# Git export GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) export GIT_COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) export GIT_OPTIONS ?= export GIT_REMOTES ?= $(shell git remote -v | awk '{ print $1; }' | sort | uniq) export GIT_TAG ?= $(shell git tag -l --points-at HEAD | head -1) # Paths # resolve the makefile's path and directory, from https://stackoverflow.com/a/18137056 export MAKE_PATH ?= $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) export ROOT_PATH ?= $(dir $(MAKE_PATH)) export CONFIG_PATH ?= $(ROOT_PATH)/config export DOCS_PATH ?= $(ROOT_PATH)/docs export SCRIPT_PATH ?= $(ROOT_PATH)/scripts export SOURCE_PATH ?= $(ROOT_PATH)/src export TARGET_PATH ?= $(ROOT_PATH)/out export TEST_PATH ?= $(ROOT_PATH)/test # CI export CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG ?= $(GIT_BRANCH) export CI_COMMIT_SHA ?= $(GIT_COMMIT) export CI_COMMIT_TAG ?= $(GIT_TAG) export CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG ?= local export CI_JOB_ID ?= 0 export CI_PROJECT_PATH ?= $(shell ROOT_PATH=$(ROOT_PATH) ${SCRIPT_PATH}/ci-project-path.sh) export CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION ?= $(shell hostname) export CI_RUNNER_ID ?= $(shell hostname) export CI_RUNNER_VERSION ?= 0.0.0 # Debug export DEBUG_BIND ?= export DEBUG_PORT ?= 9229 # Versions export NODE_VERSION := $(shell node -v || echo "none") export RUNNER_VERSION := $(CI_RUNNER_VERSION) # Node options NODE_BIN := $(ROOT_PATH)/node_modules/.bin NODE_CMD ?= $(shell env node) NODE_DEBUG ?= --inspect-brk=$(DEBUG_BIND):$(DEBUG_PORT) --nolazy NODE_INFO := $(shell node -v) # Tool options COVER_OPTS ?= --reporter=lcov --reporter=text-summary --reporter=html --report-dir="$(TARGET_PATH)/coverage" --exclude-after-remap MOCHA_OPTS ?= --check-leaks --colors --sort --ui bdd RELEASE_OPTS ?= --commit-all .PHONY: all clean clean-deps clean-target configure help todo .PHONY: build build-bundle build-docs build-image test test-check test-cover test-watch .PHONY: yarn-install yarn-upgrade git-push git-stats license-check release release-dry upload-climate upload-codecov all: build test ## builds, bundles, and tests the application @echo Success! clean: ## clean up everything added by the default target clean: clean-deps clean-target clean-deps: ## clean up the node_modules directory rm -rf node_modules clean-target: ## clean up the target directory rm -rf $(TARGET_PATH) configure: ## create the target directory and other files not in git mkdir -p $(TARGET_PATH) node_modules: yarn-install # from https://marmelab.com/blog/2016/02/29/auto-documented-makefile.html help: ## print this help @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort \ | sed 's/^.*\/\(.*\)/\1/' \ | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":[^:]*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' todo: @echo "Remaining tasks:" @echo "" @grep -i "todo" -r docs/ src/ test/ || true @echo "" @echo "Pending tests:" @echo "" @grep "[[:space:]]xit" -r test/ || true @echo "Casts to any:" @echo "" @grep "as any" -r src/ test/ || true @echo "" # Build targets build: ## builds, bundles, and tests the application build: build-bundle build-docs build-bundle: node_modules $(NODE_BIN)/rollup --config $(CONFIG_PATH)/rollup.js build-docs: ## generate html docs $(NODE_BIN)/api-extractor run --config $(CONFIG_PATH)/api-extractor.json --local -v $(NODE_BIN)/api-documenter markdown -i $(TARGET_PATH)/api -o $(DOCS_PATH)/api build-image: ## build a docker image $(SCRIPT_PATH)/docker-build.sh --push test: ## run mocha unit tests test: test-cover test-check: ## run mocha unit tests with coverage reports $(NODE_BIN)/nyc $(COVER_OPTS) $(NODE_BIN)/mocha $(MOCHA_OPTS) $(TARGET_PATH)/test.js test-cover: ## run mocha unit tests with coverage reports test-cover: test-check sed -i $(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/lcov.info \ -e '/external ".*"$$/,/end_of_record/d' \ -e '/ sync$$/,/end_of_record/d' \ -e '/test sync/,/end_of_record/d' \ -e '/node_modules/,/end_of_record/d' \ -e '/bootstrap$$/,/end_of_record/d' \ -e '/universalModuleDefinition/,/end_of_record/d' sed -n '/^SF/,$$p' -i $(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/lcov.info sed '1s;^;TN:\n;' -i $(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/lcov.info test-watch: $(NODE_BIN)/nyc $(COVER_OPTS) $(NODE_BIN)/mocha $(MOCHA_OPTS) --watch $(TARGET_PATH)/test-bundle.js yarn-install: ## install dependencies from package and lock file yarn yarn-global: ## install bundle as a global tool yarn global add file:$(ROOT_PATH) yarn-update: ## check yarn for outdated packages yarn upgrade-interactive --latest # release targets git-push: ## push to both gitlab and github (this assumes you have both remotes set up) git push $(GIT_OPTIONS) github $(GIT_BRANCH) git push $(GIT_OPTIONS) gitlab $(GIT_BRANCH) # from https://gist.github.com/amitchhajer/4461043#gistcomment-2349917 git-stats: ## print git contributor line counts (approx, for fun) git ls-files | while read f; do git blame -w -M -C -C --line-porcelain "$$f" |\ grep -I '^author '; done | sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -n license-check: ## check license status licensed cache licensed status release: ## create a release $(NODE_BIN)/standard-version --sign $(RELEASE_OPTS) GIT_OPTIONS=--tags $(MAKE) git-push release-dry: ## test creating a release $(NODE_BIN)/standard-version --sign $(RELEASE_OPTS) --dry-run upload-climate: cc-test-reporter format-coverage -t lcov -o $(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/codeclimate.json -p $(ROOT_PATH) $(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/lcov.info cc-test-reporter upload-coverage --debug -i $(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/codeclimate.json -r "$(shell echo "${CODECLIMATE_SECRET}" | base64 -d)" upload-codecov: codecov --disable=gcov --file=$(TARGET_PATH)/coverage/lcov.info --token=$(shell echo "${CODECOV_SECRET}" | base64 -d) include $(shell find $(ROOT_PATH) -name '*.mk' | grep -v node_modules)