from itertools import count from logging import getLogger from math import inf from typing import Callable, Sequence from packit.loops import loop_retry from packit.results import multi_function_or_str_result from packit.toolbox import Toolbox from packit.utils import could_be_json from adventure.actions.base import ( action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, ) from adventure.context import ( broadcast, get_actor_agent_for_name, get_actor_for_agent, get_current_step, get_current_world, set_current_actor, set_current_room, set_current_step, set_current_world, set_game_systems, ) from adventure.game_system import GameSystem from adventure.models.entity import World from adventure.models.event import ActionEvent, ReplyEvent, ResultEvent from adventure.utils.effect import is_active_effect from import find_room_with_actor from import describe_entity, format_attributes logger = getLogger(__name__) def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): current_world = get_current_world() if not current_world: raise ValueError( "The current world must be set before calling world_result_parser" ) logger.debug(f"parsing action for {}: {value}") current_actor = get_actor_for_agent(agent) current_room = next( (room for room in current_world.rooms if current_actor in room.actors), None ) set_current_room(current_room) set_current_actor(current_actor) return multi_function_or_str_result(value, agent=agent, **kwargs) def simulate_world( world: World, steps: float | int = inf, actions: Sequence[Callable[..., str]] = [], systems: Sequence[GameSystem] = [], ):"Simulating the world") set_current_world(world) set_game_systems(systems) # build a toolbox for the actions action_tools = Toolbox( [ action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, *actions, ] ) action_names = action_tools.list_tools() # simulate each actor for i in count(): current_step = get_current_step()"simulating step {i} of {steps} (world step {current_step})") for actor_name in world.order: actor, agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(actor_name) if not agent or not actor: logger.error(f"Agent or actor not found for name {actor_name}") continue room = find_room_with_actor(world, actor) if not room: logger.error(f"Actor {actor_name} is not in a room") continue # decrement effects on the actor and remove any that have expired for effect in actor.active_effects: if effect.duration is not None: effect.duration -= 1 actor.active_effects[:] = [ effect for effect in actor.active_effects if is_active_effect(effect) ] # collect data for the prompt room_actors = [ for actor in room.actors] room_items = [ for item in room.items] room_directions = [ for portal in room.portals] actor_attributes = format_attributes(actor) actor_items = [ for item in actor.items] # set up a result parser for the agent def result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): if not room or not actor: raise ValueError( "Room and actor must be set before parsing results" ) if could_be_json(value): event = ActionEvent.from_json(value, room, actor) else: event = ReplyEvent.from_text(value, room, actor) broadcast(event) return world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs) # prompt and act"starting turn for actor: %s", actor_name) result = loop_retry( agent, ( "You are currently in {room_name}. {room_description}. {attributes}. " "The room contains the following characters: {visible_actors}. " "The room contains the following items: {visible_items}. " "Your inventory contains the following items: {actor_items}." "You can take the following actions: {actions}. " "You can move in the following directions: {directions}. " "What will you do next? Reply with a JSON function call, calling one of the actions." "You can only perform one action per turn. What is your next action?" ), context={ "actions": action_names, "actor_items": actor_items, "attributes": actor_attributes, "directions": room_directions, "room_name":, "room_description": describe_entity(room), "visible_actors": room_actors, "visible_items": room_items, }, result_parser=result_parser, toolbox=action_tools, ) logger.debug(f"{} step result: {result}") if agent.memory: agent.memory.append(result) result_event = ResultEvent(result=result, room=room, actor=actor) broadcast(result_event) for system in systems: if system.simulate: system.simulate(world, current_step) set_current_step(current_step + 1) if i > steps:"reached step limit at world step %s", current_step + 1) break