All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* look up schema from entrypoint rather than cwd (fixes [#1023]( ([f40a52a](
* use built in schema when executing container command ([5768224](
* **build:** better error handling for image build ([c9fd4f1](
* **deps:** upgrade Typescript to 4.5, improve config and rule module error handling ([bdf88f0](
### Bug Fixes
* **build:** add shebang to bundle before imaging ([ee41f60](
* **build:** bundle during CI run ([80b7f69](
* **build:** move project-specific targets into their own file ([0fd8ea9](
* **build:** prevent unintentional exit from image script ([189b3e2](
* **build:** silence package metadata warnings when jq is not installed ([86aeac5](
* this is not breaking for users, but for library users,
some bundling or a runtime supporting ES modules is now required.
* updates Ajv from v6 to v8, with the breaking
changes included there (
This removes support for JSON-Schema draft-04 and adds new
drafts and keywords.
* this changes how directories are listed, by replacing
the recursive-readdir module with node's readdir method, and a custom
implementation that is compatible with the changes to Node 16's fs
implementation for testing.
### Features
* **build:** bundle with esbuild ([4188452](
* convert to ES modules, C8 for coverage ([cea8c8a](
* list files using node's fs module instead of recursive-readdir ([e7e42ee](
* **build:** build file include paths ([07cd12b](
* **build:** interpolate bundle with version metadata ([2893437](
* **build:** make example test script compatible with container build targets ([bbadd3e](
* **build:** paths for API docs/types, podman and lockfile for image targets ([557d285](
* **build:** reduce output from example tests ([a6b05d9](
* **build:** set docker TLS options ([dd9023e](
* **build:** use node 16 for container build targets ([2970837](
* **build:** use yarn to run release script, remove rollup ref from shebang target ([a55d09e](
* **docs:** expand on usage, add section on log formatting ([3a1275c](
* **docs:** make readme and GH pages more similar ([ea562fa](
* **image:** only copy bundle files into image ([65410ce](
* **lint:** indentation in version metadata ([8d8d3da](
* **rule:** improve error messaging for empty schema files ([9c433fd](
* **tests:** correct paths to schema, test config ([ed26185](
* more ES imports, some corresponding import changes, reset mock FS after every test ([052ca73](
* usage of __dirname, lint rules and corresponding fixes ([3b7e48a](
* **build:** disable warnings for shadowing of private global types ([c3ad926](
* **build:** externalize source map modules to fix requires ([bd75fd0](
* **build:** pull dind from nexus ([7926d17](
* **build:** pull images from nexus ([caface1](
* **build:** update eslint for typescript-eslint 4 rules ([75819b7](
* **config:** bundle yargs module again ([bd56752](
* **image:** remove yargs from bundle, add to image ([14a51ee](
* require commonjs version of yargs to resolve named exports ([234b277](
* **config:** update lint to naming-convention rule ([6646c32](
* **test:** cover includes in config ([5cd1ab6](
* register new lodash exports ([37b8e32](
* **container:** install bunyan and jq for log parsing ([#263]( ([dd37262](
* make mutate an option within fix mode (fixes [#144]( ([705af89](
* short aliases for common options (fixes [#145]( ([f367291](
* validate config while loading ([c1ff388](
* validate rules while loading ([dbfe042](
* **rules:** add rules to validate json schemas ([0b5fe3d](
* **rules/kubernetes:** add rule to prevent latest tag, rule to ensure pull policy is set ([8254848](
* **rules/travis:** add language rule ([9a50046](
* **config:** accept S regex flag, anchor slashes ([2812254](
* **docs:** put contents in section, use yarn-global target ([84d2ba4](
* **build:** add build-in-image targets to make ([f805945](
* **build:** replace tslint with eslint ([7052096](
* **rules:** add item index to rule error (fixes [#116]( ([f0b5109](
* **rules:** load JSON rule files when using --rule-path ([5229ada](
* **visitor:** move jsonpath pick to context for modules to use ([b99431b](
* enable data refs ([2b0dc92](
* load rules from directories ([#8]( and modules ([#6]( ([9fbf7cc](
* split rule and helpers, test rule ([b3dc864](
* **rule:** print failure message when errors are present ([5160eaa](
* **scripts:** make example tests more shell compatible ([#106]( ([1304cf5](
* **test:** set mutate option for test contexts ([72920b2](
* **tests:** add async helpers for tests, wrap async tests, make chai external ([0eb9d51](
* **tests:** always print actual exit status of test scenarios ([77c1d0c](
* **tests:** begin testing friendly errors, other errors (exceptions) ([a13a909](
* **tests:** begin testing rules ([013b1d7](
* star import ([93f4917](
### Features
* **build:** add alpine image jobs ([017dfd7](
* include data path in error messages ([67a61f6](
* **rules:** add example grafana rule ([f2579d4](
* add cli help (fixes [#7]( ([721f85f](
* add rules to image, doc ([e358857](
* display diff when rule modifies data (fixes [#3]( ([6f15d1c](
* fix mode and type coercion ([719954e](
* group config & rules in help ([da42749](
* list mode, fix version option ([8efbd99](
* load definitions from rules (fixes [#2]( ([9eb41fc](
* support multiple documents per source ([#11]( ([2bd60c8](
### Tests
* **rule:** begin testing resolver ([caca3fc](
* add em ([1931659](
* adds a required `name` property (string) at the
top level of each `--rules` file, used as the schema name