import argparse from os import path from typing import List, Tuple from taleweave.context import get_dungeon_master, get_game_systems, set_game_systems from taleweave.game_system import GameSystem from taleweave.generate import ( generate_character, generate_item, generate_portals, generate_room, link_rooms, ) from taleweave.main import load_or_initialize_system_data from taleweave.models.base import dump_model from taleweave.models.entity import World, WorldState from taleweave.plugins import load_plugin from taleweave.utils.file import load_yaml, save_yaml from import ( find_character, find_item, find_portal, find_room, list_characters, list_items, list_portals, list_rooms, ) from import describe_entity ENTITY_TYPES = ["room", "portal", "item", "character"] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Taleweave Editor") parser.add_argument("--state", type=str, help="State file to edit") parser.add_argument("--world", type=str, help="World file to edit") parser.add_argument("--systems", type=str, nargs="*", help="Game systems to load") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="Command to execute") subparsers.required = True # Set up the 'list' command list_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "list", help="List all entities or entities of a specific type" ) list_parser.add_argument( "type", help="Type of entity to list", choices=ENTITY_TYPES, nargs="?" ) # Set up the 'describe' command describe_parser = subparsers.add_parser("describe", help="Describe an entity") describe_parser.add_argument( "type", help="Type of entity to describe", choices=ENTITY_TYPES ) describe_parser.add_argument("entity", type=str, help="Entity to describe") # Set up the 'create' command create_parser = subparsers.add_parser("create", help="Create an entity") create_parser.add_argument( "type", help="Type of entity to create", choices=ENTITY_TYPES ) create_parser.add_argument("name", type=str, help="Name of the entity to create") create_parser.add_argument("--room", type=str, help="Room the entity is in") # Set up the 'generate' command generate_parser = subparsers.add_parser("generate", help="Generate an entity") generate_parser.add_argument( "type", help="Type of entity to generate", choices=ENTITY_TYPES ) generate_parser.add_argument( "prompt", type=str, help="Prompt to generate the entity" ) generate_parser.add_argument("--room", type=str, help="Room the entity is in") generate_parser.add_argument( "--dest-room", type=str, help="Destination room for portals" ) # Set up the 'delete' command delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser("delete", help="Delete an entity") delete_parser.add_argument( "type", help="Type of entity to delete", choices=ENTITY_TYPES ) delete_parser.add_argument("entity", type=str, help="Entity to delete") # Set up the 'update' command update_parser = subparsers.add_parser("update", help="Update an entity") update_parser.add_argument( "type", help="Type of entity to update", choices=ENTITY_TYPES ) update_parser.add_argument("entity", type=str, help="Entity to update") update_parser.add_argument("--backstory", type=str, help="Backstory of the entity") update_parser.add_argument( "--description", type=str, help="Description of the entity" ) # Set up the 'link' command link_parser = subparsers.add_parser("link", help="Link rooms") link_parser.add_argument( "rooms", type=str, nargs="*", help="Rooms to link. Leave blank to link all rooms.", ) return parser.parse_args() def load_world(state_file, world_file) -> Tuple[World, WorldState | None]: systems = [] if state_file and path.exists(state_file): with open(state_file, "r") as f: state = WorldState(**load_yaml(f)) load_or_initialize_system_data(world_file, systems, return (, state) if world_file and path.exists(world_file): with open(world_file, "r") as f: world = World(**load_yaml(f)) load_or_initialize_system_data(world_file, systems, world) return (world, None) raise ValueError("No state or world file found") def save_world(state_file, world_file, world: World, state: WorldState | None): if state: print(f"Saving world {} to {state_file}") return with open(state_file, "w") as f: save_yaml(f, dump_model(WorldState, state)) else: print(f"Saving world {} to {world_file}") return with open(world_file, "w") as f: save_yaml(f, dump_model(World, world)) def command_list(args): print(f"Listing {args.type}s") world, _ = load_world(args.state, print( if args.type == "room": for room in list_rooms(world): print( if args.type == "portal": for portal in list_portals(world): print( if args.type == "item": for item in list_items( world, include_character_inventory=True, include_item_inventory=True ): print( if args.type == "character": for character in list_characters(world): print( def command_describe(args): print(f"Describing {args.entity}") world, _ = load_world(args.state, print( if args.type == "room": room = find_room(world, args.entity) if not room: print(f"Room {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(room)) if args.type == "portal": portal = find_portal(world, args.entity) if not portal: print(f"Portal {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(portal)) if args.type == "item": item = find_item( world, args.entity, include_character_inventory=True, include_item_inventory=True, ) if not item: print(f"Item {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(item)) if args.type == "character": character = find_character(world, args.entity) if not character: print(f"Character {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(character)) def command_create(args): print(f"Create {args.type} named {}") world, state = load_world(args.state, print( # TODO: Create the entity save_world(args.state,, world, state) def command_generate(args): print(f"Generate {args.type} with prompt: {args.prompt}") world, state = load_world(args.state, print( dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() systems = get_game_systems() if args.type == "room": room = generate_room(dungeon_master, world, systems) world.rooms.append(room) if args.type == "portal": source_room = find_room(world, if not source_room: print(f"Room {} not found") return destination_room = find_room(world, args.dest_room) if not destination_room: print(f"Room {args.dest_room} not found") return outgoing_portal, incoming_portal = generate_portals( dungeon_master, world, source_room, destination_room, systems ) source_room.portals.append(outgoing_portal) destination_room.portals.append(incoming_portal) if args.type == "item": # TODO: add item to character or container inventory room = find_room(world, if not room: print(f"Room {} not found") return item = generate_item(dungeon_master, world, systems) room.items.append(item) if args.type == "character": room = find_room(world, if not room: print(f"Room {} not found") return character = generate_character( dungeon_master, world, systems, room, args.prompt ) room.characters.append(character) save_world(args.state,, world, state) def command_delete(args): print(f"Delete {args.entity}") world, state = load_world(args.state, print( # TODO: Delete the entity save_world(args.state,, world, state) def command_update(args): print(f"Update {args.entity}") world, state = load_world(args.state, print( if args.type == "room": room = find_room(world, args.entity) if not room: print(f"Room {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(room)) if args.type == "portal": portal = find_portal(world, args.entity) if not portal: print(f"Portal {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(portal)) if args.type == "item": item = find_item( world, args.entity, include_character_inventory=True, include_item_inventory=True, ) if not item: print(f"Item {args.entity} not found") else: print(describe_entity(item)) if args.type == "character": character = find_character(world, args.entity) if not character: print(f"Character {args.entity} not found") else: if args.backstory: character.backstory = args.backstory if args.description: character.description = args.description print(describe_entity(character)) save_world(args.state,, world, state) def command_link(args): print(f"Linking rooms {args.rooms}") world, state = load_world(args.state, print( dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() systems = get_game_systems() link_rooms(dungeon_master, world, systems) save_world(args.state,, world, state) COMMAND_TABLE = { "list": command_list, "describe": command_describe, "create": command_create, "generate": command_generate, "delete": command_delete, "update": command_update, "link": command_link, } def main(): args = parse_args() print(args) # load game systems before executing commands systems: List[GameSystem] = [] for system_name in or []: print(f"loading extra systems from {system_name}") module_systems = load_plugin(system_name) print(f"loaded extra systems: {module_systems}") systems.extend(module_systems) set_game_systems(systems) command = COMMAND_TABLE[args.command] command(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()