from json import dumps from readline import add_history from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, BaseMessage, HumanMessage from packit.utils import could_be_json class LocalPlayer: """ A human agent that can interact with the world. """ name: str backstory: str memory: List[str | BaseMessage] def __init__(self, name: str, backstory: str) -> None: = name self.backstory = backstory self.memory = [] def load_history(self, lines: Sequence[str | BaseMessage]): """ Load the history of the player's input. """ self.memory.extend(lines) for line in lines: if isinstance(line, BaseMessage): add_history(str(line.content)) else: add_history(line) def invoke(self, prompt: str, context: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> Any: """ Ask the player for input. """ return self(prompt, **context) def __call__(self, prompt: str, **kwargs) -> str: """ Ask the player for input. """ formatted_prompt = prompt.format(**kwargs) self.memory.append(HumanMessage(content=formatted_prompt)) print(formatted_prompt) reply = input(">>> ") reply = reply.strip() # if the reply starts with a tilde, it is a literal response and should be returned without the tilde if reply.startswith("~"): reply = reply[1:] self.memory.append(AIMessage(content=reply)) return reply # if the reply is JSON or a special command, return it as-is if could_be_json(reply) or reply.lower() in ["end", ""]: self.memory.append(AIMessage(content=reply)) return reply # turn other replies into a JSON function call action, *param_rest = reply.split(":", 1) param_str = ",".join(param_rest or []) param_pairs = param_str.split(",") def parse_value(value: str) -> str | bool | float | int: if value.startswith("~"): return value[1:] if value.lower() in ["true", "false"]: return value.lower() == "true" if value.isdecimal(): return float(value) if value.isnumeric(): return int(value) return value params = { key.strip(): parse_value(value.strip()) for key, value in ( pair.split("=", 1) for pair in param_pairs if len(pair.strip()) > 0 ) } reply_json = dumps( { "function": action, "parameters": params, } ) self.memory.append(AIMessage(content=reply_json)) return reply_json