import { expect } from 'chai'; import mockFs from 'mock-fs'; import { main, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_SUCCESS } from '../src/app'; import { readSource } from '../src/source'; import { describeLeaks, itLeaks } from './helpers/async'; const TEST_ARGS_PRE = ['node', 'test']; const TEST_ARGS_CONFIG = ['--config-path', 'docs', '--config-name', 'config.yml']; const TEST_ARGS_RULES = ['--rule-file', 'rules.yml', '--tag', 'test']; const TEST_ARGS_SOURCE = ['--source', 'test.yml']; const TEST_FILES = { 'docs': { 'config.yml': 'data: {logger: {level: debug, name: test, stream: !stream stderr}}', }, 'rules.yml': `{ name: test, rules: [{ name: test, desc: test-rule, level: info, tags: [test], check: { type: object, required: [foo], properties: { foo: { type: number, default: 4 } } } }] }`, 'test.yml': 'hello world', }; describeLeaks('main app', async () => { itLeaks('completion should succeed', async () => { const status = await main(['node', 'test', 'complete']); expect(status).to.equal(STATUS_SUCCESS); }); itLeaks('should list rules and exit', async () => { mockFs(TEST_FILES); const status = await main([ ...TEST_ARGS_PRE, 'list', ...TEST_ARGS_CONFIG, ]); mockFs.restore(); expect(status).to.equal(STATUS_SUCCESS); }); itLeaks('should load the source', async () => { mockFs(TEST_FILES); const status = await main([ ...TEST_ARGS_PRE, ...TEST_ARGS_CONFIG, ...TEST_ARGS_SOURCE, ]); mockFs.restore(); expect(status).to.equal(STATUS_SUCCESS); }); itLeaks('should exit with rule errors', async () => { mockFs(TEST_FILES); const status = await main([ ...TEST_ARGS_PRE, ...TEST_ARGS_CONFIG, ...TEST_ARGS_SOURCE, ...TEST_ARGS_RULES, ]); mockFs.restore(); expect(status).to.equal(STATUS_ERROR); }); itLeaks('should exit with error count', async () => { mockFs(TEST_FILES); const status = await main([ ...TEST_ARGS_PRE, ...TEST_ARGS_CONFIG, ...TEST_ARGS_SOURCE, ...TEST_ARGS_RULES, '--count', ]); mockFs.restore(); expect(status).to.equal(STATUS_ERROR); }); it('should fix up partial documents', async () => { mockFs({ ...TEST_FILES, 'test.yml': '{}', }); const status = await main([ ...TEST_ARGS_PRE, 'fix', ...TEST_ARGS_CONFIG, ...TEST_ARGS_SOURCE, ...TEST_ARGS_RULES, '--dest', 'test-dest', ]); const result = await readSource('test-dest'); mockFs.restore(); expect(status).to.equal(STATUS_SUCCESS); expect(result).to.equal('foo: 4\n'); }); });