from functools import partial, wraps from logging import getLogger from os import path from random import random from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Protocol from pydantic import Field from rule_engine import Rule from yaml import Loader, load from taleweave.game_system import FormatPerspective, GameSystem from taleweave.models.entity import Attributes, World, WorldEntity, dataclass from taleweave.plugins import get_plugin_function logger = getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class LogicLabel: backstory: str | None = None description: str | None = None match: Optional[Attributes] = None rule: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class LogicRuleTrigger: function: str parameters: Optional[Attributes] = Field(default_factory=dict) @dataclass class LogicRule: chance: float = 1.0 group: Optional[str] = None match: Optional[Attributes] = None remove: Optional[List[str]] = None rule: Optional[str] = None set: Optional[Attributes] = None trigger: Optional[List[str | LogicRuleTrigger]] = None @dataclass class LogicTable: rules: List[LogicRule] = Field(default_factory=list) labels: List[LogicLabel] = Field(default_factory=list) class LogicTrigger(Protocol): def __call__(self, entity: WorldEntity, **kwargs): # comment to keep lint from combining this with the next line ... TriggerTable = Dict[str, LogicTrigger] def match_logic( entity: WorldEntity, matcher: LogicLabel | LogicRule, ) -> bool: typed_attributes = { **entity.attributes, "type": entity.type, } if matcher.rule: # TODO: pre-compile rules rule_impl = Rule(matcher.rule) if not rule_impl.matches( { "attributes": typed_attributes, } ): logger.debug("logic rule did not match attributes: %s", matcher.rule) return False if matcher.match and not (matcher.match.items() <= typed_attributes.items()): logger.debug("logic did not match attributes: %s", matcher.match) return False return True def update_attributes( entity: WorldEntity, rules: LogicTable, triggers: TriggerTable, ) -> None: skip_groups = set() for rule in rules.rules: if if in skip_groups: logger.debug("already ran a rule from group %s, skipping", continue if not match_logic(entity, rule): continue"matched logic: %s", rule.match) if rule.chance < 1: if random() > rule.chance:"logic skipped by chance: %s", rule.chance) continue if skip_groups.add( for key in rule.remove or []: entity.attributes.pop(key, None) if rule.set: entity.attributes.update(rule.set)"logic set state: %s", rule.set) if rule.trigger: for trigger in rule.trigger: if isinstance(trigger, str): trigger_name = trigger trigger_params: Attributes = {} else: trigger_name = trigger.function trigger_params = trigger.parameters or {} if trigger_name in triggers: trigger_function = triggers[trigger_name] trigger_function(entity, **trigger_params) def update_logic( world: World, turn: int, data: Any | None = None, *, rules: LogicTable, triggers: TriggerTable, ) -> None: for room in world.rooms: update_attributes(room, rules=rules, triggers=triggers) for character in room.characters: update_attributes(character, rules=rules, triggers=triggers) for item in character.items: update_attributes(item, rules=rules, triggers=triggers) for item in room.items: update_attributes(item, rules=rules, triggers=triggers)"updated world attributes") def format_logic( entity: WorldEntity, rules: LogicTable, perspective: FormatPerspective = FormatPerspective.SECOND_PERSON, ) -> List[str]: labels = [] for label in rules.labels: if match_logic(entity, label): if perspective == FormatPerspective.SECOND_PERSON and label.backstory: labels.append(label.backstory) elif perspective == FormatPerspective.THIRD_PERSON and label.description: labels.append(label.description) else: logger.debug("label has no relevant description: %s", label) if len(labels) > 0: logger.debug("adding attribute labels: %s", labels) return labels def load_logic(filename: str, name_prefix: str = "logic") -> GameSystem: basename = path.splitext(path.basename(filename))[0] system_name = f"{name_prefix}_{basename}""loading logic from file %s as system %s", filename, system_name) with open(filename) as file: logic_rules = LogicTable(**load(file, Loader=Loader)) logic_triggers = {} for rule in logic_rules.rules: if rule.trigger: for trigger in rule.trigger: function_name = ( trigger if isinstance(trigger, str) else trigger.function ) logic_triggers[trigger] = get_plugin_function(function_name)"initialized logic system") system_format = wraps(format_logic)(partial(format_logic, rules=logic_rules)) system_initialize = wraps(update_logic)( partial(update_logic, turn=0, rules=logic_rules, triggers=logic_triggers) ) system_simulate = wraps(update_logic)( partial(update_logic, rules=logic_rules, triggers=logic_triggers) ) return GameSystem( name=system_name, format=system_format, initialize=system_initialize, simulate=system_simulate, )