import { expect } from 'chai'; import mockFS from 'mock-fs'; import { LogLevel, NullLogger } from 'noicejs'; import { spy, stub } from 'sinon'; import { loadRuleFiles, loadRuleModules, loadRulePaths, loadRuleSource } from '../../src/rule'; import { SchemaRule } from '../../src/rule/SchemaRule'; import { VisitorContext } from '../../src/visitor/VisitorContext'; import { describeLeaks, itLeaks } from '../helpers/async'; const EXAMPLE_EMPTY = '{name: foo, definitions: {}, rules: []}'; const EXAMPLE_RULES = `{ name: foo, definitions: {}, rules: [{ name: test, desc: test-rule, level: info, tags: [], check: {} }] }`; function testContext() { return new VisitorContext({ logger:, schemaOptions: { coerce: false, defaults: false, mutate: false, }, }); } describeLeaks('load rule file helper', async () => { itLeaks('should add schema', async () => { mockFS({ test: EXAMPLE_EMPTY, }); const ctx = new VisitorContext({ logger:, schemaOptions: { coerce: false, defaults: false, mutate: false, }, }); const schemaSpy = spy(ctx, 'addSchema'); const rules = await loadRuleFiles([ 'test', ], ctx); mockFS.restore(); expect(schemaSpy).to.have.been.calledWith('foo'); expect(rules.length).to.equal(0); }); itLeaks('should load rules', async () => { mockFS({ test: EXAMPLE_RULES, }); const ctx = new VisitorContext({ logger:, schemaOptions: { coerce: false, defaults: false, mutate: false, }, }); const rules = await loadRuleFiles([ 'test', ], ctx); mockFS.restore(); expect(rules.length).to.equal(1); }); itLeaks('should validate rule files', async () => { mockFS({ test: `{ name: foo, definitions: [], rules: {} }` }); const ctx = new VisitorContext({ logger:, schemaOptions: { coerce: false, defaults: false, mutate: false, }, }); const rules = await loadRuleFiles([ 'test', ], ctx); mockFS.restore(); expect(rules.length).to.equal(0); }); }); describeLeaks('load rule path helper', async () => { itLeaks('should only load matching rule files', async () => { mockFS({ test: { 'bin.nope': '{}', // will parse but throw on lack of rules 'foo.yml': EXAMPLE_RULES, }, }); const ctx = new VisitorContext({ logger:, schemaOptions: { coerce: false, defaults: false, mutate: false, }, }); const rules = await loadRulePaths([ 'test', ], ctx); mockFS.restore(); expect(rules.length).to.equal(1); }); itLeaks('should recursively load rule files', async () => { mockFS({ test: { 'bar-dir': { 'bar.yml': EXAMPLE_RULES.replace(/foo/g, 'bar'), }, 'bin.nope': '{}', // will parse but throw on lack of rules 'some-dir': { 'foo.yml': EXAMPLE_RULES, }, }, }); const ctx = new VisitorContext({ logger:, schemaOptions: { coerce: false, defaults: false, mutate: false, }, }); const rules = await loadRulePaths([ 'test', ], ctx); mockFS.restore(); expect(rules.length).to.equal(2); }); }); describeLeaks('load rule module helper', async () => { itLeaks('should load rule modules', async () => { const ctx = testContext(); const requireStub = stub().withArgs('test').returns({ name: 'test', rules: [{ check: {}, desc: 'testing rule', level: 'info', name: 'test-rule', tags: [], }], /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ }) as any; const rules = await loadRuleModules(['test'], ctx, requireStub); expect(rules.length).to.equal(1); }); itLeaks('should handle errors loading rule modules', async () => { /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ const requireStub = stub().throws(new Error('could not load this module')) as any; const ctx = testContext(); return expect(loadRuleModules(['test'], ctx, requireStub)).to.eventually.deep.equal([]); }); itLeaks('should validate rule module exports', async () => { const requireStub = stub().returns({ name: 'test-rules', rules: {}, /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ }) as any; const ctx = testContext(); return expect(loadRuleModules(['test'], ctx, requireStub)).to.eventually.deep.equal([]); }); itLeaks('should load module definitions', async () => { const requireStub = stub().returns({ definitions: { foo: { type: 'string', }, }, name: 'test-rules', rules: [], /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ }) as any; const ctx = testContext(); await loadRuleModules(['test'], ctx, requireStub); const schema = ctx.compile({ $ref: 'test-rules#/definitions/foo', }); expect(schema(2)).to.equal(false); expect(schema('foo')).to.equal(true); }); itLeaks('should not instantiate class instances', async () => { class TestRule extends SchemaRule {} const ctx = testContext(); const rules = await loadRuleSource({ name: 'test', rules: [new TestRule({ check: {}, desc: 'test', level: LogLevel.Info, name: 'test', select: '$', tags: [], })], }, ctx); expect(rules[0]); }); });