from functools import partial from itertools import count from json import loads from logging import getLogger from math import inf from typing import Callable, Sequence from packit.agent import Agent from packit.conditions import condition_or, condition_threshold from packit.loops import loop_reduce, loop_retry from packit.results import multi_function_or_str_result from packit.toolbox import Toolbox from packit.utils import could_be_json from adventure.actions.base import ( action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, ) from adventure.actions.planning import ( check_calendar, erase_notes, get_recent_notes, read_notes, replace_note, schedule_event, take_note, ) from adventure.context import ( broadcast, get_actor_agent_for_name, get_actor_for_agent, get_current_step, get_current_world, set_current_actor, set_current_room, set_current_step, set_current_world, set_game_systems, ) from adventure.game_system import GameSystem from adventure.models.entity import Actor, Room, World from adventure.models.event import ActionEvent, ReplyEvent, ResultEvent from adventure.utils.conversation import make_keyword_condition, summarize_room from adventure.utils.effect import expire_effects from adventure.utils.planning import expire_events, get_upcoming_events from import find_room_with_actor from import describe_entity, format_attributes logger = getLogger(__name__) def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): current_world = get_current_world() if not current_world: raise ValueError( "The current world must be set before calling world_result_parser" ) logger.debug(f"parsing action for {}: {value}") current_actor = get_actor_for_agent(agent) current_room = next( (room for room in current_world.rooms if current_actor in room.actors), None ) set_current_room(current_room) set_current_actor(current_actor) return multi_function_or_str_result(value, agent=agent, **kwargs) def prompt_actor_action( room, actor, agent, action_names, action_toolbox, current_turn ) -> str: # collect data for the prompt notes_prompt, events_prompt = get_notes_events(actor, current_turn) room_actors = [ for actor in room.actors] room_items = [ for item in room.items] room_directions = [ for portal in room.portals] actor_attributes = format_attributes(actor) # actor_effects = [ for effect in actor.active_effects] actor_items = [ for item in actor.items] # set up a result parser for the agent def result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs): if not room or not actor: raise ValueError("Room and actor must be set before parsing results") # trim suffixes that are used elsewhere value = value.removesuffix("END").strip() # fix unbalanced curly braces if value.startswith("{") and not value.endswith("}"): open_count = value.count("{") close_count = value.count("}") if open_count > close_count: fixed_value = value + ("}" * (open_count - close_count)) try: loads(fixed_value) value = fixed_value except Exception: pass if could_be_json(value): event = ActionEvent.from_json(value, room, actor) else: event = ReplyEvent.from_text(value, room, actor) broadcast(event) return world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs) # prompt and act"starting turn for actor: %s", result = loop_retry( agent, ( "You are currently in the {room_name} room. {room_description}. {attributes}. " "The room contains the following characters: {visible_actors}. " "The room contains the following items: {visible_items}. " "Your inventory contains the following items: {actor_items}." "You can take the following actions: {actions}. " "You can move in the following directions: {directions}. " "{notes_prompt} {events_prompt}" "What will you do next? Reply with a JSON function call, calling one of the actions." "You can only perform one action per turn. What is your next action?" ), context={ "actions": action_names, "actor_items": actor_items, "attributes": actor_attributes, "directions": room_directions, "room_name":, "room_description": describe_entity(room), "visible_actors": room_actors, "visible_items": room_items, "notes_prompt": notes_prompt, "events_prompt": events_prompt, }, result_parser=result_parser, toolbox=action_toolbox, ) logger.debug(f"{} step result: {result}") if agent.memory: # TODO: make sure this is not duplicating memories and wasting space agent.memory.append(result) return result def get_notes_events(actor: Actor, current_turn: int): recent_notes = get_recent_notes(actor) upcoming_events = get_upcoming_events(actor, current_turn) if len(recent_notes) > 0: notes = "\n".join(recent_notes) notes_prompt = f"Your recent notes are: {notes}\n" else: notes_prompt = "You have no recent notes.\n" if len(upcoming_events) > 0: current_step = get_current_step() events = [ f"{} in {event.turn - current_step} turns" for event in upcoming_events ] events = "\n".join(events) events_prompt = f"Upcoming events are: {events}\n" else: events_prompt = "You have no upcoming events.\n" return notes_prompt, events_prompt def prompt_actor_think( room: Room, actor: Actor, agent: Agent, planner_toolbox: Toolbox, current_turn: int ) -> str: notes_prompt, events_prompt = get_notes_events(actor, current_turn) event_count = len( note_count = len(actor.planner.notes)"starting planning for actor: %s", _, condition_end, result_parser = make_keyword_condition("You are done planning.") stop_condition = condition_or(condition_end, partial(condition_threshold, max=3)) result = loop_reduce( agent, "You are about to start your turn. Plan your next action carefully. Take notes and schedule events to help keep track of your goals. " "You can check your notes for important facts or check your calendar for upcoming events. You have {note_count} notes. " "If you have plans with other characters, schedule them on your calendar. You have {event_count} events on your calendar. " "{room_summary}" "Think about your goals and any quests that you are working on, and plan your next action accordingly. " "Try to keep your notes accurate and up-to-date. Replace or erase old notes when they are no longer accurate or useful. " "Do not keeps notes about upcoming events, use your calendar for that. " "You can perform up to 3 planning actions in a single turn. When you are done planning, reply with 'END'." "{notes_prompt} {events_prompt}", context={ "event_count": event_count, "events_prompt": events_prompt, "note_count": note_count, "notes_prompt": notes_prompt, "room_summary": summarize_room(room, actor), }, result_parser=result_parser, stop_condition=stop_condition, toolbox=planner_toolbox, ) if agent.memory: agent.memory.append(result) return result def simulate_world( world: World, steps: float | int = inf, actions: Sequence[Callable[..., str]] = [], systems: Sequence[GameSystem] = [], ):"simulating the world") set_current_world(world) set_game_systems(systems) # build a toolbox for the actions action_tools = Toolbox( [ action_ask, action_give, action_look, action_move, action_take, action_tell, *actions, ] ) action_names = action_tools.list_tools() # build a toolbox for the planners planner_toolbox = Toolbox( [ take_note, read_notes, replace_note, erase_notes, schedule_event, check_calendar, ] ) # simulate each actor for i in count(): current_step = get_current_step()"simulating step {i} of {steps} (world step {current_step})") for actor_name in world.order: actor, agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(actor_name) if not agent or not actor: logger.error(f"agent or actor not found for name {actor_name}") continue room = find_room_with_actor(world, actor) if not room: logger.error(f"actor {actor_name} is not in a room") continue # prep context set_current_room(room) set_current_actor(actor) # decrement effects on the actor and remove any that have expired expire_effects(actor) expire_events(actor, current_step) # give the actor a chance to think and check their planner if agent.memory and len(agent.memory) > 0: try: thoughts = prompt_actor_think( room, actor, agent, planner_toolbox, current_step ) logger.debug(f"{} thinks: {thoughts}") except Exception: logger.exception(f"error during planning for actor {}") result = prompt_actor_action( room, actor, agent, action_names, action_tools, current_step ) result_event = ResultEvent(result=result, room=room, actor=actor) broadcast(result_event) for system in systems: if system.simulate: system.simulate(world, current_step) set_current_step(current_step + 1) if i >= steps:"reached step limit at world step %s", current_step + 1) break