from logging import getLogger from typing import Callable, List from packit.agent import Agent, agent_easy_connect from taleweave.context import ( action_context, broadcast, get_agent_for_character, get_current_turn, get_dungeon_master, get_game_systems, has_dungeon_master, set_dungeon_master, world_context, ) from taleweave.errors import ActionError from taleweave.generate import ( generate_item, generate_portals, generate_room, link_rooms, ) from taleweave.utils.effect import apply_effects, is_effect_ready from import find_character_in_room from taleweave.utils.string import normalize_name from taleweave.utils.template import format_prompt from import describe_entity logger = getLogger(__name__) # this is the fallback dungeon master if none is set if not has_dungeon_master(): llm = agent_easy_connect() set_dungeon_master( Agent( "dungeon master", format_prompt("world_default_dungeon_master"), {}, llm, ) ) def action_explore(direction: str) -> str: """ Explore the room in a new direction. You can only explore directions that do not already have a portal. Args: direction: The direction to explore. For example: inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, trapdoor, portal, etc. """ with world_context() as (action_world, action_room, action_character): dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() if direction in action_room.portals: dest_room = action_room.portals[direction] raise ActionError( format_prompt( "action_explore_error_direction", direction=direction, dest_room=dest_room, ) ) try: systems = get_game_systems() new_room = generate_room(dungeon_master, action_world, systems) action_world.rooms.append(new_room) # link the rooms together, starting with the current room outgoing_portal, incoming_portal = generate_portals( dungeon_master, action_world, action_room, new_room, systems, outgoing_name=direction, ) action_room.portals.append(outgoing_portal) new_room.portals.append(incoming_portal) link_rooms(dungeon_master, action_world, systems, [new_room]) broadcast( format_prompt( "action_explore_broadcast", action_character=action_character, action_room=action_room, direction=direction, new_room=new_room, ) ) return format_prompt( "action_explore_result", direction=direction, new_room=new_room ) except Exception: logger.exception("error generating room") return format_prompt("action_explore_error_generating", direction=direction) def action_search(unused: bool) -> str: """ Search the room for hidden items. """ with world_context() as (action_world, action_room, action_character): dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() if len(action_room.items) > 2: return format_prompt("action_search_error_full") try: systems = get_game_systems() new_item = generate_item( dungeon_master, action_world, systems, dest_room=action_room, ) action_room.items.append(new_item) broadcast( format_prompt( "action_search_broadcast", action_character=action_character, action_room=action_room, new_item=new_item, ) ) return format_prompt("action_search_result", new_item=new_item) except Exception: logger.exception("error generating item") return format_prompt("action_search_error_generating") def action_use(item: str, target: str) -> str: """ Use an item on yourself or another character in the room. Args: item: The name of the item to use. target: The name of the character to use the item on, or "self" to use the item on yourself. """ with action_context() as (action_room, action_character): dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() action_item = next( ( search_item for search_item in (action_character.items + action_room.items) if normalize_name( == normalize_name(item) ), None, ) if not action_item: raise ActionError(format_prompt("action_use_error_item", item=item)) if target == "self": target_character = action_character target = else: # TODO: allow targeting the room itself and items in the room target_character = find_character_in_room(action_room, target) if not target_character: return format_prompt("action_use_error_target", target=target) effect_names = [ for effect in action_item.effects] # TODO: should use a retry loop and enum result parser chosen_name = dungeon_master( format_prompt( "action_use_dm_effect", action_character=action_character, item=item, target=target, effect_names=effect_names, ) ) chosen_name = normalize_name(chosen_name) effect = next( ( search_effect for search_effect in action_item.effects if normalize_name( == chosen_name ), None, ) if not effect: raise ValueError(f"The {chosen_name} effect is not available to apply.") current_turn = get_current_turn() effect_ready = is_effect_ready(effect, current_turn) if effect_ready == "cooldown": raise ActionError( format_prompt("action_use_error_cooldown", effect=effect, item=item) ) elif effect_ready == "exhausted": raise ActionError( format_prompt("action_use_error_exhausted", effect=effect, item=item) ) elif effect.uses is not None: effect.uses -= 1 effect.last_used = current_turn try: apply_effects(target_character, [effect]) except Exception: logger.exception("error applying effect: %s", effect) raise ValueError( f"There was a problem applying the {chosen_name} effect while using the {item} item." ) broadcast( format_prompt( "action_use_broadcast_effect", action_character=action_character, effect=effect, item=item, target=target, ) ) outcome = dungeon_master( format_prompt( "action_use_dm_outcome", action_character=action_character, action_item=action_item, describe_entity=describe_entity, effect=effect, item=item, target_character=target_character, ) ) broadcast( format_prompt( "action_use_broadcast_outcome", action_character=action_character, action_item=action_item, effect=effect, item=item, target=target, outcome=outcome, ) ) # make sure both agents remember the outcome target_agent = get_agent_for_character(target_character) if target_agent and target_agent.memory: target_agent.memory.append(outcome) return outcome def init_optional() -> List[Callable]: """ Initialize the custom actions. """ return [ action_explore, action_search, action_use, ]