from random import randint from adventure.context import ( broadcast, get_dungeon_master, get_game_systems, world_context, ) from adventure.generate import generate_item from adventure.models.base import dataclass from adventure.models.entity import Item @dataclass class Recipe: ingredients: list[str] result: str difficulty: int recipes = { "potion": Recipe(["herb", "water"], "potion", 5), "sword": Recipe(["metal", "wood"], "sword", 10), } def action_craft(item: str) -> str: """ Craft an item using available recipes and inventory items. Args: item: The name of the item to craft. """ with world_context() as (action_world, _, action_character): if item not in recipes: return f"There is no recipe to craft a {item}." recipe = recipes[item] # Check if the character has the required skill level skill = randint(1, 20) if skill < recipe.difficulty: return f"You need a crafting skill level of {recipe.difficulty} to craft {item}." # Collect inventory items names inventory_items = { for item in action_character.items} # Check for sufficient ingredients missing_items = [ item for item in recipe.ingredients if item not in inventory_items ] if missing_items: return f"You are missing {' and '.join(missing_items)} to craft {item}." # Deduct the ingredients from inventory for ingredient in recipe.ingredients: item_to_remove = next( item for item in action_character.items if == ingredient ) action_character.items.remove(item_to_remove) # Create and add the crafted item to inventory result_item = next( (item for item in action_character.items if == recipe.result), None, ) if result_item: new_item = Item(**vars(result_item)) # Copying the item else: dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() systems = get_game_systems() new_item = generate_item( dungeon_master, action_world, systems ) # TODO: pass crafting recipe and generate from that action_character.items.append(new_item) broadcast(f"{} crafts a {item}.") return f"You successfully craft a {item}."