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from functools import partial
from json import loads
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List
from packit.agent import Agent
from packit.conditions import condition_or, condition_threshold, make_flag_condition
from packit.results import multi_function_or_str_result
from packit.utils import could_be_json
from taleweave.context import broadcast
from taleweave.models.config import DEFAULT_CONFIG
from taleweave.models.entity import Character, Room
from taleweave.models.event import ReplyEvent
from .string import and_list, normalize_name
logger = getLogger(__name__)
character_config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.world.character
def make_keyword_condition(end_message: str, keywords=["end", "stop"]):
set_end, condition_end = make_flag_condition()
def result_parser(value, **kwargs):
normalized_value = normalize_name(value)
if normalized_value in keywords:
logger.debug(f"found keyword, setting stop condition: {normalized_value}")
return end_message
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword == normalized_value:
f"found keyword, setting stop condition: {normalized_value}"
return end_message
if normalized_value.endswith(keyword):
f"found keyword at end of string, setting stop condition: {normalized_value}"
return value[: -len(keyword)].strip()
keyword_function = f'"function": "{keyword}"'
if could_be_json(normalized_value) and keyword_function in normalized_value:
f"found keyword function, setting stop condition: {normalized_value}"
return end_message
return multi_function_or_str_result(value, **kwargs)
return set_end, condition_end, result_parser
def summarize_room(room: Room, player: Character) -> str:
Summarize a room for the player.
character_names = and_list(
for character in room.characters
if character.name != player.name
item_names = and_list([item.name for item in room.items])
inventory_names = and_list([item.name for item in player.items])
return (
f"You are in the {room.name} room with {character_names}. "
f"You see the {item_names} around the room. "
f"You are carrying the {inventory_names}."
def loop_conversation(
room: Room,
characters: List[Character],
agents: List[Agent],
first_character: Character,
first_prompt: str,
reply_prompt: str,
first_message: str,
end_message: str,
echo_function: str | None = None,
echo_parameter: str | None = None,
max_length: int | None = None,
) -> str | None:
Loop through a conversation between a series of agents, using metadata from their characters.
if max_length is None:
max_length = character_config.conversation_limit
if len(characters) != len(agents):
raise ValueError("The number of characters and agents must match.")
# set up the keyword or length-limit compound condition
_, condition_end, parse_end = make_keyword_condition(end_message)
stop_length = partial(condition_threshold, max=max_length)
stop_condition = condition_or(condition_end, stop_length)
# prepare a result parser looking for the echo function
def result_parser(value: str, **kwargs) -> str:
value = parse_end(value, **kwargs)
if condition_end():
return value
if echo_function and could_be_json(value) and echo_function in value:
value = loads(value).get("parameters", {}).get(echo_parameter, "")
return value.strip()
# prepare the loop state
i = 0
last_character = first_character
response = first_message
while not stop_condition(current=i):
if i == 0:
logger.debug(f"starting conversation with {first_character.name}")
prompt = first_prompt
f"continuing conversation with {last_character.name} on step {i}"
prompt = reply_prompt
# loop through the characters and agents
character = characters[i % len(characters)]
agent = agents[i % len(agents)]
# summarize the room and present the last response
summary = summarize_room(room, character)
response = agent(
prompt, response=response, summary=summary, last_character=last_character
response = result_parser(response)
logger.info(f"{character.name} responds: {response}")
reply_event = ReplyEvent.from_text(response, room, character)
# increment the step counter
i += 1
last_character = character
return response