from json import load from logging.config import dictConfig from os import environ, path from typing import Callable, Dict, Sequence, Tuple from dotenv import load_dotenv from packit.agent import Agent, agent_easy_connect from packit.loops import loop_retry from packit.results import multi_function_or_str_result from packit.toolbox import Toolbox from packit.utils import logger_with_colors from adventure.context import set_current_broadcast from adventure.plugins import load_plugin # Configure logging LOG_PATH = "logging.json" # LOG_PATH = "dev-logging.json" try: if path.exists(LOG_PATH): with open(LOG_PATH, "r") as f: config_logging = load(f) dictConfig(config_logging) else: print("logging config not found") except Exception as err: print("error loading logging config: %s" % (err)) if True: from adventure.actions import ( action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, ) from adventure.context import ( get_actor_agent_for_name, get_actor_for_agent, get_current_world, get_step, set_current_actor, set_current_room, set_current_world, set_step, ) from adventure.generate import generate_world from adventure.models import Actor, Room, World, WorldState from adventure.state import create_agents, save_world, save_world_state logger = logger_with_colors(__name__, level="INFO") load_dotenv(environ.get("ADVENTURE_ENV", ".env"), override=True) # simulation def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): current_world = get_current_world() if not current_world: raise ValueError( "The current world must be set before calling world_result_parser" ) logger.debug(f"parsing action for {}: {value}") current_actor = get_actor_for_agent(agent) current_room = next( (room for room in current_world.rooms if current_actor in room.actors), None ) set_current_room(current_room) set_current_actor(current_actor) return multi_function_or_str_result(value, agent=agent, **kwargs) def simulate_world( world: World, steps: int = 10, actions: Sequence[Callable[..., str]] = [], systems: Sequence[ Tuple[Callable[[World, int], None], Callable[[Dict[str, str]], str] | None] ] = [], event_callbacks: Sequence[Callable[[str], None]] = [], input_callbacks: Sequence[Callable[[Room, Actor, str], None]] = [], result_callbacks: Sequence[Callable[[Room, Actor, str], None]] = [], ):"Simulating the world") set_current_world(world) # set up a broadcast callback def broadcast_callback(message): for callback in event_callbacks: callback(message) set_current_broadcast(broadcast_callback) # build a toolbox for the actions action_tools = Toolbox( [ action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, *actions, ] ) action_names = action_tools.list_tools() # simulate each actor for i in range(steps): current_step = get_step()"Simulating step {current_step}") for actor_name in world.order: actor, agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(actor_name) if not agent or not actor: logger.error(f"Agent or actor not found for name {actor_name}") continue room = next((room for room in world.rooms if actor in room.actors), None) if not room: logger.error(f"Actor {actor_name} is not in a room") continue room_actors = [ for actor in room.actors] room_items = [ for item in room.items] room_directions = list(room.portals.keys()) actor_attributes = " ".join( system_format(actor.attributes) for _, system_format in systems if system_format ) actor_items = [ for item in actor.items] def result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): for callback in input_callbacks: callback(room, actor, value) return world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs)"starting turn for actor: %s", actor_name) result = loop_retry( agent, ( "You are currently in {room_name}. {room_description}. {attributes}. " "The room contains the following characters: {visible_actors}. " "The room contains the following items: {visible_items}. " "Your inventory contains the following items: {actor_items}." "You can take the following actions: {actions}. " "You can move in the following directions: {directions}. " "What will you do next? Reply with a JSON function call, calling one of the actions." "You can only take one action per turn. Pick the most important action and save the rest for later." "What is your action?" ), context={ "actions": action_names, "actor_items": actor_items, "attributes": actor_attributes, "directions": room_directions, "room_name":, "room_description": room.description, "visible_actors": room_actors, "visible_items": room_items, }, result_parser=result_parser, toolbox=action_tools, ) logger.debug(f"{} step result: {result}") agent.memory.append(result) for callback in result_callbacks: callback(room, actor, result) for system_update, _ in systems: system_update(world, current_step) set_step(current_step + 1) # main def parse_args(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate and simulate a text adventure world" ) parser.add_argument( "--actions", type=str, nargs="*", help="Extra actions to include in the simulation", ) parser.add_argument( "--flavor", type=str, help="Some additional flavor text for the generated world" ) parser.add_argument( "--player", type=str, help="The name of the character to play as" ) parser.add_argument( "--rooms", type=int, default=5, help="The number of rooms to generate" ) parser.add_argument( "--max-rooms", type=int, help="The maximum number of rooms to generate" ) parser.add_argument( "--optional-actions", type=bool, help="Whether to include optional actions" ) parser.add_argument( "--server", type=str, help="The address on which to run the server" ) parser.add_argument( "--state", type=str, # default="world.state.json", help="The file to save the world state to. Defaults to $world.state.json, if not set", ) parser.add_argument( "--steps", type=int, default=10, help="The number of simulation steps to run" ) parser.add_argument( "--systems", type=str, nargs="*", help="Extra logic systems to run in the simulation", ) parser.add_argument( "--theme", type=str, default="fantasy", help="The theme of the generated world" ) parser.add_argument( "--world", type=str, default="world", help="The file to save the generated world to", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_args() world_file = + ".json" world_state_file = args.state or ( + ".state.json") players = [] if args.player: players.append(args.player) # set up callbacks event_callbacks = [] input_callbacks = [] result_callbacks = [] if args.server: from adventure.server import ( launch_server, server_action, server_event, server_result, server_system, ) launch_server() event_callbacks.append(server_event) input_callbacks.append(server_action) result_callbacks.append(server_result) memory = {} if path.exists(world_state_file):"Loading world state from {world_state_file}") with open(world_state_file, "r") as f: state = WorldState(**load(f)) set_step(state.step) memory = state.memory world = = elif path.exists(world_file):"Loading world from {world_file}") with open(world_file, "r") as f: world = World(**load(f)) else:"Generating a new {args.theme} world") llm = agent_easy_connect() agent = Agent( "World Builder", f"You are an experienced game master creating a visually detailed {args.theme} world for a new adventure. {args.flavor}", {}, llm, ) world = None def broadcast_callback(message): for callback in event_callbacks: callback(message) if args.server and world: server_system(world, 0) world = generate_world( agent,, args.theme, room_count=args.rooms, max_rooms=args.max_rooms, callback=broadcast_callback, ) save_world(world, world_file) create_agents(world, memory=memory, players=players) if args.server: server_system(world, 0) # load extra actions extra_actions = [] for action_name in args.actions or []:"Loading extra actions from {action_name}") module_actions = load_plugin(action_name) f"Loaded extra actions: {[action.__name__ for action in module_actions]}" ) extra_actions.extend(module_actions) if args.optional_actions:"Loading optional actions") from adventure.optional_actions import init as init_optional_actions optional_actions = init_optional_actions() f"Loaded optional actions: {[action.__name__ for action in optional_actions]}" ) extra_actions.extend(optional_actions) # load extra systems def snapshot_system(world: World, step: int) -> None: logger.debug("Snapshotting world state") save_world_state(world, step, world_state_file) extra_systems = [(snapshot_system, None)] for system_name in or []:"Loading extra systems from {system_name}") module_systems = load_plugin(system_name) f"Loaded extra systems: {[system.__name__ for system in module_systems]}" ) extra_systems.append(module_systems) # make sure the server system runs after any updates if args.server: extra_systems.append((server_system, None)) # start the sim logger.debug("Simulating world: %s", world) simulate_world( world, steps=args.steps, actions=extra_actions, systems=extra_systems, input_callbacks=input_callbacks, result_callbacks=result_callbacks, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()