rules: # weather logic - group: weather match: type: room outdoor: true weather: sunny chance: 0.1 set: weather: cloudy - group: weather match: type: room outdoor: true weather: cloudy chance: 0.1 set: weather: rainy - group: weather match: type: room outdoor: true weather: rainy chance: 0.1 set: weather: sunny - group: weather match: type: room outdoor: true weather: cloudy chance: 0.1 set: weather: sunny labels: - match: type: room weather: sunny backstory: The sun is shining brightly. description: The sun is shining brightly. - match: type: room weather: cloudy backstory: The sky is overcast. description: The sky is overcast. - match: type: room weather: rainy backstory: Rain is falling from the sky. description: Rain is falling from the sky.