export NODE_VERSION := $(shell node -v 2>/dev/null || echo "none") export PACKAGE_NAME := $(shell jq -r '.name' package.json 2>/dev/null || echo "unknown") export PACKAGE_VERSION := $(shell jq -r '.version' package.json 2>/dev/null || echo "unknown") export RUNNER_VERSION := $(CI_RUNNER_VERSION) # Debug export DEBUG_BIND ?= export DEBUG_PORT ?= 9229 # Node options NODE_CMD ?= $(shell env node) NODE_DEBUG ?= --inspect-brk=$(DEBUG_BIND):$(DEBUG_PORT) --nolazy .PHONY: build ci clean-deps cover deps docs lint test yarn-global yarn-upgrade # directory targets node_modules: deps out: build # phony targets build: ## build the app build: node_modules yarn tsc cat $(TARGET_PATH)/src/version.js | envsubst > $(TARGET_PATH)/src/version-out.js mv $(TARGET_PATH)/src/version-out.js $(TARGET_PATH)/src/version.js ci: clean-target lint build cover docs clean-deps: ## clean up the node_modules directory rm -rf node_modules/ COVER_ARGS := --all \ --check-coverage \ --branches 75 \ --functions 75 \ --lines 75 \ --statements 75 \ --exclude ".eslintrc.js" \ --exclude "config/**" \ --exclude "docs/**" \ --exclude "examples/**" \ --exclude "out/coverage/**" \ --exclude "vendor/**" \ --reporter=text-summary \ --reporter=lcov \ --report-dir=out/coverage cover: ## run tests with coverage cover: node_modules out yarn c8 $(COVER_ARGS) yarn mocha $(MOCHA_ARGS) "out/**/Test*.js" deps: yarn docs: yarn api-extractor run -c config/api-extractor.json yarn api-documenter markdown -i out/api -o docs/api lint: ## run eslint lint: node_modules yarn eslint src/ --ext .ts,.tsx MOCHA_ARGS := --async-only \ --check-leaks \ --forbid-only \ --require source-map-support/register \ --require out/test/setup.js \ --recursive \ --sort test: ## run tests test: node_modules out yarn mocha $(MOCHA_ARGS) "out/**/Test*.js" yarn-upgrade: ## check yarn for potential upgrades yarn upgrade-interactive --latest