from json import loads from logging import getLogger from packit.utils import could_be_json from adventure.context import broadcast, get_actor_agent_for_name, get_current_context logger = getLogger(__name__) def action_look(target: str) -> str: """ Look at a target in the room or your inventory. Args: target: The name of the target to look at. """ _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() broadcast(f"{} looks at {target}") if target == broadcast(f"{} saw the {} room") return action_room.description for actor in action_room.actors: if == target: broadcast( f"{} saw the {} actor in the {} room" ) return actor.description for item in action_room.items: if == target: broadcast( f"{} saw the {} item in the {} room" ) return item.description for item in action_actor.items: if == target: broadcast( f"{} saw the {} item in their inventory" ) return item.description return "You do not see that item or character in the room." def action_move(direction: str) -> str: """ Move into another room. Args: direction: The direction to move in. """ action_world, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() destination_name = action_room.portals.get(direction) if not destination_name: return f"You cannot move {direction} from here." destination_room = next( (room for room in action_world.rooms if == destination_name), None ) if not destination_room: return f"The {destination_name} room does not exist." broadcast(f"{} moves {direction} to {destination_name}") action_room.actors.remove(action_actor) destination_room.actors.append(action_actor) return f"You move {direction} and arrive at {destination_name}." def action_take(item_name: str) -> str: """ Take an item from the room and put it in your inventory. Args: item_name: The name of the item to take. """ _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() item = next((item for item in action_room.items if == item_name), None) if item: broadcast(f"{} takes the {item_name} item") action_room.items.remove(item) action_actor.items.append(item) return "You take the {item_name} item and put it in your inventory." else: return "The {item_name} item is not in the room." def action_ask(character: str, question: str) -> str: """ Ask another character a question. Args: character: The name of the character to ask. question: The question to ask them. """ # capture references to the current actor and room, because they will be overwritten _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() if not action_actor or not action_room: raise ValueError( "The current actor and room must be set before calling action_ask" ) # sanity checks if character == return "You cannot ask yourself a question. Stop talking to yourself. Try another action." question_actor, question_agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(character) if not question_actor: return f"The {character} character is not in the room." if not question_agent: return f"The {character} character does not exist." broadcast(f"{} asks {character}: {question}") answer = question_agent( f"{} asks you: {question}. Reply with your response to them. " f"Do not include the question or any JSON. Only include your answer for {}." ) if could_be_json(answer) and action_tell.__name__ in answer: answer = loads(answer).get("parameters", {}).get("message", "") if len(answer.strip()) > 0: broadcast(f"{character} responds to {}: {answer}") return f"{character} responds: {answer}" return f"{character} does not respond." def action_tell(character: str, message: str) -> str: """ Tell another character a message. Args: character: The name of the character to tell. message: The message to tell them. """ # capture references to the current actor and room, because they will be overwritten _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() if not action_actor or not action_room: raise ValueError( "The current actor and room must be set before calling action_tell" ) # sanity checks if character == return "You cannot tell yourself a message. Stop talking to yourself. Try another action." question_actor, question_agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(character) if not question_actor: return f"The {character} character is not in the room." if not question_agent: return f"The {character} character does not exist." broadcast(f"{} tells {character}: {message}") answer = question_agent( f"{} tells you: {message}. Reply with your response to them. " f"Do not include the message or any JSON. Only include your reply to {}." ) if could_be_json(answer) and action_tell.__name__ in answer: answer = loads(answer).get("parameters", {}).get("message", "") if len(answer.strip()) > 0: broadcast(f"{character} responds to {}: {answer}") return f"{character} responds: {answer}" return f"{character} does not respond." def action_give(character: str, item_name: str) -> str: """ Give an item to another character in the room. Args: character: The name of the character to give the item to. item_name: The name of the item to give. """ _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() destination_actor = next( (actor for actor in action_room.actors if == character), None ) if not destination_actor: return f"The {character} character is not in the room." item = next((item for item in action_actor.items if == item_name), None) if not item: return f"You do not have the {item_name} item in your inventory." broadcast(f"{} gives {character} the {item_name} item") action_actor.items.remove(item) destination_actor.items.append(item) return f"You give the {item_name} item to {character}." def action_drop(item_name: str) -> str: """ Drop an item from your inventory into the room. Args: item_name: The name of the item to drop. """ _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() item = next((item for item in action_actor.items if == item_name), None) if not item: return f"You do not have the {item_name} item in your inventory." broadcast(f"{} drops the {item_name} item") action_actor.items.remove(item) action_room.items.append(item) return f"You drop the {item_name} item."