from collections import deque from json import dump from os import path from typing import Dict, List, Sequence from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, BaseMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage from packit.agent import Agent, agent_easy_connect from pydantic import RootModel from taleweave.context import ( get_all_character_agents, get_game_config, set_character_agent, ) from taleweave.models.entity import World from taleweave.player import LocalPlayer def create_agents( world: World, memory: Dict[str, List[str | Dict[str, str]]] = {}, players: List[str] = [], ): # set up agents for each character llm = agent_easy_connect() for room in world.rooms: for character in room.characters: if in players: agent = LocalPlayer(, character.backstory) agent_memory = restore_memory(memory.get(, [])) agent.load_history(agent_memory) else: agent = Agent(, character.backstory, {}, llm) agent.memory = restore_memory(memory.get(, [])) set_character_agent(, character, agent) def graph_world(world: World, turn: int): import graphviz graph_name = f"{path.basename(}-{turn}" graph = graphviz.Digraph(graph_name, format="png") for room in world.rooms: characters = [ for character in room.characters] room_label = "\n".join([, *characters]) graph.node(, room_label) for portal in room.portals: graph.edge(, portal.destination, graph_path = path.dirname( graph.render(directory=graph_path) def snapshot_world(world: World, turn: int): # save the world itself, along with the turn number and the memory of each agent json_world = RootModel[World](world).model_dump() json_memory = {} for character, agent in get_all_character_agents(): json_memory[] = list(agent.memory or []) return { "world": json_world, "memory": json_memory, "turn": turn, } def restore_memory( data: Sequence[str | Dict[str, str]] ) -> deque[str | AIMessage | HumanMessage | SystemMessage]: config = get_game_config() memories = [] for memory in data: if isinstance(memory, str): memories.append(memory) elif isinstance(memory, dict): memory_content = memory["content"] memory_type = memory["type"] if memory_type == "human": memories.append(HumanMessage(content=memory_content)) elif memory_type == "system": memories.append(SystemMessage(content=memory_content)) elif memory_type == "ai": memories.append(AIMessage(content=memory_content)) return deque(memories, def save_world(world, filename): with open(filename, "w") as f: json_world = RootModel[World](world).model_dump_json(indent=2) f.write(json_world) def save_world_state(world, turn, filename): graph_world(world, turn) json_state = snapshot_world(world, turn) with open(filename, "w") as f: dump(json_state, f, default=world_json, indent=2) def world_json(obj): if isinstance(obj, BaseMessage): return { "content": obj.content, "type": obj.type, } raise ValueError(f"Cannot serialize {obj}")