import { createLogger } from 'bunyan'; import { Options, usage } from 'yargs'; import { loadConfig } from 'src/config'; import { YamlParser } from 'src/parser/YamlParser'; import { loadRules, resolveRules, visitRules } from 'src/rule'; import { loadSource, writeSource } from 'src/source'; import { VERSION_INFO } from 'src/version'; import { VisitorContext } from 'src/visitor/context'; const CONFIG_ARGS_NAME = 'config-name'; const CONFIG_ARGS_PATH = 'config-path'; const MODES = ['check', 'fix', 'list']; const RULE_OPTION: Options = { default: [], group: 'Rules:', type: 'array', }; const MAIN_ARGS = usage(`Usage: salty-dog [-m mode] [options]`) .option(CONFIG_ARGS_NAME, { default: `.${}.yml`, group: 'Config:', type: 'string', }) .option(CONFIG_ARGS_PATH, { default: [], group: 'Config:', type: 'array', }) .option('coerce', { default: false, type: 'boolean', }) .option('count', { alias: ['c'], default: false, desc: 'Exit with error count', type: 'boolean', }) .option('dest', { alias: ['d'], default: '-', type: 'string', }) .option('format', { alias: ['f'], default: 'yaml', type: 'string', }) .option('mode', { alias: ['m'], choices: MODES, default: 'check', type: 'string', }) .option('rules', { alias: ['r'], default: [], desc: 'Rules file', type: 'array', }) .option('source', { alias: ['s'], default: '-', type: 'string', }) .option('exclude-level', RULE_OPTION) .option('exclude-name', RULE_OPTION) .option('exclude-tag', RULE_OPTION) .option('include-level', RULE_OPTION) .option('include-name', RULE_OPTION) .option('include-tag', { ...RULE_OPTION, alias: ['t', 'tag'], }) .help() .version( .alias('version', 'v'); const STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; const STATUS_ERROR = 1; export async function main(argv: Array): Promise { const args = MAIN_ARGS.argv; const config = await loadConfig(args[CONFIG_ARGS_NAME], ...args[CONFIG_ARGS_PATH]); const logger = createLogger(;, 'version info');{ args }, 'main arguments'); // check mode if (!MODES.includes(args.mode)) { logger.error({ mode: args.mode }, 'unsupported mode'); return STATUS_ERROR; } // const schema = new Schema(); const result = { errors: [], valid: true }; // schema.match(config); if (!result.valid) { logger.error({ errors: result.errors }, 'config failed to validate'); return STATUS_ERROR; } const ctx = new VisitorContext({ coerce: args.coerce, defaults: args.mode === 'fix', logger, }); const parser = new YamlParser(); const source = await loadSource(args.source); let docs = parser.parse(source); const rules = await loadRules(args.rules, ctx.ajv); const activeRules = await resolveRules(rules, args as any); if (args.mode === 'list') {{ rules: activeRules }, 'listing active rules'); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } for (const data of docs) { await visitRules(ctx, activeRules, data); } if (ctx.errors.length > 0) { logger.error({ count: ctx.errors.length, errors: ctx.errors }, 'some rules failed'); if (args.count) { return Math.min(ctx.errors.length, 255); } else { return STATUS_ERROR; } } else {'all rules passed'); const output = parser.dump(; await writeSource(args.dest, output); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } main(process.argv).then((status) => process.exit(status)).catch((err) => { /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-console */ console.error('uncaught error during main:', err); process.exit(STATUS_ERROR); });