () => { itLeaks('should get existing keys', async () => { expect(mustGet(singleItem, mapKey)).to.equal(mapValue); }); itLeaks('should throw on missing keys', async () => { expect(() => { mustGet(singleItem, 'nope'); }).to.throw(NotFoundError); }); }); describeLeaks('get head helper', async () => { itLeaks('should get the first item from existing keys', async () => { expect(getHead(multiItem, mapKey)).to.equal(mapValue); }); itLeaks('should throw on missing keys', async () => { expect(() => { getHead(multiItem, 'nope'); }).to.throw(NotFoundError); }); }); describeLeaks('get head or default helper', async () => { itLeaks('should get the first item from existing keys', async () => { expect(getHeadOrDefault(multiItem, mapKey, 'nope')).to.equal(mapValue); }); itLeaks('should get the default for missing keys', async () => { expect(getHeadOrDefault(multiItem, 'nope', mapValue)).to.equal(mapValue); }); itLeaks('should return the default value for nil values', async () => { expect(getHeadOrDefault(multiItem, 'nilValue', mapValue)).to.equal(mapValue); }); itLeaks('should return the default value for nil keys', async () => { expect(getHeadOrDefault(multiItem, 'nilKey', mapValue)).to.equal(mapValue); }); }); describe('get or default helper', () => { it('should get the item for existing keys', () => { expect(getOrDefault(singleItem, mapKey, DEFAULT_VALUE)).to.equal(mapValue); }); it('should get the item for missing keys', () => { expect(getOrDefault(singleItem, 'missing', DEFAULT_VALUE)).to.equal(DEFAULT_VALUE); }); it('should return the default for nil values', () => { expect(getOrDefault(multiItem, 'nilKey', DEFAULT_VALUE)).to.equal(DEFAULT_VALUE); }); xit('should return falsy values for existing keys'); }); describe('pairs to map helper', () => { it('should convert pairs', () => { const result = pairsToMap([{ name: 'foo', value: 3, }]); expect(result.get('foo')).to.equal(3); }); }); describe('entries of helper', () => { it('should return entries for maps', () => { const input: Array<[string, number]> = [['foo', 1], ['bar', 3]]; const value = new Map(input); const result = entriesOf(value); expect(result.length).to.equal(2); expect(result).to.deep.equal(input); }); it('should return entries for objects', () => { const result = entriesOf({ bar: 3, foo: 1, }); expect(result.length).to.equal(2); expect(result[0][0]).to.equal('bar'); }); it('should return empty entries for nil values', () => { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null */ expect(entriesOf(null)).to.deep.equal([]); expect(entriesOf(undefined)).to.deep.equal([]); }); }); describe('set or push helper', () => { xit('should insert new lists'); it('should wrap new items', () => { const values = new Map>([]); setOrPush(values, mapKey, 'fin'); expect(Array.from(values.keys()).length).to.equal(1); expect(mustGet(values, mapKey).length).to.equal(1); }); it('should append to existing items', () => { const values = new Map(multiItem); setOrPush(values, mapKey, 'fin'); expect(Array.from(values.keys()).length).to.equal(3); expect(mustGet(values, mapKey).length).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('merge map helper', () => { it('should combine two maps', () => { const firstValue = new Map([[mapKey, mapValue]]); const otherValue = new Map([['foo', 'bar']]); const merged = mergeMap(firstValue, otherValue); expect(Array.from(merged.keys()).length).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('push merge map helper', () => { it('should combine two overlapping maps', () => { const firstValue = new Map([[mapKey, [1]]]); const otherValue = new Map([[mapKey, [2, 3]]]); const merged = pushMergeMap(firstValue, otherValue); expect(merged).to.have.keys(mapKey); expect(merged.get(mapKey)).to.deep.equal([1, 2, 3]); }); }); describe('make map helper', () => { it('should make an empty map', () => { expect(makeMap(undefined).size).to.equal(0); }); it('should copy an existing map', () => { const copy = makeMap(singleItem); expect(copy).to.deep.equal(singleItem); expect(copy); }); it('should copy a dict', () => { expect(makeMap({ [mapKey]: mapValue, })).to.deep.equal(singleItem); }); }); describe('normalize map helper', () => { it('should convert values into arrays of strings', () => { const banVal = [Symbol()]; const initial = new Map([ ['bar', 'bin'], ['ban', banVal], ['toad', { toString() { return 'too'; }, }], ]); const normalized = normalizeMap(initial); expect(['bin']); expect(normalized.ban).to.equal(banVal); expect(normalized.toad).to.deep.equal(['too']); }); /* ['foo', 1] */ xit('should convert numbers into string values'); }); });