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2021-07-25 17:09:50 +00:00
# mocha-foam
An experimental Mocha BDD wrapper for fast-check.
## Contents
- [mocha-foam](#mocha-foam)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Build](#build)
- [License](#license)
## Install
Add `mocha-foam` to your project as a dev dependency:
> yarn add -D mocha-foam
## Usage
This is a BDD-style wrapper around `fc.check(fc.asyncProperty(...))`, and supports all of the same [Arbitraries](https://github.com/dubzzz/fast-check/blob/main/documentation/Arbitraries.md)
that fast-check normally provides.
The entrypoint function is `over` and the library is provided as an ES module:
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { integer } from 'fast-check';
import { over } from 'mocha-foam';
describe('example properties', () => {
over('some numbers', integer(), (it) => {
it('should be even', (n: number) => {
return n % 2 === 0;
it('should be odd', async (n: number) => {
expect(n % 2).to.equal(1);
Most Mocha features, like `beforeEach` and `afterEach` hooks, work correctly within the suite defined by `over`.
You can pass additional run parameters to the fast-check Runner after the suite callback:
describe('more examples', () => {
over('some UUIDs', uuid(), (it) => {
// beforeEach hooks work normally, since the wrapped it calls through to real it
beforeEach(() => {
console.log('before each UUID test');
it('should be a good one', (id: string) => {
return id[9] !== 'a';
it('should be long enough', (id: string) => {
}, {
// fast-check parameters are supported, like examples
examples: ['a', 'b'],
numRuns: 1_000,
over('mapped properties', tuple(lorem(), integer()).map(([a, b]) => a.substr(b)), (it) => {
it('should have content', (text: string) => {
return text.length > 0;
}, {
// error formatting can be overridden with a custom handler, or fast-check's default reporter
errorReporter: defaultReportMessage,
## Build
To build `mocha-foam`, run `make`. The build depends on:
- Node 14+
- Yarn 1.x
To run small tests with coverage, run `make cover`.
The `make help` target will print help for the available targets.
## License
`mocha-foam` is released under [the MIT license](LICENSE.md).