from json import load from logging.config import dictConfig from os import environ, path from typing import Callable, Sequence, Tuple from dotenv import load_dotenv from packit.agent import Agent, agent_easy_connect from packit.loops import loop_retry from packit.results import multi_function_or_str_result from packit.toolbox import Toolbox from packit.utils import logger_with_colors from adventure.context import set_current_broadcast, set_dungeon_master from adventure.models import Attributes from adventure.plugins import load_plugin # Configure logging LOG_PATH = "logging.json" # LOG_PATH = "dev-logging.json" try: if path.exists(LOG_PATH): with open(LOG_PATH, "r") as f: config_logging = load(f) dictConfig(config_logging) else: print("logging config not found") except Exception as err: print("error loading logging config: %s" % (err)) if True: from adventure.actions import ( action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, ) from adventure.context import ( get_actor_agent_for_name, get_actor_for_agent, get_current_step, get_current_world, set_current_actor, set_current_room, set_current_step, set_current_world, ) from adventure.generate import generate_world from adventure.models import Actor, Room, World, WorldState from adventure.state import create_agents, save_world, save_world_state logger = logger_with_colors(__name__, level="DEBUG") load_dotenv(environ.get("ADVENTURE_ENV", ".env"), override=True) # simulation def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): current_world = get_current_world() if not current_world: raise ValueError( "The current world must be set before calling world_result_parser" ) logger.debug(f"parsing action for {}: {value}") current_actor = get_actor_for_agent(agent) current_room = next( (room for room in current_world.rooms if current_actor in room.actors), None ) set_current_room(current_room) set_current_actor(current_actor) return multi_function_or_str_result(value, agent=agent, **kwargs) def simulate_world( world: World, steps: int = 10, actions: Sequence[Callable[..., str]] = [], systems: Sequence[ Tuple[Callable[[World, int], None], Callable[[Attributes], str] | None] ] = [], event_callbacks: Sequence[Callable[[str], None]] = [], input_callbacks: Sequence[Callable[[Room, Actor, str], None]] = [], result_callbacks: Sequence[Callable[[Room, Actor, str], None]] = [], ):"Simulating the world") set_current_world(world) # set up a broadcast callback def broadcast_callback(message): for callback in event_callbacks: callback(message) set_current_broadcast(broadcast_callback) # build a toolbox for the actions action_tools = Toolbox( [ action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, *actions, ] ) action_names = action_tools.list_tools() # simulate each actor for i in range(steps): current_step = get_current_step()"Simulating step {current_step}") for actor_name in world.order: actor, agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(actor_name) if not agent or not actor: logger.error(f"Agent or actor not found for name {actor_name}") continue room = next((room for room in world.rooms if actor in room.actors), None) if not room: logger.error(f"Actor {actor_name} is not in a room") continue room_actors = [ for actor in room.actors] room_items = [ for item in room.items] room_directions = list(room.portals.keys()) actor_attributes = " ".join( system_format(actor.attributes) for _, system_format in systems if system_format ) actor_items = [ for item in actor.items] def result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): for callback in input_callbacks: f"calling input callback for {actor_name}: {callback.__name__}" ) callback(room, actor, value) return world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs)"starting turn for actor: %s", actor_name) result = loop_retry( agent, ( "You are currently in {room_name}. {room_description}. {attributes}. " "The room contains the following characters: {visible_actors}. " "The room contains the following items: {visible_items}. " "Your inventory contains the following items: {actor_items}." "You can take the following actions: {actions}. " "You can move in the following directions: {directions}. " "What will you do next? Reply with a JSON function call, calling one of the actions." "You can only perform one action per turn. What is your next action?" # Pick the most important action and save the rest for later." ), context={ "actions": action_names, "actor_items": actor_items, "attributes": actor_attributes, "directions": room_directions, "room_name":, "room_description": room.description, "visible_actors": room_actors, "visible_items": room_items, }, result_parser=result_parser, toolbox=action_tools, ) logger.debug(f"{} step result: {result}") agent.memory.append(result) for callback in result_callbacks: callback(room, actor, result) for system_update, _ in systems: