# Rules Rules apply a schema fragment to a set of nodes selected from the original data. This is a descriptive standard for rules. The enforced meta-rules for rules [are located here](../rules/salty-dog.yml). - [Rules](#Rules) - [File](#File) - [Schema](#Schema) - [Env](#Env) - [Include](#Include) - [Regexp](#Regexp) - [Stream](#Stream) - [Name](#Name) - [Definitions](#Definitions) - [Rules](#Rules-1) - [Name](#Name-1) - [Desc](#Desc) - [Level](#Level) - [Tags](#Tags) - [Select](#Select) - [Filter](#Filter) - [Check](#Check) - [Module](#Module) ## File Rules may be loaded from YAML or JSON files, using any extension. ### Schema The default YAML schema has been extended with some custom types. #### Env An environment variable by name. This can be used in CI environments to compare resources against the current job's branch, commit, or tag. ```yaml foo: !env CI_COMMIT_SHA ``` #### Include Include another file as a child of this key. The file must be a single document. Relative paths are resolved from `__dirname`, but no path sanitization is done to prevent `../`. Include paths should not be taken from user input. #### Regexp A regular expression in a string. Uses standard JS syntax. Flags are supported. ```yaml foo: !regexp /a.*b/gu ``` #### Stream A process stream by name (key in `process`). One of `stderr`, `stdin`, or `stdout`. ```yaml logger: streams: - level: error stream: !stream stderr ``` ### Name A unique name, used for logging and as the schema `$id` for definitions. This _should_ be truly unique, but _must_ be unique within the set of `--rules` loaded. ### Definitions A dict of schema definitions in objects with string keys. These are added to the Ajv schema and may be referenced by the file `name` and key: ```yaml name: foo definitions: bar: type: object rules: - name: foobar check: type: object properties: bin: $ref: "foo#/definitions/bar" ``` ### Rules A list of rules. #### Name The rule name, used for logging and inclusion. Must be unique within the file or module. ```yaml rules: - name: foo ``` #### Desc The rule description, used for error messages. Some descriptive string. ```yaml rules: - name: foo desc: foos must not overfoo ``` #### Level The rule's log level, used for inclusion. **TODO:** use for log messages One of `debug`, `info`, `warn`, or `error` in a string. ```yaml rules: - name: foo level: debug ``` #### Tags A list of tags for the rule, used for inclusion. ```yaml rules: - name: foo tags: - important - foo-related - definitely-not-bar ``` #### Select JSON path used to select nodes from the data. This selects a list of potential nodes to be `filter`ed and `check`ed. The default (`$`) selects the root of each document. Selecting a subset of children allows the `check` schema to cover a small fragment of the document. Uses [jsonpath-plus syntax](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsonpath-plus#syntax-through-examples) in a string. ```yaml rules: - name: foo select: '$.spec.template.spec.containers[*]' ``` #### Filter Schema used to filter selected nodes. If a node was `select`ed but but does not match this schema, it will be skipped and the rule will move on to the next node. Uses [ajv syntax](https://ajv.js.org/keywords.html) in an object. ```yaml rules: - name: foo filter: # only check objects with the property bar type: object required: [bar] ``` #### Check Schema used to check selected nodes. This is the body of the rule. If a node does not match this schema, the rule will fail. Uses [ajv syntax](https://ajv.js.org/keywords.html) in an object. ```yaml rules: - name: foo check: type: string ``` ## Module **TODO:** load rules from `require`d modules