from logging import getLogger from typing import Any, Dict, List from taleweave.context import get_current_world, get_prompt_library, subscribe from taleweave.game_system import FormatPerspective, GameSystem from taleweave.models.entity import Character, Room, World, WorldEntity from taleweave.models.event import ActionEvent, GameEvent from taleweave.utils.prompt import format_str from import find_containing_room, find_portal, find_room logger = getLogger(__name__) def create_move_digest( world: World, active_room: Room, active_character: Character, event: ActionEvent, ) -> str: source_room = direction = str(event.parameters.get("direction")) destination_portal = find_portal(world, direction) if not destination_portal: raise ValueError(f"Could not find portal for direction {direction}") destination_room = find_room(world, destination_portal.destination) if not destination_room: raise ValueError( f"Could not find destination room {destination_portal.destination}" ) # look up the source portal source_portal = next( ( portal for portal in destination_room.portals if portal.destination == ), None, ) if not source_portal: raise ValueError(f"Could not find source portal for {}") mode = "self" if (event.character == active_character) else "other" mood = "enter" if (destination_room == active_room) else "exit" message = format_str( f"digest_move_{mode}_{mood}", destination_portal=destination_portal, destination_room=destination_room, direction=direction, source_portal=source_portal, source_room=source_room, ) return message def create_turn_digest( world: World, active_room: Room, active_character: Character, turn_events: List[GameEvent], ) -> List[str]: library = get_prompt_library() messages = [] for event in turn_events: if isinstance(event, ActionEvent): # special handling for move actions if event.action == "action_move": message = create_move_digest( world, active_room, active_character, event ) messages.append(message) elif event.character == active_character or == active_room: prompt_key = f"digest_{event.action}" if prompt_key in library.prompts: try: template = library.prompts[prompt_key] message = format_str( template, active_character=active_character, active_room=active_room, event=event, ) messages.append(message) except Exception: logger.exception("error formatting digest event: %s", event) return messages character_buffers: Dict[str, List[GameEvent]] = {} def digest_listener(event: GameEvent): if isinstance(event, ActionEvent): character = # append the event to every character's buffer except the one who triggered it. the # acting character should have their buffer reset, because they can only act on their turn for name, buffer in character_buffers.items(): if name == character: buffer.clear() else: buffer.append(event) def format_digest( entity: WorldEntity, perspective: FormatPerspective = FormatPerspective.SECOND_PERSON, ) -> str: if not isinstance(entity, Character): return "" buffer = character_buffers[] world = get_current_world() if not world: raise ValueError("No world found") room = find_containing_room(world, entity) if not room: raise ValueError("Character not found in any room") digest = create_turn_digest(world, room, entity, buffer) return "\n".join(digest) def generate_digest(agent: Any, theme: str, entity: WorldEntity): if isinstance(entity, Character): if not in character_buffers: character_buffers[] = [] def initialize_digest(world: World): for room in world.rooms: for character in room.characters: character_buffers[] = [] def init(): subscribe(GameEvent, digest_listener) return [ GameSystem( "digest", format=format_digest, generate=generate_digest, initialize=initialize_digest, ) ]