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import { expect } from 'chai';
export function itFails(msg: string, done: Mocha.Done, count = 1): Mocha.TestFunction {
const expectations: Array<Chai.PromisedAssertion> = [];
const mockIt = function (this: Mocha.Context, name: string, test: Mocha.AsyncFunc) {
console.log('mock it invoked with test', name, test.name, expectations.length);
expectations.push(expect(test.call(this), name).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error, `Property failed ${msg}`));
if (expectations.length >= count) {
console.log('all expectations queued for', name, expectations.length);
Promise.all(expectations).then((_val) => done(), (err) => done(err));
return (mockIt as unknown as Mocha.TestFunction);
export function itPasses(done: Mocha.Done, count = 1): Mocha.TestFunction {
const expectations: Array<Chai.PromisedAssertion> = [];
const mockIt = function (this: Mocha.Context, name: string, test: Mocha.AsyncFunc) {
console.log('mock it invoked with test', name, test.name, expectations.length);
expectations.push(expect(test.call(this), name).to.eventually.be.oneOf([true, undefined]));
if (expectations.length >= count) {
console.log('all expectations queued for', name, expectations.length);
Promise.all(expectations).then((_val) => done(), (err) => done(err));
return (mockIt as unknown as Mocha.TestFunction);