from logging import getLogger from random import random from typing import Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import Field from yaml import Loader, load from adventure.models import Actor, Item, Room, World, dataclass from adventure.plugins import get_plugin_function logger = getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class LogicLabel: backstory: str description: str @dataclass class LogicRule: match: Dict[str, str] chance: float = 1.0 remove: Optional[List[str]] = None set: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None trigger: Optional[List[str]] = None @dataclass class LogicTable: rules: List[LogicRule] labels: Dict[str, Dict[str, LogicLabel]] = Field(default_factory=dict) with open("./worlds/logic.yaml") as file: logic_rules = LogicTable(**load(file, Loader=Loader)) logic_triggers = { rule: [get_plugin_function(trigger) for trigger in rule.trigger] for rule in logic_rules.rules if rule.trigger } def update_attributes( entity: Room | Actor | Item, attributes: Dict[str, str], dataset: LogicTable, ) -> Dict[str, str]: for rule in dataset.rules: if rule.match.items() <= attributes.items():"matched logic: %s", rule.match) if rule.chance < 1: if random() > rule.chance:"logic skipped by chance: %s", rule.chance) continue if rule.set: attributes.update(rule.set)"logic set state: %s", rule.set) for key in rule.remove or []: attributes.pop(key, None) if rule in logic_triggers: for trigger in logic_triggers[rule]: attributes = trigger(entity, attributes) return attributes def update_logic(world: World, step: int) -> None: for room in world.rooms: room.attributes = update_attributes(room, room.attributes, logic_rules) for actor in room.actors: actor.attributes = update_attributes(actor, actor.attributes, logic_rules) for item in actor.items: item.attributes = update_attributes(item, item.attributes, logic_rules) for item in room.items: item.attributes = update_attributes(item, item.attributes, logic_rules)"updated world attributes") def format_logic(attributes: Dict[str, str], self=True) -> str: labels = [] for attribute, value in attributes.items(): if attribute in logic_rules.labels and value in logic_rules.labels[attribute]: label = logic_rules.labels[attribute][value] if self: labels.append(label.backstory) else: labels.append(label.description) if len(labels) > 0:"adding labels: %s", labels) return " ".join(labels) def init():"initialized logic system") return (update_logic, format_logic)