from json import loads from logging import getLogger from typing import Any from packit.errors import ToolError from packit.loops import loop_retry from packit.results import function_result from packit.toolbox import Toolbox from taleweave.context import ( broadcast, get_action_group, get_character_agent_for_name, get_character_for_agent, get_current_world, set_current_character, set_current_room, ) from taleweave.errors import ActionError from taleweave.game_system import GameSystem from taleweave.models.entity import World from taleweave.models.event import ActionEvent, ResultEvent from taleweave.utils.effect import expire_effects from import find_containing_room from taleweave.utils.template import format_prompt from import format_attributes from .planning import get_notes_events ACTION_SYSTEM_NAME = "action" logger = getLogger(__name__) def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): current_world = get_current_world() if not current_world: raise ValueError( "The current world must be set before calling world_result_parser" ) logger.debug(f"parsing action for {}: {value}") current_character = get_character_for_agent(agent) if current_character: current_room = find_containing_room(current_world, current_character) set_current_room(current_room) set_current_character(current_character) return function_result(value, agent=agent, **kwargs) def prompt_character_action( room, character, agent, action_toolbox, current_turn ) -> str: action_names = action_toolbox.list_tools() # collect data for the prompt notes_prompt, events_prompt = get_notes_events(character, current_turn) room_characters = [ for character in room.characters] room_items = [ for item in room.items] room_directions = [ for portal in room.portals] character_attributes = format_attributes(character) character_effects = [ for effect in character.active_effects] character_items = [ for item in character.items] # set up a result parser for the agent def result_parser(value, **kwargs): if not room or not character: raise ValueError("Room and character must be set before parsing results") # trim suffixes that are used elsewhere value = value.removesuffix("END").strip() # fix the "action_ move" whitespace issue if '"action_ ' in value: value = value.replace('"action_ ', '"action_') # fix unbalanced curly braces if value.startswith("{") and not value.endswith("}"): open_count = value.count("{") close_count = value.count("}") if open_count > close_count: fixed_value = value + ("}" * (open_count - close_count)) try: loads(fixed_value) value = fixed_value except Exception: pass try: # TODO: try to avoid parsing the JSON twice event = ActionEvent.from_json(value, room, character) # TODO: decide if invalid actions should be broadcast broadcast(event) result = world_result_parser(value, **kwargs) return result except ToolError as e: e_str = str(e) if e_str and "Error running tool" in e_str: # extract the tool name and rest of the message from the error # the format is: "Error running tool: : " action_name, message = e_str.split(":", 1) action_name = action_name.removeprefix("Error running tool").strip() message = message.strip() raise ActionError( format_prompt( "world_simulate_character_action_error_action", action=action_name, message=message, ) ) elif e_str and "Unknown tool" in e_str: raise ActionError( format_prompt( "world_simulate_character_action_error_unknown_tool", actions=action_names, ) ) else: raise ActionError( format_prompt( "world_simulate_character_action_error_json", actions=action_names, ) ) # prompt and act"starting turn for character: %s", result = loop_retry( agent, format_prompt( "world_simulate_character_action", actions=action_names, character_effects=character_effects, character_items=character_items, attributes=character_attributes, directions=room_directions, room=room, visible_characters=room_characters, visible_items=room_items, notes_prompt=notes_prompt, events_prompt=events_prompt, ), result_parser=result_parser, toolbox=action_toolbox, ) logger.debug(f"{} action result: {result}") if agent.memory: agent.memory.append(result) return result action_tools: Toolbox | None = None def initialize_action(world: World): global action_tools action_tools = Toolbox(get_action_group(ACTION_SYSTEM_NAME)) def simulate_action(world: World, turn: int, data: Any | None = None): for character_name in world.order: character, agent = get_character_agent_for_name(character_name) if not agent or not character: logger.error(f"agent or character not found for name {character_name}") continue room = find_containing_room(world, character) if not room: logger.error(f"character {character_name} is not in a room") continue # prep context set_current_room(room) set_current_character(character) # decrement effects on the character and remove any that have expired expire_effects(character) try: result = prompt_character_action(room, character, agent, action_tools, turn) result_event = ResultEvent(result=result, room=room, character=character) broadcast(result_event) except Exception: logger.exception(f"error during action for character {}") def init(): return [ GameSystem( ACTION_SYSTEM_NAME, initialize=initialize_action, simulate=simulate_action ) ]