system_update(world, current_step) set_current_step(current_step + 1) # main def parse_args(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate and simulate a text adventure world" ) parser.add_argument( "--actions", type=str, nargs="*", help="Extra actions to include in the simulation", ) parser.add_argument( "--discord", type=bool, help="Whether to run the simulation in a Discord bot" ) parser.add_argument( "--flavor", type=str, default="", help="Some additional flavor text for the generated world", ) parser.add_argument( "--player", type=str, help="The name of the character to play as" ) parser.add_argument( "--rooms", type=int, default=5, help="The number of rooms to generate" ) parser.add_argument( "--max-rooms", type=int, help="The maximum number of rooms to generate" ) parser.add_argument( "--optional-actions", type=bool, help="Whether to include optional actions" ) parser.add_argument( "--server", type=str, help="The address on which to run the server" ) parser.add_argument( "--state", type=str, # default="world.state.json", help="The file to save the world state to. Defaults to $world.state.json, if not set", ) parser.add_argument( "--steps", type=int, default=10, help="The number of simulation steps to run" ) parser.add_argument( "--systems", type=str, nargs="*", help="Extra systems to run in the simulation", ) parser.add_argument( "--theme", type=str, default="fantasy", help="The theme of the generated world" ) parser.add_argument( "--world", type=str, default="world", help="The file to save the generated world to", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_args() world_file = + ".json" world_state_file = args.state or ( + ".state.json") players = [] if args.player: players.append(args.player) # set up callbacks event_callbacks = [] input_callbacks = [] result_callbacks = [] if args.server: from adventure.server import ( launch_server, server_action, server_event, server_result, server_system, ) launch_server() event_callbacks.append(server_event) input_callbacks.append(server_action) result_callbacks.append(server_result) memory = {} if path.exists(world_state_file):"Loading world state from {world_state_file}") with open(world_state_file, "r") as f: state = WorldState(**load(f)) set_current_step(state.step) memory = state.memory world = = elif path.exists(world_file):"Loading world from {world_file}") with open(world_file, "r") as f: world = World(**load(f)) else:"Generating a new {args.theme} world") llm = agent_easy_connect() world_builder = Agent( "World Builder", f"You are an experienced game master creating a visually detailed {args.theme} world for a new adventure. {args.flavor}", {}, llm, ) world = None def broadcast_callback(message): for callback in event_callbacks: callback(message) if args.server and world: server_system(world, 0) world = generate_world( world_builder,, args.theme, room_count=args.rooms, max_rooms=args.max_rooms, callback=broadcast_callback, ) save_world(world, world_file) create_agents(world, memory=memory, players=players) if args.server: server_system(world, 0) # load extra actions extra_actions = [] for action_name in args.actions or []:"Loading extra actions from {action_name}") module_actions = load_plugin(action_name) f"Loaded extra actions: {[action.__name__ for action in module_actions]}" ) extra_actions.extend(module_actions) if args.optional_actions:"Loading optional actions") from adventure.optional_actions import init as init_optional_actions optional_actions = init_optional_actions() f"Loaded optional actions: {[action.__name__ for action in optional_actions]}" ) extra_actions.extend(optional_actions) # load extra systems def snapshot_system(world: World, step: int) -> None: logger.debug("Snapshotting world state") save_world_state(world, step, world_state_file) extra_systems = [(snapshot_system, None)] for system_name in or []:"Loading extra systems from {system_name}") module_systems = load_plugin(system_name) f"Loaded extra systems: {[component.__name__ for system in module_systems for component in system]}" ) extra_systems.extend(module_systems) # make sure the server system runs after any updates if args.server: extra_systems.append((server_system, None)) # create the DM llm = agent_easy_connect() world_builder = Agent( "dungeon master", ( f"You are the dungeon master in charge of a {world.theme} world. Be creative and original, and come up with " f"interesting events that will keep players interested. {args.flavor}" "Do not to repeat yourself unless you are given the same prompt with the same characters and actions." ), {}, llm, ) set_dungeon_master(world_builder) # start the sim logger.debug("Simulating world: %s", world) simulate_world( world, steps=args.steps, actions=extra_actions, systems=extra_systems, input_callbacks=input_callbacks, result_callbacks=result_callbacks, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()