import { expect } from 'chai'; import mockFs from 'mock-fs'; import { BaseError } from 'noicejs'; import { spy, stub } from 'sinon'; import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; import { readSource, writeSource } from '../src/source'; import { describeLeaks, itLeaks } from './helpers/async'; export const TEST_STRING = 'hello world'; describeLeaks('load source helper', async () => { itLeaks('should read from stdin', async () => { const pt = new PassThrough(); const futureSource = readSource('-', pt); pt.emit('data', Buffer.from(TEST_STRING)); pt.end(); pt.destroy(); const source = await futureSource; expect(source).to.equal(TEST_STRING); }); it('should read from a file', async () => { mockFs({ test: TEST_STRING, }); const source = await readSource('test'); mockFs.restore(); expect(source).to.equal(TEST_STRING); }); it('should handle errors reading from stdin', async () => { const pt = new PassThrough(); const futureSource = readSource('-', pt); pt.emit('error', new BaseError('terribad!')); return expect(futureSource); }); }); describeLeaks('write source helper', async () => { it('should write to a file', async () => { mockFs({ test: 'empty', }); await writeSource('test', TEST_STRING); const source = await readSource('test'); mockFs.restore(); expect(source).to.equal(TEST_STRING); }); it('should write to stdout', async () => { const pt = new PassThrough(); const writeSpy = spy(pt, 'write'); await writeSource('-', TEST_STRING, pt); pt.end(); pt.destroy(); expect(writeSpy).to.have.been.calledWith(TEST_STRING); }); it('should handle errors writing to stdout', async () => { const pt = new PassThrough(); stub(pt, 'write').yields(new BaseError('terribad!')); return expect(writeSource('-', 'test', pt)); }); });